Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing zen u1
press the menu button on your android tablet. select the “settings†option from mainmenu: after select the “wireless & networks†option from first row. make sure that wi-fiis not connected if connected uncheck it. because wi-fi and 3g and internet dongle cannotbe operated simultaneously. now connect your usb data card dongle to tablet using the usbport or usb dongle adapter. enable 3g option by selecting the “3g†option from samemenu. wait for 1-2 min after which the signal strength will show up on the status bar onleft side of the battery status indicator. if no signal bar appear on tablet even after2-3 min then remove usb data card and check if sim is inserted properly then re insertit again. or try after sometime. now select
“mobile networks†from menu. now select“access point names†from menu. make sure that “data enabled†option is switchedon. if not, switch it on by selecting the same. if you are using roaming sim then youalso need to select and switch on the “data roaming†option. after selection of “accesspoint names†option blank screen will be displayed like this. now press “menuâ€button.. now select “new apn†option and insert your network provider given detailssame like gprs setting. given below of all operators setting. tata photon, mts, reliance netconnect userscan use this settings: create new profile and name it “tata†or anything of yourchoice. in apn setting fill #777. in user
name and password setting fill input settingprovided by your operator. leave everything blank in all other setting and connect itusing that profile. mts customers: user name: internet@internet.mtsindia.in. password: mtsnote: for all information related to mcc, mnc, brand, operator and bands (mhz) of yourmobile operator for any country check this link. if you want to connect usb modem to googlenexus 7 tablet or any android tablet including jelly bean os then click here.
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