Thursday, March 30, 2017

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How To Flashing ulefone bepure

'i am an ordinary man.with ordinary thoughts.' 'so it's obvious that neitherhave i a conquered a fort..' '..and nor i havediscovered a new country.. '..across the ocean in a ship.' 'that's why history will neverfeel the need to remember me.' 'but i have made an effort.i still am doing it.' 'and if my effort is successful..' '..then perhaps time will notbe able to forget me so easily.' sir, the reports.- thank you.

hello mr. singh. i am dr. sharma. i am new here. hello.- nice day, isn't it? yes. yes. madam, how are you feeling? i don't know. perhaps like any other day. look outside.the weather is so fine. isn't it fine?

i feel you'll feelbetter in open air. you'll experience a kind of joy. i wonder why things thatgive you joy makes me sad. hello mr. singh. come. by the way, madam's mood doesn'tseem to be quite good today. who is he? this is mr. singh. he's telling you a storywhich you're liking a lot. really. i feel i ammeeting him for the first time.

what story are you telling me? about life. come. how are you?- i am fine. so where were we? sometimes i don't evenremember where am i. we were around themoments when siddharth and.. ..anjali meet for the first time. siddharth and anjali?

yes. let's start againfrom the beginning. this is siddharthand anjali's story, of their obsession, their passion.. ..their belief and their love. it was holiday time. the beautiful regionof dalhousie would be.. ..covered with mistsduring mornings. and then sunshinewould suddenly spread..

..the golden blanket all over. the mountainous flowers wouldsway along with the mild breeze. and the clouds in the sky would.. ..set off in search ofsome unknown destination. those days, siddharthwould leave for the jungle.. collect wood thatconnected to music and rhythm. siddharth, do you chop woodor exact revenge from them? you spilt theminto two in one blow. you're talking as ifthis isn't wood but a girl.

girl. girl and you? the word girl soundsreally strange from your mouth. i can guarantee thatyou'll be single all your life. son, it's about choice. i haven't meet or seen anyonewho has got my heartbeat racing. well done, my've turned a poet. look, the day i find her.. ..our love story will betalk of the town. get it? your love story willbe the talk of the town.

pal, why do you make me carrythe bundle of wood all the time? thank god that it's just a bundle. friends make theirfriends carry god knows what. accusations, love. etc. etc. why have you turned me into adonkey for the sake of friendship? what have you turned into?- i will throw it down. okay. okay, i'lllend you a hand. happy? come. come on, my brother.- thank you. enough. i can't walk any further.

you carry this now.- careful. it's your turn wait for two minutes. pal, who is thatgirl with your naina? her name is anjali sahay. she is from chandigarh. she has come here withher family on a holiday. listen, he man.where are you going? hey. she's a girl and not wood. you'll get us killed.

hello. my name is siddharth. might be. everyone inthis world has a name. so? so i mean my search is over. search? what do you mean? i mean.will you be friends with me? do people becomefriends forcibly here? - no. then i won't.- why?

my hearts says no. do you always follow your heart? and do you alwaysfollow your brain? but i don't think you have it. let's go. hello, he man. "you should thinkabout me sometimes." "this is what i wish." "i call you my life."

"this is my desire." "i am waiting with thedesire of your love." "god should love someone else." "say you love me, baby." "i've been waiting for you." "tell me if there isany condition in love." "tell me if i have made a mistake." "i am willing to risk mylife for you, sweetheart." "god forbid. youshould love someone else."

naina, i feel jumpingin the water right now. come on. come on. don't do that even by mistake. why?- this river is very dangerous. look, how fastthe flow of water is. this water is very cold. the body goes numbin a few seconds. there is no strength left inyour body to face the flow. anyone who has everentered these water..

..has never made it back alive. i can cross it. hey, have you gone crazy? naina, people brag. but are scared from the inside. i'll jump if youdon't be friends with me. are you okay? this trick of yoursis not going to work. siddharth.where are you going? hey!

siddharth! siddharth. siddharth!- siddharth. siddharth.- siddharth. siddharth. siddharth. oh god!- siddharth. siddharth. help. help. siddharth. got it.- hold on tight. siddharth.- siddharth. hold on tight.

help him. someone save him. help. someone help.- siddharth. oh my god! siddharth. siddharth, are you okay? thank god you are okay. you are totally're a mad man. anjali, you will be friendswith me at least now, right?

'anjali didn't say anything.' 'what could she say?' he man, you're good for nothing. siddharth had left no scope for no. what happened next? that what destiny had decided. "god forbid." "god forbid.your charm is a killer." "beautiful. i am beautiful."

"i am beautiful." "god has created me atleisure and has sent me to earth." "god forbid. god forbid." "the whole has gone nutsafter he breathed life into me." "even the moon wasembarrassed when he saw me." "god forbid.god forbid. god forbid." "your charm." "are you the full moon or the sun?.here we go. here we go." "whatever you are.i swear you are a stunner."

"are you the full moonor the sun? here we go." "god had asked me.will you go to earth?" "and i told god.all the admirers are there." "had the moon everdescended on earth before me?" "my admirers, you tell me." "is there anyone better than me?" "everyone bows down in awe.. ..upon seeing your beauty." "everyone has lost their heartsto you on seeing your beauty."

"the news of my arrival hassent the world into a frenzy." "the news of my arrivalhas made the air fragrant." "today i am theheartthrob of the youth." "every face is beamingbecause of the news of my arrival." "you have swepteveryone off their feet." good night, anjali.- good night. beautiful. i am beautiful.i am beautiful. anjali.- father. father.- come. come. come, dear.

you scared me, father. you have takento this place, right? yes, father. thisplace is really nice. karim was saying that youwere with some new friend. yes. want to meet him?- of course. just a minute. god forbid. god forbid.your charm is a killer. come. i'll introduceyou to my father now?- yes.

come. come.- okay. father.. this is my friend, siddharth hello, uncle. - hello. didn't anjali's father sayanything on seeing siddharth? nothing at that point. siddharth and anjali's friendship.. ..turned intoobsessive love in no time.

and the valleys ofdalhousie were now not witness.. just mist and rains,but to their love as well. both found everythingto be new and different. as if love hadtransformed their love. cheers.- cheers. 'both of them had startedloving each other to death.' 'perhaps to thepoint of obsession.' what is this if not obsession? lovers trade heartfor pain for life.

and think that itwas a profitable deal. but for now, siddharth and anjali.. ..didn't want to thinkor understand anything. they were oblivious to theworld lost in each other. oh. the hands that usedto catch butterflies.. ..are now in someone else's hands. you must the firstfather who is smiling.. ..on seeing youronly daughter's hands.. the hands of a loafer. it's a holiday romance. the romance will be overonce the holiday is over. what if that doesn't happen?- you are there. and there is the age old method.. ..of separatinglovers against your wish. it would be better ifit doesn't come to that. let's go, sushma. come on. what happened, father? lost the note?- yes.

a beautiful girl isbreathing down my neck. sorry. i disturbed you, isn't it? this is what i like about girls. they make a mistake. and then they ask.did i make a mistake? what?- wait. he.. now are you goingstand like that all night? won't you sit tillyou are asked to? come on, sit.- okay, i'll sit.

sorry. i am really sorry. anjali, it's not your fault. it's his habit. when he starts to lose,he looks for an excuse. i lost?- yes. you mean there was acompetition going on between us. why didn't you tell me earlier? if you want a competition,let's do it again. come on. let's get started.

no, father. try to understand. we have a guest. and if weget into a competition.. wouldn't look nice. guest?- yes. i see. i see. so she's a guest. i thought she isyour wish, your desire. by the way, mr. siddharth.- yes. i like your choice. i thought you know only about wood.

today i have found out that you aregood with choosing girls as well. by the way, pardon me, ms. anjali. what attracted you to him? sweet craziness. whoalah. that means craziness is thefoundation of your relationship. that means your story willspawn stories and tales. sorry? i didn't get you. what story?- don't mind him.

he is.. father, you should change yourhabit of talking in riddles. in the meanwhile,i'll drop anjali home. what's the hurry? have breakfast. breakfast?- toast, butter and omelet. father, it's 9 pm. and this is not thetime for breakfast. mister, we live in anindependent country.

we'll have breakfastwhen we feel like. we'll have dinnerwhen we feel like. i make good dinner as well.what would you like to have? nothing. see you. mother and father must be waiting. why did you come ifyou had to go so soon? only to meet you. you've made my day.

tell me the truth. didyou come to meet me or him? okay. see you. bye, uncle.- uncle. no. no. call me uday. okay. i am getting on with age. but i want to escape the truth. next time come whenyou have time to spare. we'll have breakfast. yes. okay.

bye. bye, siddharth. you are one strange man. the poor girl isgoing home in the dark. and you're sitting here. go and drop her.- okay, father. your father is also..- crazy like me. what do you mean?my family is mental. no. they're crazy.- crazy. come. let me show you something.

what?- question again. you ask so many questions. come on.- where? come on.- but.. where have you brought me? you stay here. i'll beback in five minutes. why?- question again. dear, you'll not be able to see mydream properly in this darkness. stay here. i'll be right back.

siddharth.. anjali, come on. wow. siddharth, fromwhere did you get.. many candles all of a sudden? nothing has happened all of asudden in my life except your love. do you know, anjali? just as i lie on the road crazily. similarly i come here often. and i had accumulated allthese candles for this night.

for this night? you knew that i'll becoming here tonight? i didn't know you would come. but i knew for sure thatlife would be come some day. and there will be brightness here.. ..the day life comes here. you're indeed crazy. so how did you like my dream? its nice.

for now, it's in shambles. it is now. but i will build it. and then this will be the mostbeautiful house in this area. house?- yes. over there.there will be my garden.. ..which will have allthe flowers that i like. and one more thing. yes. here. my violinworkshop will be here.

and i'll do my work here. one more thing. here. i'll sit right here. and play my violin peacefully. and here will be my dining hall. and..- hold on a minute. will this be only your house?- no. ours. so is there anything thati like in this house or no? there is. definitely.

tell me. what do you want? all the walls outsidethe house will be white. this is perfect. because there will be peaceand quiet outside the house.. ..even if you yell andscream inside the house. i scream and yell? no. you're so decent.anyways, forget all this. and tell me. what elsedo you want in this house? and all the furniture in thehouse will be wooden. - okay.

and my writing room will bethere towards the terrace. - okay. i'll write my poems there. watching the sea, moon and sun. wait a minute. the sea is fine. but how will you be able towatch sun and moon at once? i will be able to. when i recite you my poetry. what else will i see whenyou recite me your poetry?

rainbow on my lips.stars in my eyes. moonlight on my face. and signs in my eyes. i can see all this even now. moonlight on the face. stars in your eyes. rainbow on your lips. siddharth. siddharth,anjali's family is very worried. the police of this entirearea is looking for you.

mr. rawat.- yes. you said you'vesearched the entire area. but you couldn't find her. we are still trying.- but mr. rawat.. you called police to find me? what should decent parents.. ..if their daughterwho comes home at 8 pm.. ..doesn't come home even till 2 am? tell me. - sir, actuallyshe is late because of me.

it's not anjali's fault at all.- did i ask you? mr. rawat, thank you so much. i am sorry. i bothered you.- its okay, sir. thank you very much. thank you. thank you all of you.thank you. thank you very much. sir, it's not anjali's fault. can we talk to our daughter? come on, anjali, let's go.

father. did you see? your only daughterwas getting chummy.. ..with a roadside ruffianat an unknown place at 2 am. roadside ruffian. those words from anjali's mother.. siddharthhis place in a flash. 'and he understood thathis love story has reached..' '..the stage which has beenthere in the love story..'

'..between a rich girland a poor boy since ages.' 'siddharth also understoodthat he is at the stage of life..' '..where he willhave to choose a path.' mother,siddharth is a very nice boy. and i love siddharth. what? - yes, father.i love siddharth, father. i really love him. you have come to know whatlove is at such a tender age. you need age and experience tounderstand business and not love.

even a moment isenough to understand love. for the heart thatbeats for someone. shut up.- sushma. dear. dear anjali. dear. dear. listen to me. listen to me, dear. listen to me, dear.i agree siddharth is a nice boy. but he is not for you, dear. have you ever seen wild flowers? they look so beautifulon trees and in shrubs.

but they can neverbe part of a bouquet. you'll not decide whoi will love in life. siddharth. hear me out, siddharth. siddharth, i am sorry. siddharth, i am sorryfor what mother said. i am sorry. whatever she said is right. anjali, you shouldn't have spokento your parents in that manner. whatever i did was for you.

and you say that i shouldn't.. yes. whatever you did wasn't right. and what about what they did? that was right. anjali, i am not worthy of you. anjali.. ..we should forget each other. what? what did you say?

what did you say, siddharth? anjali, you still haveto complete your studies. make a career for yourself. you have to thinkabout your future. and i.. i don't want to be a roadblockin the way of your future, anjali. i see. - look, its true thati can never earn as money.. your parents have. because i guess iwould never think that way.

but i am happy with what i have. and i will be happy. anjali, i can never giveyou the life you are used to. and you can't spend yourentire life only with love, anjali. right. you can't. you are absolutely right. but you've remembered this today. today.

when we've startedloving each other. don't look away. look at me. why didn't you think aboutthis when you were after me.. ,,to befriend me? you had asked for my hand byjumping in the water, right? didn't you think about this then? i made a mistake.- answer me. i had made a mistake. i should've thought about this.

sorry. that's all? what else? look, anjali i.. don't touch me. you've made a mistake, right? fine. fine. so letme make it very clear. i'm not going topay for your mistake. my parents are right, aren't they?

they are right, aren't they? you want to end this relationship,right? so i'll end this relationship.not you. did you hear me?i don't want you anymore. go. go from here. go. get lost. i hate you. go. go. i hate you. i hate you. "how do i live with thepieces of broken relationship?" "the pain just doesn't go away."

"sorrows are now a part of life." "why this punishment?" "what's my heart's fault? siddharth, stop. listen to me. siddharth. what happened, siddharth? you seem sad. did the story begin? this had to happen.

it has been happeningsince centuries. love is not love if there isno grief, heartache or tears. in my youth i hadrightly said, siddharth. love is the mostdifficult trial of life. but this trial is worth trying. what happened? i think you havebeen rebuked so badly.. ..that you don't feel like talking. let it be. no problem.

when you feel like talking,i will hear you out. what are you saying? how can you take this decision? siddharth, you took the firststep towards love. and now you..- yes. i made a mistake. i made a mistake. a mistake. and i will suffer thepunishment of this mistake. i will suffer it. you..

how are you? i also feel likedrinking today, father. take this. is this the way to drink?you finished my drink. i made a grave mistake, father. i shouldn't havefallen in love with anjali. you have a very high thinking. before falling in love, ishould have found out about her. i told you. you havea very high thinking.

before falling in love with a girlyou should check her background.. ..her horoscope, her status,her standing. and then fall in love. right? siddharth, love is not just happens. the way it happened to you. if anjali belongsto a rich family.. ..what difference does it make? she loves you,doesn't she? it's enough. no, father.

i can't put anjali'sfuture at stake for my love. i am not so selfish.and i can't ever be like that. what will you do? try to forget her. you can't forget her. you can bet. i don't have anyother option, father. why you don't have an option? because.. becauseshe broke up with me. and she won't come back, father,

what if she comes back? then.. then i don't know. maybe i will have tothink of another way.. give our love some time. but at the moment,it's better to forget her. but you will have to help me. me?- yes. tomorrow morning i will go tothe city to deliver violins. if anjali comes to meet you, youwill tell her what i didn't say.

siddharth didn't go back? no. but he should havegone back, right? siddharth made a mistake,didn't he? no. anjali made a mistake. she should have stopped siddharth. and tried to explain to him. life can be livedwith the aid of love. she behaved childishly.

both behaved childishly. both of them couldn't understand.. ..that a few wordsspoken unknowingly.. ..will change thecourse of their love. the next day when anjali woke up.. ..she didn't even imagine thateverything will change so soon. dad. dad. dad. dad, why are you packing the bags?

dear, we have toreturn to chandigarh. - why? we were going to stay herefor a month, weren't we, dad? yes, dear. i know. but there isa strike in my gurgaon factory. and i will haveto return immediately. you go.i won't go. i will stay here. you will have tocome with us right now. laxmi has packed your go and get ready. dad. dad, please. uncle.

where is siddharth? he has gone to thecity to deliver violins. how did he leave suddenly? he didn't even inform me. he is angry because oflast night's fight, isn't he? but uncle, we fight every day. yes. last night i spoke too much. but he said such a thing.that i got angry. uncle, when will he return?

dear, i don't know that. i do know that yesterday he decidednot just to go to the city.. ..but also to goaway from your life. i don't think he willchange his decision. for the first time isaw my son so distressed. decision taken indistress doesn't change easily. is that so?he is so stubborn? tell him i also not less stubborn. tell him.

if he doesn't contact meas soon as he returns.. ..i will never contact him.and i won't meet him too. uncle, i love siddharth a lot. i love him. anjali, shall we leave? dad, he is siddharth's father. hello.- hello. dear, you go. i am coming.- okay. siddharth did a sensiblething by going to the city.

yes. my son is sensible.and i am proud of him. if lovers had everlistened to anyone.. we wouldn't havegot to hear any love story. anjali always listens to me. if anjali had beengoing with you willingly.. ..there wouldn't havebeen tears in her eyes. don't worry aboutmy daughter's tears. worry. that's the only thingthat i didn't do until now.

as much as i know life.. ..nothing is in your or my hand. now, everything is in thehand of time and destiny. only weak people talkabout time and destiny. let me tell you something. i am not against mydaughter's happiness. son. anjali loves you a lot. she came back.

what you wanted happened. you wanted time. you have got time. what do you mean? i mean, she has left. anjali's father tookher back with him. it took time for siddharthand anjali to come closer. maybe it took lesstime for them to separate. maybe this is thefate of true love.

"what did i do wrong?" "why did my belovedgo away from me?" "separation fromyou is killing me." you know somebodyis going to go away. but when someone really goes away.. ..that's when you trulyfeel the pain of separation. siddharth saw the lock. both suffered thesame grief. loneliness. one was used to it.

but for the other it wasthe beginning of hardships. he dropped the ideaof forgetting anjali. but he couldn'tunderstand how to remember her. after a lot of ponderingsiddharth took a strange decision. he decided to writea letter to anjali. after all, siddharth was usedto doing everything his way. oh, god.what am i seeing? am i drunk? hands that hold achopper are using a pen. i am writing aletter to anjali, father.

why? what happened?you lost her number? no, father. i have her number. there are manythings to talk about. but if i call her up,father, hearing anjali's voicei won't be able to stop myself. i won't be able tostick to my decision.. ..of giving our love some time. and all my toil will go waste. this won't happen ifyou write her a letter?

we will write letters to eachother. she will send me a reply. and we will wait for each other. what if she doesn't reply? then i will keep writing. good morning, ma''s letters. mom. any letter from siddharth? anjali, he has forgotten also forget him. okay?

"you didn't come to meet me." "something must have happened." "you must not have got time." "you must not have got a chance." "lonely nights and lonely days." "everywhere i looki see your face." "only you can take away this pain." "now and forever." seasons changed in dalhousie.

but siddharth neverstopped writing letters. he would post eachletter with a new hope. but the reply was not to come.and it didn't come. "i know without you ican't go on without your love." "there are thingsto say from my end." "there are things tosay from your end." "there are manythings if you think." "there is not much if you think." "the past moments mustnot have said anything."

there is a limit of waiting. and a limit of patience. after writing a letter every day,that is, 365 letters in a year.. ..siddharth decided towrite a last letter to anjali. the letter of farewell. "you must have leftfrom home to meet me." "you must not have been able to.. ..stop yourself inthe flow of emotions." "but the moon was dim."

"you must not have found the way." "now and foreverand ever and ever." "oh, baby." anjali also decided not to wait orgo to dalhousie to meet siddharth. siddhath is so stubborn. for a year no phone call,no letter. he is so proud of himself. the calendar marked a yearof disappointment and grief. and dates seemto be teasing anjali.

along with thecalendar anjali chucked out.. ..siddharth's memories too. and decided to live her life anew. anjali. i am sorry, mom. i am sorry. and time again proved this truth. lovers easily catch an evil eye. hello.- anjali. yes, dad.

come to rock gardentoday at 11 o'clock. - why? there is a surprise, dear.a surprise. hi. i am vishal. and i am not interested. grumpy. rude. boring lizard. you said lizard? you.. you.. you vishal..

you are vishal mehra? vishal mehra. monkey. grumpy. fatso. rude. excuse me. fatso.i am not fat anymore. yeah. i know. you are.. - looking very handsome.i know. i know. shall we go?- yes. but your family hadshifted to spain, right? not had. they are still there.

i came here for some projects.- projects? yes. we have aconstruction company. and you?- i have done architecture. and you? i have also done architecture. wow! wait a minute. something is fishy. fishy? what is fishy? our meeting can't be a coincidence. what do you mean? - i amsure it's my parents' mischief.

is that so?your parents do mischief? don't pretend. your family had shifted tospain when you were a kid, right? that's true. - and todaysuddenly you came in front of me. how did you recognise me? because you are still the same. grumpy, rude, lizard types. shut up. no. i mean, you have grownup to be a beautiful woman.

you are very beautiful. but i liked your parents' mischief. will you have dinner with me? dinner? but i.. - don't worry.i have spoken to your parents. and they have given the permission. thank you.- you are welcome. it's wonderful. you did all this for me?

since childhood whatever youdreamt of, you achieved it. education, career, success,social respect. everything. how focused you are! but at present,my focus is diverted. how? you are in front of mein such an ambiance. so that's the matter. tell me something. how many girls haveyou brought here?

are you asking me a questionor trying to know my character? 'are you asking me a questionor trying to know my character?' where are you lost? nothing, vishal. nothing. here is the food. delicious. one moment. something is fishy.- again. i am serious,vishal. what do you want?

all this, what is this? ..i came here fromspain for only one reason. you. since childhood, youknow what i mean, right? god. this.. what's happening to me? if there is nobodyelse in your life, can i.. 'anjali,i do know that siddharth..' '..has decided to goaway from your life.' 'and i don't think hewill change his decision.'

if you don't like me.. no. i like you, vishu. and there is nobody in my life. you are, what, you are saying yes? "my heart is calling out to you." "quench my thirst." "let your breathsmerge with mine today." "i have seen manyexpressions on your face." "how do i say whatall things you hold?"

"at times i gain sense." "at times i lose sense." "only your intoxicationhas shrouded over my heart." "come into my arms." "beloved, bridge the chasm today." "let your breaths merge with mine." "like arrows to heart." "like the rain to the ground." "like the sun to the sky."

"we two make our world unite." "you and i." "we two make our worlds unite." "the shower of your lips hastouched my smouldering lips slowly." "i search for slumberin your eyes." "is it my love or my craziness?" "if this is craziness,make me crazier." anjali was amazed. how did she fall madly inlove with vishal so soon?

but she had fallen in love. there was no innocence orpassion in anjali's love. there was sincerity and stability. maybe that's why anjali didn'tthink about siddharth even once.. ..when she was with vishal. or maybe it was the spellof vishal's personality. vishal being rich didn'tmake a difference for anjali. but it was the most importantthing for anjali's mother. she wanted such a boy who istheir equal in status and wealth.

her search came to an end. so why would they have delayed? we are pleased to tellyou that my daughter.. our daughter anjali andvishal are going to marry soon. when? i will tellyou that very soon. marriage? - why? what happened?you don't want to marry? shall i refuse? uncle. vishal, you are too much. well, darling. it's official now.

come on. come. i love you, anjali. i love you. i love you so much. anjali chose her life partner andshe took a step towards happiness. but siddharth's sorrow andloneliness were augmenting. the doctor told him that hisfather won't live for long. you again seem sad. it seems the doctor hastold you i am going to die.

so what? everybody has to die someday. who is immortal? everybody says i amdying because of alcohol. they don't know. i was alive untilnow because of alcohol. otherwise without your mother.. i lived life on my terms. now, i will die in my own style.

son.. wipe your tears. and promise me. you will build your dream house. for sure. to win anjali. when you will buildyour home.. your love.. ..your affection, your each sigh.. ..your each breath.. ..will call out to anjali.

no power in the worldwill be able to stop her. she will have to come back. father, it's too late.nobody will come now. lovers harbour hopetill their last breath. i have sold our house.- father. you will get themoney in a few days. and there issufficient balance in the bank. son. son. do one last thing.

embrace me. father.- don't ever lose hope. okay, son? siddharth saw the house and atthat moment decided something. he decided to meet anjalionce before he builds his house. when siddharth saw anjaliwith vishal, he shattered. but he felt somethingelse within him. a kind of obstinacy. a kind ofobsession. a kind of emotion. he devoted all his strength,time and energy.. building the house. maybe as his father said,the walls.. ..of the house willcall out to anjali. this thought was in his mind. andmaybe his heart was also saying. his dream will bring anjali to him. in spite of the truth thatshe loves somebody else. "all my desires have shattered." "where do i go in mydistressed state?" "i spend my nightsin your memories."

"my heart is waiting for you." "you turned out to be a betrayer.a betrayer." "now, i will live ordie only for you." "my beloved is upset with me." "o lord, what do i do?" i think ma'am likesyour story a lot. it's a very interesting should also hear it. yes. i will also hear it. youhear it first. right, mr. singh? yes. why not?

i can narrate thisstory again and again. come. lunch has been served.both of you come. there is buffet today. come, ma'am.- come. you are not eating?lentil is very tasty. did anjali come back? you are still thinking about her. but i don't want tokill your interest.. telling youthe end of the story. because we have reachedthat point of the story..

..from where each turn iseasy as well as difficult. finally siddharth built the house. the fame ofsiddharth's labour of love.. ..spread in the surrounding areas. people from far and widecame to see siddharth's artwork. even after being forbidden ajournalist clicked the house's picture. time passed slowly and painfully. he was still waiting for anjali. but as time passed his hopesturned into disappointment.

she has applied verybeautiful henna, hasn't she? bride's friends, you haveapplied a lot of henna.. ..on your hands and feet. did you leave anythingfor the bride? grandma, why don't you ask clearly? whether any henna is left for you. if you say, we will applyhenna on your entire body. greetings.- greetings. i hope you are enjoying yourselves.- where is anjali?

anjali..- yes. oh, yes. where is anjali? listen,dear. come here. yes, aunt.- where is anjali? don't know, aunt. -then go. search. "celebrations." "the bride is well-dressed." "the auspicious henna isshowing its colour." - go. "the auspicious hennais showing its colour." "the celebrations.."

how are you, priya? fine. very good.- listen, everybody. your photo and vishal'sphoto appeared in paper. it is written about your marriage. it says that chiefminister and governor too.. ..are attending your marriage. "the house of the bride.." "god, make me meet my beloved." "the beloved has gone."

excuse me. "dear, now please don't stop me." dear anjali. doctor, check what happened to her. don't worry. just exhaustion. it does happen sometimes.please move aside. "heart seems void.everything looks deserted." "these small eyesare suffering a lot." this is earthquake prone area.

this time i don't want any mistakes.- okay. fine. remember it carefully. all the details should beon my table by tomorrow. do you get it?- yes. anjali? you are here? excuse me, gentlemen. please.- thank you, sir. we will discuss this later.thank you. good morning, madam.- good morning. vishal, actually iwanted to go to dalhousie.

alone. tomorrow early morning alone?- yes. tomorrow early morning. hope our engagementis not in danger. no. no. i want to gothere and spend some time.. ..before starting newlife after our marriage. few incomplete worksneed to be finished. answers to fewquestions have to be searched. shall i go?

go. i will return soon. there is no need to hurry. go and relax. okay? 'anjali's mind was asking her..what is it you are doing?' 'heart was saying shewas doing the right thing.' 'hands were stopping as wellas dressing her very well.' that.. that i haveseen your photo.. in the newspaperalong with the house.

so i thought.. i was passing fromhere so i thought that.. are you fine? i am too fine. okay. i am leaving. if not me then at leastwatch this house carefully. 'the moment she stepped onthe threshold of new house.. ..all the memories andmoments spent together.. ..flashed across her mind.'

you have built your dreamhouse with lot of hard work.. ..and interest. i have chosen theremnants of my broken heart.. ..for building this house. so you started poetry too. what can one do whenthere is nothing left to do? is it? tell me something more. my wait has brought me here.. she has finally comebut only as a stranger.

it is very good. this is not my poem. have you stopped writing poems? this is beautiful. sun, moon and riverare seen from here. siddharth, your father? it has been fiveryears since he passed away. anjali and siddharthwere experiencing.. ..a strange feeling.

an eerie silence surrounded them. sugar. sugar. one spoon. thank you. i.. i am getting married. i know. you know?- yes. vishal loves you a lot, isn't it? and you?

i too. why are you watching like that? you are still the same.but have matured a bit. is it? what do matured people do? they don't bring thewords from their heart.. ..onto their tongue directly. first they send it to mind. they add something..they remove something and.. ..then they bring itonto their tongue.

your habit of talkingin puzzles is not lost. some habits are never lost. will you wait for dinner? i have to go. did vishal too come with you? i never had lunch ordinner with anyone.. ..after father's passing away. if you could join me.. i feel that i haveheard this story.

but maybe not. mr. singh, will you notconduct yoga classes today? yes. let us go. but the story is incomplete. right? i will tell you later. madam, piano is repaired. would you like to play pianoby the time mr. singh returns? i don't know to play piano. i don't even remember any tune.

you know to play pianoand you play it very well. madam! madam!calm down. it is okay. you will remember the tune.please don't worry. yes. come let uscontinue with the story. don't know what happens to me. it is okay. it is okay. it does happen like this sometimes. yes. don't know what wasthere in siddharth's voice.. ..that anjali couldn't say no.

full moon. they say thatthe water present inside.. ..our body affects it. and we do those thingswhich we normally don't do. maybe this is right. because there wasfull moon that night.. ..when we came herefor the first time. here? was it this place? yes. how close we bothcame without our knowledge.

yes. we were children then. yes. children. you are right. memories too causelot of pain, isn't it? that's why it isbetter to stay far. then why did you come here. don't know. should i drop you at home? no. i will go. you have grown up.

anjali.- yes. will you come again tomorrow? hello. - anjali, youdidn't call me after reaching. vishal? why? were you waitingfor someone else's phone? i was calling you since afternoon. i went outside. anjali, your voice is shivering. it is very cold here. that's why.

didn't you carrywarm clothes from here? i have brought but itis very cold today here. it is raining. anjali, take care of yourself. i love you and i miss you. love you too, vishal. - bye.- bye. 'anjali was feeling quite strange.' 'she then decided that shewill not meet siddharth again.'

'she packed her luggage.' 'but anjali's conscience mustbe thinking of something else.' 'heart was thinkingof something else.' siddharth, you.. what happened, anjali? you have built thishouse in my memory. you have done everything as i said. you are reminding me ofmy past again and again. you didn't even make a call.

you didn't even write a letter. daily.. each day i havewritten a letter to you. for one whole year. i have written 365 letters to you. 365 letters. what? you.. i have spent every momentthinking of what to write. or i would wait for your reply. and you are telling me that..

oh, my god. yes, anjali. that night.. our relationshipdidn't end that night. anjali, it didn't end even today. it didn't end even today. this is not right. i have to go. anjali! siddharth, we haveto forget each other. no. i cannot forget.

siddharth, forget me.i will be getting engaged soon. it didn't take place, isn't it? look, is not late even now. everything will become fine,anjali. siddharth, i love vishal. you are lying. anjali, youlove me. only me. only me. otherwise you wouldn'thave come here. i shouldn't have come. i havelied with vishal. i cheated him. you are lying to are cheating yourself.

ask yourself, anjali.ask yourself what you want. no, siddharth. i have to go. anjaili, stop! anjali, listen to me. siddharth, i've to go.leave my way. listen to me. what is your problem? you have become more intelligent.exactly like your mother. i know vishal is rich than me.even in status. who am i? i have got only this house.why will you come to me?

siddharth, leave me. anjali, i am sorry. anjali, we havecommitted a mistake earlier. we got distanced fromeach other for years. life is giving us another chance. if we commit anymistake again then.. ..we will never be ableto forgive each other. please! anjali, iknow that you love me. even i too love you equally.please don't go by leaving me.

anjali! anjali! listen to me, anjali. please! mother? when did you come from chandigarh? mother, you didn't allow me toreceive siddharth's letters. you were lying to me. tell me. - you have to tell me, mother.- yes. your mother stopped you fromreceiving siddharth's letters. take these, daughter.these are your letters.

dear anjali, don't cry. don't cry. - don't cry, dear. i am there.- father. don't cry, dear. don't cry. what are you doing? the same thing which a father ofgrown up daughter should be doing. you were watching me cry daily. but you still didn'tgive me these letters. whatever i have done,i did it for your good. yes, i have committed one mistake.

i should have tornall these letters. now stop this crying.vishal is coming here. if he comes to knowabout your foolishness.. just a minute! we have agreed foranjali and vishal's marriage.. ..because anjali wanted it. but now if she wants..- what? have you lost your senses? the entire chandigarh knows that..

..anjali and vishalwill be getting engaged. invitations have been sent.and now.. sushma, till now everythinghappened as per your wish. now you listen to me. we cannot ruin our daughter'slife for the sake of people.. ..and this false status. do you understand? now anjali will take the decision. dear anjali, the entiresituation is in front of you.

now whatever decisionyou take, think and do it. "what mistake has happened?" "why did she getseparated from her beloved?" "your separation hasbecome a danger to my life." "now my life anddeath is meant for you." "oh, god. what is it?" "oh, god. make everything fine." i can feel anjali'stears in my eyes. did you write these songs?

who did she chose? so i have got two options with me. one. i have to shootsiddharth and go to jail. not a bad option. and the second optionis that i leave you. it means sacrifice. but i feel sorry thatmy heart is not so kind. anjali, i know

that it is verydifficult to forget first love. but i love you. i love you very much. what happened after that? then? then? i know. i know what happened. i know. i know what happened. this.. i have heardthis story before too.

this.. this is our story.. isn't it? i am anjali and.. and.. and you are siddharth. "you are the dawn ofmy forgotten love." "you show me the pathof the life i lead." "i am carrying the memoriesof your love in my heart." "i am waiting with the hopeof getting your love back."

"god forbid youdon't like anyone else." who are you? who are you? why are you holding me like this?leave me! anjali, i am siddharth. which siddharth?i don't know you.. -i am.. leave me!- anjali! - leave me! i don't know you.- i am siddharth. who are you? - anjali!- leave my hand! madam!- please take me away form here!

leave my hand!- anjali! who is he?- he is mr. singh. madam, hewas telling you a story. i don't know him. who is he? i am siddharth. please take me away form here!- anjali! anjali! anjali, i am.. doctor sharma is there with madam. everything will become fine.

i know what you are going through. mr. singh, why don'tyou go to your children? you can come wheneveryou want to meet madam. i love my children a lot. but anjali is my life. she is my world. wherever anjali stays,i will live there. i cannot live without anjali. madam, doctor has called you.

mr. singh. she is okay now. quite stable. when she came herefor the first time.. ..she would recognizeme in few days. and then in few weeks. today for the firsttime in four months. she recognized me for few minutes. and then.. it happens.

very often it happensin this disease. memory is regained forfew moments and then.. is lost suddenly. fearing.. shouting..maybe brain shuts down. you know it is notpossible for her to get cured. where medical sciencefails to work.. begins its work from there. love. god.

how did all this happen? by asking the samequestion again and again.. ..she then startedforgetting small things. car keys.. names of perfumes.. she even forgotthe way to the house. anjali! anjali! whatare you doing here? where is my house? i am sorry to inform you,mr. singh. this is the initialstage of alzheimer.

gradually she willlose all her memory. anjali came to know thatshe will lose her memory. she feared losing everything.. the fear of losing thememories of the time.. ..spent togetherdescended on her face and eyes. and then anjali started writing. our entire lives wereencapsulated in words. it contains our story. how we met. how we fell in love.

how we got separated. and then how we met again. if i lose my memorythen read this to me. siddharth, i promise youthat i will come back to you. i know that medicalscience doesn't have cure.. ..for this disease. maybe it was for only few moments.. ..but my anjali has come back. doctor, i have gotcomplete faith in my love.

anjali will come.she will come back. she will definitely come. definitely! this is the story ofsiddharth and anjali. it is the story of their love,madness, passion.., affection.. it was the time of holidays.dalhousie looked beautiful. "this is my wish." "i will call you my love."

"this is my identity." "you love me, baby." "i will be waiting for you." "tell me if ever i hadcommitted any mistake." "i am holding my heartin my hands for you."

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