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in this video, i show you how you can balance flash, and low levels of ambient light, in thesecond part of the red riding hood themed shoot. adorama tv presents, take and make great photography with gavin hoey. hello, i'm gavin hoey and you're watching adorama tv, brought to you by adorama, the camera store that has everything for us photographer's. and today well, you can see i'm not actually in mylittle studio. we're out in the woods, because we're gonna do a red riding hood themed shoot, butoutdoors.
now to do this of course i need a model,so let me introduce you to fern, say hello fern. fern has joined me again, very brave, in this lovely warm, it's lovely out here isn't it? the uk is always lovely and sunny! we're going to a do a little shoot out here, we're going to mix a bit of flash as well so, it's gonna be an extension of ourprevious studio shoot. so with that in mind, let's get going. so for the first set up, we're gonna do something fairly straightforward. a nice kind of head and shoulder shot out here, and i've got some flash gear that i'm gonna use. but let's start without flashing, just
to see what we get. now the lighting today can best bedescribed as, flat, but let's take a shot. now i'm going to use my canon 70-200 millimeter f2.8 lens, gorgeous lens for portraits, and givessome lovely creamy blurry backgrounds, especially when you shoot wide-open f2.8. now i've got to watch my shutter speed here, i've got nothing other than the cameraand the lens, no extra lighting, and at a hundred iso, my shutter speed is very, very slow, even wide-open at f2.8. so let's really bump up that iso setting we can go up to 400 iso keep my shutterspeed up,
and my pictures sharper. so they work pretty well,l but they arevery flat, and lack a little bit of drama, and that's where lighting can come in. wecan add our own lighting into this scene to create our own, rather more dramatic image. so, for the lighting i'm going to use thethe rove light 600. this is a studio powered flash, i mean it's a a very powerful flash but the best bitabout it, is that it's battery-powered, so there's no cables, there's nothinghere that to is gonna cause me to have any problems
even shooting in the woods. we just need to get this in the right position, and of course i need the little remote control to go on top of the camera, to trigger the rove light. ok, so let's work out what we need todo for exposure. now i'm gonna start by taking an ambientmeter reading, so i'm in aperture priority mode, i amin my chosen aperture f2.8, and i'm gonna drop down to iso a hundred, that's where i want to be.now if i take my ambient meter reading from here, my camera is telling me, wow,
it's telling me a tenth of a second, that'show dark it is down here, it is the middle of the afternoon, is crazy dark. but we can work with that, so that's atenth of a second. now i'm actually gonna switch to manual,i'm gonna deliberately underexpose the ambient light. so tenth of a second f2.8. iso a 100, is thecorrect exposure, i'm going to go for a thirtieth a second. that's a stop and a bit underexposed, let's just take a shot without the flashfiring so you can see how that looks. as you can see,it's a little under exposed, but we still have detail in the background
now, we're gonna add in the flash, but weneed to work out how bright to make that flash. remember my target aperture is f2.8. so let's turn the flash meter on. soall i'm going to do it pop the meter underneath fern's chain or thereabouts,and we'll take a meter reading. at the moment that's telling me f5.6, that's one way too bright. i just need toturn this down, two stops at six clicks, and then i can take another meter reading, and that's telling me f2.8 so i've hit my target aperture
for my flash, my flash is producing f2.8 oflight, its gonna balance with the ambient, andhopefully that'll just fill in the shadows. and give it a shot i'm after. ok let'stake the shot and find out. ok fern, here we go! so, that's lovely. can you bring your hood up over your head for me. ok, so there we go we've got some greatshots, and that shows you that by balancing theambient light and the flash you can get some great shots that giveyou the best to both,
but give you ultimate control over theend result. ok so let's try something different let's move on, try another location. we've moved to another location, we've got very different lighting here than inside of the words. i'm gonna do a veryslightly different way of working because the lighting here is bright enough,that i might find that my shutter speed goes to my maximum sync speed of thiscamera, which is one two hundredth of a second. so i'm gonna jump into tv or shutter priority mode here on mycanon. my six speed is two hundredth of a second, but i always was work a little below that, so
1/160 of a second. i'm going to take ameter reading and let the camera tell me what aperturei can work at. my camera is tellingl me f2.8. now 160th, iso 100 f2.8 would give me a perfectexposure on the background, i wanna slightly under expose so i'mgonna shoot to f4 instead. ok so switch to manual, 1 -160th of second, f4, iso 100, that's locked in. now what i need to do to get the flash to flash at f4,
so fern becomes correctly exposed and my background is slightly underexposed. i'll come and take a testreading pointing the meter reading back at the flash. ok i'm actually on f5, so we can just dropthat down just a little bit, to f4, so my flash is producing exactlythe right amount of light, and i should get the shot that i'm after. so we've moved around and i'm going to do a different shot. now we're gonna do a wide shot. so i've switched out to my 24-105mm lens, and i've changed the position the light, we've now got it going much higher in the air, a very different lighting look. i need totake an ambient meter reading first of all,
so i'm gonna go to the wide angle end ofmy lens to try and get a nice ambient feeling and i'm gonnachoose, we might have to go up a bit on the iso, let's have a little go here. iso 100 atthe moment, f4, and that gives me an ambient reading. it'sstill about a tenth of a second, so it's it's not as bad as it looks. so a tenth of a second is my ambient andthe switch to manual and if i had a tenth of a second f4,well that would be correctly exposed, and all of this would be correctly and nice and bright. but to make it a little bit more night-timey, i'm going to go from a tenth of a second
to a twentieth of a second, that's one stop. a twentieth of a second, and from a fortieth of a second, thats two stops, and from a fortieth, well we're going to go to a sixtieth. so that's two-and-a-half stopsunderexposed ambient light. so my target aperture is f4, just pop the little trigger back on. we needto make sure the flash produces f4 light that hits fern. let's just get the flash meter,we'll take a meter reading, pop it underneath the chin,
and its current enemy f5.6. so that's a stop of light too much, we can just drop it down one stop. take a meter reading and i'm gettingf4. in theory all i have to do is pressthe button, that's the easy bit. ok, let's take some shots and find out.are you ready? i've got to think about the background when taking these shots, try get once shots, nice background so there you go, by combining the ambient light, the flash, changing yourlens and changing your opposition,
you can create a whole raft of differentpictures. now what i need to do to get my favourite picture into photoshop, and do a little better processing, and we're going to do that right now. don't forget to check out adorama'slatest contest! and your chance to win amazing prizes! it's great to be back in the warm. it was freezing out there, and everybody who worked on that shoot did a brilliant job to disguise that fact. one thing i can't disguise however isthe lighting on their shots, and i worked hard try getthe lighting how i wanted it.
nonetheless there's always a little bit ofroom for improvement inside of photoshop, so let's see why we can do. so this is the shot from the very last set up we did, and although it's fine, i got the exposure the way i want it, i'd like just a little bit more light around by fern's feet. now to do it i'm going to use oneof the features here inside a camera raw, is called the radial filter. now theradial filter i can apply all sorts of things, let's just change the exposurefor now and i'm gonna add 1 and 1/2 stops of exposure i just drag out, a little circle like so. i can move that around,
and i can pop it anywhere i want. it'sworth noting that i got my circle set so it's on the inside setting otherwise it would havethe opposite effect. i reckon we can go a little bit brighterthan that, maybe up to about two stops. if i go too bright it starts to affect fern's dress, we lose detail there. so i might need to balance up the exposure, and the highlights, just to bring some of that back as well ok, i'm happy with that is click the okbutton. that gives me that little splash of light around by her feet if i had a second light i might've beenable to add that in a lot easier in camera. but one thing that would've beenvery hard to add would be some
rays of light because i want to showthat the light is coming in from the side, and if we'd have had a a smoke machine we might have been able to do that. we didn't, so we couldn't, so i'm gonna do it inphotoshop. now to do it first of all, i'm gonna make a brand-newempty layer, so let's go up to layer, new, and layer. now my rays of light are gonna be a paintbrush, and the brush i'mgoing to use i'm actually needing to download first of all
and fortunately i know exactly where is, because it's on my website. so it's a free paintbrush, if you go to my website 'gavtrain.com' search for ray of light brushes you can downloadthem for free and then we need to do is go back tophotoshop, unzip the paint brushes, here they are unzipped,and i'll install them into photoshop by dragging them and dropping them, noton the picture but on the the bar along the top wherei've got all of the titles, there, and thats installed the paintbrushes, so what i have to do now is go and choose one. let's go find a brush from here,
and we'll go down to the bottom and you'llfind that they're hidden away here, just extend that down. i'm gonna go with this oneright there. so with one click on the brush in themiddle of the frame it adds in a ray of light, but of course i don't really want it there. i need to move it around slightly thisis why we put it on its own separate layer because now good i can go to edit, free transform, spin this around and reposition it, and resize it, and reshapeit exactly how i want it like that. and notonly that but i can also go to the opacity for that layer
and change it from 100% and we'll justbring it down to around about 20 ish there about 20, 25 there you go, closeenough, that will do for me, and that just adds a hint of rays of light coming in without overpowering the whole scene. there you go, that's my final picture completed. now ifyou've enjoyed this video and you want to see more videos from myself andthe other amazing presenters here at adorama tv, you know what yougot to do. you click on the, it's this side, the subscribe button right there!i'm gavin hoey thanks for watching!
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