Wednesday, April 12, 2017

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How To Flashing zdr i9000s

hey youtubers, it's charlie. this is going to be my flash episode 7 video. careful for spoilers if you haven't seen itthere were so many reveals probably the best episode of the season so far, so here we go. i was surprised by so many things in thisepisode you know first that the big kiss they haven't done that since season one in thatwas every man that kissed her. so for those asking yes this is somethingfrom the comics but here listed top 10 wtf because we had all the savitar, the doctor alchemy stuff,so here we go. number 10 the flash versus savitar. just completelytakes him for ride he- i mean, he looks like a full-blown

transformer when they do like the full wideshot of them but he takes barry through what looks like speed force portals like he's literallyrunning inside the speed force just popping up all over town simultaneously or that'sthe way it looks to cisco and the other people. so when he's running through this blue tunnelhere i think that's him running through the speed force and at the end of the episode, youknow, number nine he asks alchemy to help him come back. so here's where the writer of the episode dida really good job of tying the storylines together wally west is stuck in this in between statewhere his body can't really handle what's going on to him.

i think that's what's also going on withsavitar where he's kind of like half stuck inside the speed force, so he's superfast he has whitelightning like that's how fast he is so he have these crazy powers but he can't fullymanifest inside the world. that's why he needs alchemy's help to getback so that is a bit of a twist on comic book savitar who did get stuck inside thespeed force but it was a little more straight up like wally west in the past defeats himby trapping him inside the speed force but then later he escapes and barry allen endsup killing him accidentally. so the story the tv show's going with is justa little different trapped in the speed force trying to get out a la flash rebirth.

geoff johns not the new flash rebirth. but the old flash rebirth. but number eight caitlin'spowers are totally effective against him. she can also leech energy, so that might comein handy later too, but she just helps them see him. she also slows him down just a little bit. so just remember that fight because thoseskills will come in handy later because in the comics the flash was not able to defeatsavitar without the help of other speedsters, it's the same thing with godspeed to so likeyou have to have team flash all working together in order to defeat him and it sounds like that'swhat they're kind of teasing for savitar

like he's so hard-core. there's no way barry stands a chance withoutthe help of the rest of team flash, so number seven, though, as a consequence of helping him, caitlinstarts to go full-blown killer frost. only the version they're going with on the tv showis kind of in between like everybody's in between- wally is in between, savitars in between,caitlin is halfway in between killer frost and caitlin snow- so the way the producersteased her is they said they were calling her caitlin frost. so she has the powers of killer frost, butshe still has the heart and the mind of caitlin snow which is why she gets super scientificwhen she's using her powers like she stabs

barry in the exact right place that'll disablehim for four hours without killing him, but the interrogation scene. so this was so greatnumber six joe and caitlin both go super hard-core like joe grabs him i just love hisversion of him like last year when he clocked harrison wells like ain't takin' no shit joe andthen later caitlin is the exact same thing. maybe you should fear me now. so number five. she steals julian and we see greg grunberg,who's actually doing like a guest spot because kevin smith is directing the episode. greg grunberg also has done a lot of sci-fistuff like star trek, y'know, alias- a whole bunch

of sci-fi but he also has a tv show with kevinsmith called geeking out. so i wonder if kevin smith asked them speciallyto get greg in the episode get him like a cameo, but it was really fun seeing him. so caitlin takes julian and you have likethe scientific version of killer frost asking him to make an algorithm so they can trackdown alchemy using his followers. this is why you clear your browser historywhen you join a speed cult because they're searching for people that have been searchingthe internet for savitar, so let that be a lesson to you. but number four full-blownkiller frost versus vibe just like cisco saw in his vision surprise twist snowbarry kissfor all you shippers out there.

i was just blown away that they actually didthat but she does do it in the comics so it's a comic book twist but you can laugh aboutit because of what happened during season one with everyman they had that weird awkwardkiss. this was way cooler because it got super comicbook-y barry just goes super blue like that's how cold he was. so it was like a funny moment. just you know because of who they are. but they also did it in a really cool, comicbook way, but then when my favorite caitlin scenes came right after this when she is justsuper savage waking up in the pipeline she

just rips into all of them. i just laughed so hard on how much she openedup on them savage as hell. but she also creates that huge rift with cisco. now, they're playing it super ambiguous tooso yeah i mean cisco and barry will be friends again. but they just don't want it to automaticallygo back to normal right away. same thing with number three wally comingout of the cocoon. so like i said one of the themes of the episode was people being thisin between state are you good are you evil, it's not a binary thing like barry's speechat the end so wally comes out of the cocoon

and his body can't handle the changes, sothey have to go help him out but it also provides this, y'know, really emotional scene with caitlinwhere she comes back from the brink because she can't kill barry. so that's your answer to future killer froston the show were gonna see caitlin frost shall probably lose her shit every once in a whilebut just still be a core member of the team she'll still be a series regular. so she can be in most of the episodes in numbertwo now that she's kind of back to normal. she's able to help them fix wally. so he has that really awesome sceneries runningaround he's faster than barry.

when barry first had his accident that eventhough it's all hopeful yet that really sad moment with julian where he makes barry quit. they even have like the easter egg were he'swalking out and everything's really sad in here that bolt of lightning just making youremember when he first got his powers. so never fear i totally think that he willbe back in that lab before the end of the season but big twist number one julian isrevealed as doctor alchemy in the maybe not surprising twist i think a lot of people wereexpecting it because julian albert albert desmond doctor alchemy the second versionof the character worked in the csi lab with barry.

so like there were a couple clues pointingto him possibly being alchemy but the real question now is how aware of alchemy is julianis it like a split personality situation or is it like caitlin where like her brain justgoes a little bit nuts when she's in killer frost mode, so she's not thinking clearly. you know we don't know how much julian iscomplicit with doctor alchemy like is is a cost plays situation or is it straight upsplit personalities like it was in the comics but we had to talk about's savitar like there'sso much going on here. so like he has that crazy mouth like whenhe opens up that i still think that it's a person underneath there somewhere he sayshe's the future you're the past, the acolyte

said that he showed them all the future, isaw you it was glorious you are killer frost. so if is savitar from the future like didhe come from the future to the past, to try and take over or is he somebody from the presentwho has seen the future because he got speed force powers and is trying like bring aboutthis future outcome there is actually a new 52 future flash storyline where future flashbarry allen comes back to kill himself in the past to prevent a bunch of bad stuff fromhappening. this doesn't seem like that but i might dolike a separate video for future flash to explain that, because it is an interestingtwist like the reverse flash is also a time traveler who came back in the past, to tryand change the future, so whatever's happened's

savitar is trapped in like this in betweenstate but he has all this power and needs alchemy to help bring him back fully. so the real thing now is in figuring out whatjulian is going to do about doctor alchemy and what's savitar's real plan is like whatis actually going to do to bring himself back so's a great character episode great twistcomic book episode like rate wtf moment big action set piece episode two, so i feel likethe script was better the action was better the characters were better. so hands down favorite episode this seasonso far will see if the four way crossover or the midseason finale can top it.

it's going to be really hard to top let meknow what was your favorite moment was this your favorite episode of the season so far. it was fun with all the flashpoint stuff inthe beginning and you can kind of tell they wanted to slowly weave's savitar and he wasthere from the beginning like he killed the rival at the end of episode two, so he's alwaysbeen around, but they really wanted to establish the new speedsters like jesse quick wallywest like explain those concepts of the people understood tease out doctor alchemy. so he seems like a really big deal in evenlike the big twist with the rival to like look at this big boss who doesn't matter atall because we kill them off in the second

episode that was a really fun twist whereyou have like the super evil guy come kill the other person that you think is supposedto be the main villain just to show you how bad as he is, but a lot of you might havenoticed that's savitar's voice still sounds like tobin bell. so when we hear alchemy speak and we thinkit's tobin bell maybe somehow he's replicating's savitar's voice, but for those you askingyes that is tobin bell who is speaking will hear's savitar speaking. so the only other really big easter eggs thati spotted in the episode was the game of thrones shout don't go all mother dragons on me withthe hair when cisco was talking to caitlin

that the wally thing with him being fasterthan barry was the beginning is also comic book thing because comic book wally west wasthe fastest version of the flash so we'll see how fast wally gets eventually but thisis like just the beginning for his character and when hr says barry's superpower is hopethat's also a comic book thing barry even became a part of the blue lantern corps whichharnessed the blue light of hope during the war of the light. so really cool nod to that but also probablythe smartest thing that ever come out of that hr characters mouth. so despite not being a scientist he actuallydoes have some emotional intelligence and

him somewhere in i'm really curious to seeif we ever see caitlin put on some kind of comic book looking costume. because they made that but they only use itin the flash for like the potential future where she's fighting cisco as full-blown killerfrost really important stuff though. next week is the big four night crossoverit's gonna be purely dominators. but they might lightly touch on this doctoralchemy's savitar stuff so i'll say congratulations to this week's dc giveaway winner david graceyou and a $20 amazon gift card be sure to private message me on the back and my channelso i can get your contact details. there is a new round that starts now i'm justgoing to start a new round now and if you'd

like any special bonus videos on killer frostor any other concepts like future flash just let me know in the comments because a lotof really cool, comic book stuff happening, but the tv show as it tends to do is mixingand matching things. there is like a bunch of comic book stuffhappening tomorrow. there's no new episode of arrow but kevinfeige did this big marvel vs dc explainer where he was talking about the marvel filmsthey been making what dc is doing and why they're probably not going to be able to makea deal with fox anytime soon for the x-men characters so i'll do a video for that next,but there's also been some talk of carnage showing up in the spider-man marvel moviesso i'll do a video for that too and then obviously

we got some new footage for the big four nightcrossover so whole bunch of marvel and dc posting i'll try to get that out as fast aspossible while you guys wait for that to post you can click here for my godspeed vs savitarvideo and you can click here for the trailer for the big 4 night crossover, thank you somuch watching everybody let's high five i'll see you guys tonight!

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