Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How To Flashing thl 200c

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How To Flashing thl 200c

i had a problem with my flat screen tv notturning on. instead of sending it in for repairs i decided to fix it. using time lapse to speedthings up, i’ll show you how i did it. first i disconnected and removed the tv from thewall and laid it face down on a flat carpeted floor. i then removed the rear panel screwsand lifted off the panel to get closer to accessing the boards inside. i wanted to geta closer look at the power supply board, as i suspected it was causing the problem. soi disconnected more connectors, removed more philips screws and then removed the metalprotective panel over the boards to gain access. once the panel was off, i had a clear viewof the power supply board. it was the board with the heavy power cable wires that wentto the wall outlet plug connector. then i

proceeded to carefully unplug the board. ialso zeroed the high voltage capacitors that were present on the board. these on mine read450 volts. i did this by holding the plastic handle of the screwdriver and shorted thelegs of each capacitor together with the screwdriver blade to zero them. i then lifted the boardoff the chassis and took a closer look. i could clearly see that the tops of 2 electrolyticcapacitors were swollen. one was actually leaking. i decided to replace those, as wellas the 2 capacitors that were beside them. from my local electronics store, i purchased4 replacement capacitors. see my notes below for details. all 4 items cost me a total of3 dollars. using some soder wick, a 25 watt soldering iron, and some solder i proceededto remove and replace the 4 capacitors. after

marking the bottom of the circuit board, igently and carefully de-soldered the capacitors. you can see that i clearly marked the polaritiesof the old capacitors on the circuit board. i took this information from the top of theboard by looking at the labels on the existing blown capacitors. one must always use theexact same voltage and capacity components when replacing parts on their devices. i hadno way of knowing whether the 2nd pair of capacitors were defective by visual inspection,but for the price, it was hard to go wrong in replacing them. once the old capacitorswere removed, i had to clean up the leftover solder residue from the board using soderwick. if this old residue was not removed, i would later have a tough time getting thenew ones in where the old ones came out. now

it’s time to install the new electrolyticcapacitors. i’m careful to pay close attention to the polarity labeling of the new ones asi put them in. careful not to get solder on any other components i progressively moveup the circuit board one connection at a time, always careful not to spend too much timein one spot. excessive heat for extended periods on any connection can cause collateral damageto the components being soldered, the board, or anything nearby. once the connections wereall made, i carefully snipped off the long legs of the capacitors, and took a quick lookat the board afterwards. that’s it. i re-assembled the tv in the reverse order that i took itapart and fired it up. this repair i did 2 weeks ago, and as you can see, all is in order.thanks for watching! and don’t forget, i

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