Tuesday, April 11, 2017

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How To Flashing xolo omega 5 5

(lively techno music) - [voiceover] this is the carbon flyer, the world's first super tough, super fast, blue-tooth controlled carbon fiber drone. the carbon flyer is the ultimate tech toy. we've created a revolutionary plane using actual carbon fiber. we've equipped the carbon flyer

with twin high-output motors, a long-range blue-tooth control module, led running lights, and an onboard camera. - carbon fiber is 10 timesstronger than aluminum. it has 100 times the strengthto weight ratio of steel, and it is more than athousand times stronger than the toughest phone. this prototype right here

impacted the side of buildingsand concrete surfaces over a dozen times at high speed. (energetic techno music) - [voiceover] the carbonflyer can be controlled up to 240 feet away, using either an androidor apple smartphone. blue-tooth allows fora two-way communication with the plane, providing real-time batteryand connectivity steps.

our interactive app allows the pilot to control the plane's air speed, altitude and steering using only one hand. (waves crashing)(pulsing electronic music) - i'm derrick. i'm passionate about drones, and i've met many peoplewho want to fly drones, but found them really hard to control. i want to help, because i feel that

they are missing out onthe fun of aerofiliming. that is why we came outwith the idea of ghost. this is a traditional remote controller that has many switches and knobs, which can be very hard to master. one bad move, and a mistake can be very expensive. most of the drones also require assembly, but not everyone has thetime or skills to do that.

- [voiceover] ghost comes pre-assembled, and is ready to fly right out of the box. our app makes it super easy to pilot. simply tap unlock, then takeoff, and ghost will rise and hover. now, tap a spot on the map, and ghost will fly there immediately. to get it back, just hit return,

and ghost will take the shortest route back to its takeoff point. press land, and ghost will descend and land gently. for advanced control, tap hover to make ghost hold the current spot, and enter the micro-control mode. (lively electronic music) here, you can adjust ghost's direction,

speed, camera angles and more. not only is ghost user-friendly, it's designed with quality parts and has great features and performance. - what's really coolabout the ghost, though, is it's customizability with respect to both hardware and software. one project that i'm working on is mounting this rp-lidarunit from robopeak

on the ghost drone, giving it the ability tosense its surroundings. with the data from the lidar, the ghost'll be able to detect obstacles like trees and buildings, and adjust its flight path as necessary. i'm also really lookingforward to developing the ghost sdk, which includes libraries for both java and c#.

i also see some awesomeintegration posssibilities with input devices, like leap motion, myo, and my own device, tact. (upbeat electronic music) - c-mi is different from anything on the market right now, in the sense that it solves theproblem of how you control the entire flying, movieand image capture process from a single device.

what it does is make flying easier by bringing automation of those systems inside of the flyer, andallows you to concentrate on where you want the vehicle to be, the images and video you want to capture, and then to be able to rapidlyshare it with your friends. my name is mark richardson. i'm in charge of polyhelo, which is a group of great engineers

and enthusiasts building drones for people to takephotographs of themselves, and the environment, and thenjust generally have fun with. i'm a former planetary scientist, and i was involved with nasa in exploration of the solar system. what's really exciting about polyhelo is the opportunity to bringa lot of those technologies that we used in gettingvehicles to land on mars

and to orbit around venus, and use those to make personal flyers easier to use. - [voiceover] c-mi is thefirst networked camera drone you control seamlesslyfrom a single mobile app. c-mi's 1080p hd camera is housed inside of c-mi,extending down from the flyer at takeoff, and retracting when it lands. c-mi is a light-weight, compact,

and portable drone. you can take it anywhere ina traditional camera bag. c-mi's legs detach easily for travel and storage, part replacement, and for future component upgrades. c-mi has multiple flight modes, including orbit, pano, follow and manual control. c-mi can orbit clockwise orcounter-clockwise around you.

in pano mode, c-mi will remain in a fixed position whileturning and capturing amazing panoramic shots. for follow mode shots, c-mi includes an attachable water andsweat-proof tracking device. this rugged gps tracker enables you to put your mobile device down, and focus completely on your task. in follow mode, c-mi willadjust to your position,

as well as to increasesand decreases in speed, so you don't even haveto think about c-mi. when flying c-mi manually, you can select where you want the flyer to go next. just enter your chosen destination, and c-mi will take off andwill wait there for you. and your aerial video and photos will be completely stable,

because c-mi's in-house camera unit is controlled in a uniquetwo-axis microgimbal, which automatically adjustsitself at every turn. - so the ashima core is aflight-controlled computer at the heart of c-mi. it's a powerful little computer that takes care of all theflight control algorithms, figuring out how tokeep the vehicle stable, it's ability to understandwhere up and down is,

but it's moving strongly in one direction, and it plugs into the gps system, allowing for a full navigation solution. - [voiceover] while in flight, c-mi allows you to live feed video straight to your mobile device. then you can instantly upload your videos and images to any social media platform with an open api.

you can share your video, andgrow your social following before c-mi touches down. (tranquil music) - [voiceover] what do you think it takes to get high qualitydrone footage like this? a professional drone operator? a cameraman? expensive equipment? or simply

- this. - [voiceover] introducingthe cyphy lvl 1 drone, a drone that lets absolutely anyone capture footage like never before. cyphy's level-up technologyis the real breakthrough. by using six rotors, thedrone can fly without tilting, making it simple and intuitive enough for anyone to fly. plus, you get professional, stable footage

without an exposed gimbal. because level-up gets rid of the usual multi-rotor wild tilting, theinterface can be simplified. to fly, just swipe. swiping is a superior interface that allows you to seewhat you're capturing while flying, unlike tilting or joystick-only navigation. our flying interface can be downloaded

as an app on your smartphone. it's simple, accurate and fun. because drone flying isbetter when it's shared, the lvl 1 can post shots and video real-time to your socialnetwork of choice. (alarm ringing) and with the new geo-fence technology, you can define the areain which you want to fly. your drone will stay withinyour boundaries of choice,

allowing everyone frombeginners to experts to practice their pilotingskills with confidence. - so far cyphy workshas been building drones for industrial application. but we want to bring outdrone inventions to everyone at consumer-friendly prices. plus, we just love robots. - so really we put our fulltechnological expertise into designing a drone for the consumer

that gives professionalvideo quality and stability, but doesn't require professionalknowledge to fly it. our drone will come with a1080p high-quality camera, and it will be ready out of the box for everything from playing videos, to action filming. - [voiceover] thanks to thecyphy lvl 1's capabilities, instead of worryingabout the drone itself, you can focus on the experience.

the cyphy lvl 1 is simple to fly, captures exactly what you want, and shares it in real time. this is the first dronefor absolutely everyone, from the drone company, cyphy. (energetic electronic music) - we're really excited to introduce the plexidrone. we have thought about the things

that people don't really think about. how do you improve drone technology? how do you make it accessible to everyone? how do you inspire people to create using drone technology? - at dreamqii roboticswe believe technology should be building bridges towards new levels ofcreativity and productivity, rather than barriers,

and the plexidrone is oneof those technologies. - [klever] a drone thatyou can snap together and take apart in less than one minute. and when you're done, you just put it into yourhard-shelled backpack, and take it anywhere that you want to go. - [nik] the plexipackis something we designed in order to carry everything you need to capture all of yourgreat shots that you want,

and carry it with you everywhere you go. anywhere you can go with a backpack, you can take the plexidrone. - [klever] with the plexidrone, you can carry more than just a camera. with very simple payload clips you're able to just snap on whatever it is that you want to put on there. it's so simple.

another unique featureabout the plexidrone is that it has retractable landing gear. - [nik] you will nolonger have any kind of junk in your shot. you never have to cropanything out at the bottom. it's just gonna be clear, beautiful, 360 view. - [klever] on the plexidrone, gps follow me is an amazing feature.

all that you do is press follow me on your mobile device onyour phone or your tablet, and it's as easy as that. - [nik] i'ts gonna bevery, very easy to use. everybody has a smartphone now. great, now you justsaved yourself 800 bucks for a controller. - [klever] aside from that, you're also able to controlmore than one of them

at the same time. - [nik] you will definitely find no drones that you can control using our swarm technology. it's completely new, something you won't find anywhere else. - [klever] that meansthat you're able to view the same scene frommultiple vantage points. you get the same shot with one user,

but many drones. - [nik] our drone is equipped with an ultrasonic sensorat the front of it. it'll flash its lights andgive you an audio message to let you know(drone beeps) that you're getting in its path. - [klever] you don't have to interpret blinking led lights, because it tells you in its own voice.

- [voiceover] initializationsequence completed. are you even going to use me? - [nik] plexidrone is goingto unleash new dimensions of creativity and productivity, and take your camera to places that you never thought were possible. (upbeat music)

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