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when advancing the technology of hearing instruments, our greatest inspiration is always the healthy auditory system. take the complex binaural hearing processes in our brain, for example: through mechanisms like binaural redundancy, binaural squelch, and binaural directed hearing, our brain filters out background noise in difficult listening situations and maintains spatial perception. inspired by these processes, binax, the next generation of bestsound technology, offers unique features that are able to help hearing instrument wearers handle the most challenging situations with ease. it is so powerful that, as a world first, it enables wearers to understand speech in demanding environments even better than people with normal hearing. this effect has been proven in two independent studies. this is achieved by linking both instruments in a bilateral fitting
to create a virtual 8-microphone network. the result is unprecedented hdsr high definition sound resolution. binax ensures exceptional soundability the ideal balance between sound quality and audibility for each individual hearing instrument wearer. with three new features binaxfocus, binaxsound, and binaxguide, binax delivers an outstanding binaural listening experience automatically, all the time and with exceptionally low power consumption. for individuals with hearing loss, it is especially challenging
to follow a conversation when there is a lot of background noise. other conversations going on all around can be very distracting. in these challenging situations, conventional directional microphone systems may not be enough. for these situations, binax offers narrow directionality. whenever necessary, narrow directionality activates automatically and narrows the beam of the directional microphone in order to attenuate distracting noise even more. in fact, clinical studies have shown that narrow directionality is so effective that it allows wearers to understand speech better than those with normal hearing in situations like cocktail parties. with virtually no increase in power consumption,
narrow directionality significantly improves speech intelligibility compared to conventional microphone systems. of course, in real life, speech does not always occur from the front. just think of a car ride: quite often, the person speaking will sit behind or next to the listener. in a car, binax continually scans the listening environment for speech. when speech is detected, spatial speechfocus focuses the directivity of the microphones towards it even if it comes from the side or behind. thanks to hdsr, which allows dedicated processing in different frequency areas, spatial speechfocus delivers true directivity to the side and back while maintaining localization cues. even in challenging situations, speech becomes more intelligible – no matter where it comes from.
when going for a walk, wind noise picked up by the hearing instrument microphones can be loud and distracting. usually, we instinctively turn our heads away in strong winds. however, for the wearer, this means that one of the hearing instruments picks up more wind noise than the other. this can not only be irritating– it also makes listening to speech more difficult. the new binaural ewindscreen transmits part of the microphone signal from the side with less wind to the side with more wind. thanks to hdsr, only the strategic part of the signal is streamed so that spatial perception is maintained. ewindscreen activates automatically when necessary, and is available in every hearing instrument program. binaural ewindscreen delivers unmatched sound quality and ensures listening comfort
and speech intelligibility without compromising spatial cues. all the automatic features in siemens hearing instruments mean that they always adapt to changing acoustic situations to provide the wearer with the optimal listening experience as much as possible. in a busy cafã©, for example, the hearing instruments automatically suppress the background noise and engage the directional microphones so that the wearer doesn’t miss out on any speech that may occur. however, there might be situations where such automatic settings are not what the wearer wants. maybe in that same cafã©, there are people chatting away at the table in front of the wearer. but instead of listening in on that conversation, the hearing instrument wearer would prefer to take in the general ambience. this is why siemens introduces the new spatial configurator
which allows the wearer to dictate how he or she wants to hear in these special listening situations. the wearer can use the hearing instrument rocker switch or the easytek app to directly adjust how much of the acoustic environment to take in. or even dictate which side the directional microphones should focus with the easytek app. the spatial configurator is easy to use and delivers the most personal binaural listening experience ever. binax is the latest platform behind bestsound technology. featuring binaxfocus, binaxsound, and binaxguide, binax is inspired by the natural binaural hearing processes to help hearing instrument wearers focus on what they want to hear, even in the most challenging situations.
the result is exceptional soundability. binax the world’s first technology that outperforms normal hearing
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