Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How To Flashing walton primo f4

keyword : How To Flashing walton primo f4 for bootloop , How To Flashing walton primo f4 for softbrick , How To Flashing walton primo f4 for hardbrick , How To Flashing walton primo f4 Error Camera , How To Flashing walton primo f4 blank screen , How To Flashing walton primo f4 lost password , How To Flashing walton primo f4 stuck logo , How To Flashing walton primo f4 new 2017. How To Flashing walton primo f4 repair phone. How To Flashing walton primo f4 Upgrade Firmware , How To Flashing walton primo f4 via Flashtool , How To Flashing walton primo f4 for unspecified error , How To Flashing walton primo f4 mode Edl error , How To Flashing walton primo f4 bootlooader relock and unlock.

Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

do not forget there are some additional tips from me:

Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
3. When've taken after the greater part of the conditions please check the telephone has been typical what is most certainly not.
4.Characteristic components EMMC highlight of blazing not harmed in the street, still can wipe information reserve. yet, introduce the upgrade shape sd card can not or won't runing.
5.booting first after introduce rom considerable lot of time of around 15 minutes. Try not to rush to evacuate the battery. hold up until the framework completes the process of booting.
critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing walton primo f4

here is the new beta release for miui v6 ported for walton primo gh3 (mt6582) lets see the interface :) now lets see what we have got new (excited :d) so here comes the new feature .. people tagging.. or face tagging.. this will make your photo search easy for a specific person to activate this feature, you have to sign in to mi cloud (y) as we can see tagged names are showing in the pic :d now from the prev beta 5.5.29 we got another new feature :d

now lets see how the lockscreen looks like with new music widget :d music widget is not only for default music player, but also for other music players.. :) like poweramp :) see, music widget in lockscreen also works with other music players :d now this is my most favorite feature of miui.. floating notification.. if you are busy in other work, calls or texts wont disturb your work anymore :d love this jumping buttons :d <3 here comes the statusbar, notification panel also toggle panel with music widget :d many users face problem with messenger popup.. as they dont know properly, how to activate it in miui :p

so im showing you all how to activate it :d miui is sometime complicated :p also got complains about playstore not working -_- so here is a view of playstore along with another solution for moving app to sd :d you must have root permission dear :) lets begin the shifting from phone to sd :d now we will see other usual features of miui.. :d clock offline fm compass

if you turn the phone upward you can see live view along with compass indicator :d weather :d it will show you the time of sunrise and sunset :d theme is a major feature of miui .. it not only change your phone's wallpaper and icon, but also change every part of its look :d this version of miui is multi-language supported. 25 languages are supported :) so we are nearly at the end of the review of miui 5.6.4 v hope your little problems and doubts are being solved by my this review :d and i also hope you all like my this review ..

miui official forum link is given below :d visit there and download from my post.. (only walton primo gh3 and for gionee v4s users) :d thanks for watching :d

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