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How To Flashing zears andro a1
now i'm going to talk about connecting yourxh a1 to a television or a computer. the way to do that is, first off, the first way isjust using your standard rca cables to a mini plug. this should come with you xh a1. hopefully,you've used these before. older tv's, this is the input you'll have and even modern tv'swill have this input. you've got yellow for video and a left and right audio channels.this is standard definition, it's not as good as quality, so when you playback your tape,you're not going to be able to see the true hd that you recorded. hopefully you recordedin hd. if you do want to see the true hd, you're going to want to use the componentcables that came with your xh a1. it's got a green, red, and blue, video signals andthis is pretty much only able to playback
on your newer high definition wide screentv's. then for connecting to a computer you will need a firewire cable like this one.this end connects to our camera and this end connects to the back of our computer. so,where do all these connections take place? it's right here next to the battery door,and we've got a couple of connections. you see our firewire is this 'hdvdv' that's whatyou would use to connect to your computer. then you've got this little yellow jack righthere and that's where you would use your standard rca cables. then, below that, is where thecomponent cable connects so you can playback in hd on an hd television. those are the waysyou can connect your camcorder to a tv or computer and how to playback your tape onthe television or computer.
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