Thursday, April 6, 2017

How To Flashing wespro mc715

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How To Flashing wespro mc715

the new idvr-pro surveillance dvrs are 960hcctv format and use the latest h.264 video compression. these dvrs can record video surveillanceusing the following recording modes: continuous, scheduled, motion detection, alarm, panic,and intensive mode. watch this video and i'll show you how easy it is to set up any of thesevideo recording modes on an idvr-pro. here's a live camera view on an idvr-pro.i'm going to access the main menu down here and select record setup. on the main recordsetup screen you can change the mode from auto-configuration to manual configuration.we'll get back to that in a minute what that does. down here you can select your continuousrecording. i'm going to change it right now to motion. in here you can set each camera'sresolution, frame rate in frames per second,

quality, and whether the audio - if thereis an auto mic associated with that camera - is on or off for recording. then down hereyou can set up the pre-recording time and the post-recording time for when the motionevent occurs. i'm just going to cancel out there so i can show you some of the othermodes. the alarm recording mode looks almost identicalto the recording mode. actually, it is identical. same thing, you can set each camera's framerate and everything. then there's a motion and alarm recording so that recording is triggeredwhen motion is detected by a camera or from an external alarm sensor. then what theseintensive modes are is the intensive motion is let's say you want to record at a lowerframe rate and resolution continuously when

nothing is going on, but then while the cameradetects motion you want to bump the resolution up to the maximum and the frame rate and thequality. that's what these intensive modes are for, which are really handy if you wanto record continuously but not use up all your disk drive space so you make the resolutionlower. then when the motion is triggered, then it goes to a higher resolution and framerate setting. the intensive alarm recording is the samething. you just set up the different frame rates and resolutions for continuous vs. alarmrecording. then intensive motion and alarm is again the same thing, but you set up theframe rate for if there's motion detected or an external alarm triggered to record atthe high frame rate. if i change this mode

from auto to manual the menu changes a littlebit. now if i select continuous recording i can actually set up schedules and i canset up different resolution and frame rates and quality based on the hours of the day.if i want different resolutions and frame rates at certain times of the day, that'swhat these settings are for. you can make it per camera for every hour block in a daydifferent if you'd like. the more important thing or more commonlything used is the schedule. in here for each camera i can set up which hours in the daythat this particular camera is going to record continuously. every camera can be different.i'm just setting some different cameras as an example, setting this one to record all24 hours in a day and those first two cameras

recording different six or seven hour blocks,whatever i select up there. i'm going to close out of that. actually,i didn't want to go out of the recording screen so let me go back into the recording screen.again, i'll go into record setup. the next thing i want to show you is panic recording.what panic recording is is there's a panic button on the front of the dvr that you canjust press to override and initiate recording. you can set the frame rates for each camerafor panic recording. again, there's a button on the front of the dvr to trigger this. thenyou can also trigger it via this menu if you hover the mouse down here. this is panic recordbutton that you can click via the mouse. then that p in each of those windows is indicatingthat panic recording is triggered. now i just

went back to the continuous recording that'sset up. i really love how easy the new idvr pros areto use. i do not think i've tested an easier to use interface on a standalone dvr in allmy years doing research and development at cctv camera pros. if you would like to learnmore about idvr pro cctv dvrs or you would like to request a demo so you can log intoan idvr pro from an ios device, android device, mac, or windows pc, please visit you for watching.

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