Tuesday, April 4, 2017

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How To Flashing walton primo d6

hey youtubers, it's charlie. so recently people were visiting the set ofgame of thrones season seven and spotted what is going to be daenerys is throne at dragonstuff she's had several different thrones depending on where she's been throughout theseasons that she had a throw next to khal drogo when she was with the dothraki thenis her army toured around she had makeshift thrones. then she had the throne in the pyramid. so the design of her thrones are usually takenfrom whatever's there if they need to build something new or put something together orif one already exists there like the throne

inside the pyramid was already there. they didn't have to build it for her is actuallypretty plain throne so that's why this is so much more exciting because she's back atdragonstone, it's carved into the rock and it looks like it might be in the great hallall explained like the map of dragon stoneware all the rooms are the most people are familiarwith the room of the painted table that's actually what the room is called in a dragonstonelike and king's landing. you have the red keep maegor's holdfast theroom where the painted table is in dragonstone is just called the room of the painted tableyou can see just like the tv shows done with the iron throne.

they've really like strong things down becausethe painted table is supposed to be about 50 feet long in the books. and this looks like it's maybe half that inthere is like a special chair, it's in the room of the painted table where aegon wouldbe able to see the entire map, because normally you'd have to like walk up and down the table to seethings really clearly but i'm guessing that daenerys' throne is going to be in the greathall. so just to go down the list is like the bigrooms and dragonstone in the even cooler thing is that there supposedly a lot of hidden chambersthat lead down to the heart of dragonstone. so maybe daenerys will explore while she isthere.

it is pretty fair to say that we're gonna seemost of dragonstone. so just going on the list. there's the stone drum which is like the centralkeep he got the name just because weather would beat it when they were really badstorms. it was sound like someone was banging a drumso thus the stone drum but it's in here that there supposedly hidden passageways the godown to the heart of the mountain. so anybody that's hoping to find a secretclutch of dragon eggs that would probably be petrified by now it would probably be downthere. then next big room is the chamber the paintedtable which i just explained, it's basically

the room just for the table for battle planningpurposes. so then there's the great hall which looksa little bit more like the throne room and king's landing. i mean obviously is not that big but it'sa much bigger open room word be easier for daenerys to meet with her small counsel whateverthat's going to be think of it like winter fell's great hall where sansa and john areholding court here with the people at the end of season six is kind of like a biggermuch grander version of that so i'm guessing that's where this throne is going to be withinthere's a garden which is exactly what it sounds like just a small walton plays withtrees growing tall on every side with roses,

cranberries, so kind of a stark contrast fromthe other places we've seen in dragonstone. so far, which seemed devoid of life. but then there's the wind word which is kindof like the tallest tower you can kind of see it here. there's the sea dragon tower which is closeto the sea. this is where the masers quarters are so maestercressen if you remember him from the first couple of seasons. this is where his chambers were and then there'sthe steps which is where all the idols of the seven god's work before stannis burnedthem in the early seasons through all the

idols on the fire. maester cressen was freaking out, crappinghis pants even davos was skeptical which he was right to be skeptical about melisandrebut that's about all we've seen a dragonstone. so far, so i would expect because there'sso much stuff happening there in season seven that they'll just be poking around there justlike we've seen different parts of the red keep in king's landing. throughout the seasons like a really big locationso they try to film it in different ways each season because we have been a dragonstonea long time and we only seen a couple rooms the just so many more places for them to explore,so expect some really cool scenes inside dragonstone

with the nearest just walking around tryingto get reacquainted with it because she was born here but as a child she was secret itacross the so so she didn't live here for that long. so she probably doesn't have a really greatmemory of it but i just like the idea of her kind of like taking her place in her targaryenancestral home on a throne is leading into what's going to be having the final coupleseasons with the battle for the iron throne. so even though there still some really bigseats in westeros like you have the sea stone chair over in the iron islands. you have the great hall in winter fell butin terms of like spectacular thrones.

you have daenerys here in dragonstone. and cersei obviously with the iron thronebut let me know what you guys think dragonstone is probably going to be one of the coolestsets for next year. the thing is is that it's kind of a challengefor the production people in that there's an extra level of ornate detail carvings,stone carvings all over the place so there are basilisk's cargo trees his demons griffinshell hound manticore submitted towards we've earned it all kinds of other minor creatures. just carved into the rock all over the placeso be interested to see how crazy they get with that like you kind of see this dragoncarved to the wall.

this is in the room of the painted table wherestannis spends most of his time just staring at the table itself but most of the designis meant to be dragon centric. so you know wherever you see character standingin frame just expect there to be dragon stuff in the background and really subtle ways justkind of carved into the walls for the funny thing is is that dragonstone sounds like sucha cool place, stannis always felt like robert thrusted upon him. he's like i never asked for dragonstone. i never requested he always felt like it wasa slight like robert was banishing him to dragonstone rather than giving him dragonstone.

so just let me know what you want them todo with those sets next year like how you want them to use dragonstone itself besidesthe plot obviously there's gonna be a lot of dragon class there probably gonna try andlearn how to make valyrian steel again. although finding a lot of dragon glass isa lot easier valyrian steel is like a whole level above that that's gonna require somehelp from the sagittal exam well will say congratulations to this week's giveaway winnerjordi lyons you and a $20 amazon gift card be sure to private message me on the backend of my channel so i can get your contact details and there's a new round that startsnow there's a couple big things that are happening in the next week or two so i might pose acouple more bonus videos than i would normally

post for game of thrones so all you have todo to enter the new giveaway is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this video and justa quick heads up to i just noticed in the last couple of hours. youtube changed the mobile app so if you watchmy videos on your mobile phone subscriptions are way down at the bottom now so it is closerto your thumb. i think that's why they put it down thereso they put all the garbage up here to the top subscriptions is where you find the importantstuff like way down here at the bottom the new walking dead new marvel posting tomorrowwe just wait for that to post you can click here for my reaction to the supposed spoilersfor season seven and you can click here to

learn all about jon snow maybe showing upin daenerys' visions on the tv show the way the tv shows changes things. so thank you so much watching everybody highfive and i'll see you guys tonight!

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