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what's up here dr bc and in this episode,i will show you, how to unlock boot loader on moto e and how to root moto e? my requestto all of you, do this at your own risk and bcd tech is not responsible for any damagedthat you can do with your phone while repeating these steps this is moto e, for our previous videos onthis phone, please click on the link flashing on yours screen. in this video, i will show you how to unlock boot loader on moto e andhow to root this device. first of all i will show you the android versionon the device. let's go to setting, then to about phone. here you can see that this ismoto e, and the android version is 4.4.2. here the base band, kernel, system versionand the build number. now first of all you
have to turn on the developer mode on thephone. for that tap this build number one two three four five six and seven times, andhere you can see that "you are now a developer". now go back, and here you can see the developeroption. now tap this developer option. and this is 'on' by default. and here you haveto check this usb debugging mode. just tap this debugging mode. and then press ok. nowthe usb debugging mode is on the moto e. and now go back, now go back again. to root thisdevice, first you have to unlock the boot-loader. to unlock that, first of all you have to gointo fast-boot that is boot-loader mode. for that you can connect this phone to computer,and use some adb commands to boot this phone into boot-loader mode. right now i am notdoing that, i am going by second method. for
that turn off the phone, for that tap andhold power key and then tap power off and then ok. now the moto e is shutting down.when it's shut down completely, then go to right bessel and here tap and hold this volumedown key, and then this power key for few seconds, and after few second release thepower key, and then this volume key. now on the display you can see the adb fast bootflash mode. here you can see that the boot-loader of the device is locked. and here is someboot commands. now connect the usb cable to the moto e to unlock the boot-loader. nowi have connected a micro usb data cable. now go to the pc.for unlocking moto e, you have to search the "unlocking moto e" on google search. and heredown in the search result you will see the
motorola site, saying unlocking support forboot-loader of motorola. now when you click this you will land on motorola page. on thispage you have to enter the google account details, to login. and then you have landon this, step 2 page. now first is to install android sdk, for adb commands. for that goto developer site and download and then install google sdk. if you don't wants this. you candownload this adb setup file. it is around 9 mb. once you have downloaded this, installthis. install adb driver also. and once you have completed that driver installation thenthere is no need for google sdk. here you can see that you have to boot phoneinto boot-loader menu and then type this command on cmd prompt. on the command prompt, firstof all i will show you whether adb is installed
or not. type adb and then enter, here youcan see options with adb commands. once verified, paste the command. here you can see the coupleof data. now you have to copy that data, mark and then copy all of this data and then presscontrol c. now go to folder and make a text file, new and then new text file. and thenopen it and then paste the data. oh! ok, control z. tries again.mark, and then copy, control c and then control v. yah! now this is copied. now you have todelete the space. go to the end of line and press delete. again delete, and finally, allis on, single line. now select all, and then copy, now go back to the site and here youhave to enter that data. paste the data. and then press "can my device be unlock", verifyingeligibility. if your device is unlockable,
a request unlock key button appear at thebottom of this page. if you go down, and click this i agree, and when this is verified, thenhere you will see the "request unlock key". and when you tap this, you will get the unlockkey on your mail, that you used, while registering with motorola site. here i had got that unlockkey. and now you have gone to this page. that is step 3. now you have to type this command,"fastboot oem unlock", copy this command, and then go to command prompt, and then pastehere, now copy the unlock key that you had get on mail, copy and then on command menupaste. now press the enter button and here on the device you can see the unlock. nowit will take some time, wait for the rebooting. now it is rebooting. and here you can seethe warning boot-loader unlocked. here is
some alert about the unlock, critical softwarecomponent alert and else. visit this motorola unlock boot-loader for more information andfor the copy of applicable legal agreements. now the phone is rebooted. it is startingwith the nice animation. nice, nice, nice. now it will take time here. now the phoneis full formatted and the user data is erased. the boot-loader is now unlocked and the warrantyis void. the phone is factory reset. so it will take time. so unlocking boot-loader,wiped the user data and factory reset the phone, so make sure you have taken, the backupof, all of your important data before proceeding to unlock step.preparing device, please wait here. now the phone is booted to first boot screen. nowi will skip all of the steps here, you can
see how to configure the phone through firstboot screen in our previous video on unboxing. see the link of video, flashing on the screen.now the phone is booted up. the welcome screen, here is couple of new notifications. clearall, now i will show you the lock status of the phone, for that turn off the phone andthen tap ok, take out the usb cable, so that this will not, go into charging mode. nowmoto e is turned off. now press the volume down key, then power key. and after few seconds,release both keys. now phone is in fast-boot mode. here on the display you can see thatthe device is unlocked and the status code is 3. so the moto e boot-loader is now unlocked,and you can now root this device. this complete the unlock part of moto e, now i will moveto the next part of the video, that is rooting.
now to root this phone, reboot the moto enormally. just press this volume up button. the moto e starts rebooting, here the samewarning message, you can also get rid of that, i will show you this at the end of this video.now wait till the moto e is rebooted. that is nice animation. this first reboot willtake time, but after that moto e will boot up fast. the moto e boot very fast as compareto others. now i think it is last, and here moto e is booted up. the first thing you haveto do here is to connect the phone to pc, ok before that i have to turn on the usb debuggingmode. this is done only for rebooting phone into boot-loader mode. you can skip this anddirectly go to boot-loader by key combinations. as the phone is reset so the debugging modeis off. here you can see that developer option
is disabled, go to about phone and tap thebuild number 7 times and the developer mode is on. now go back, and here you can see thedeveloper option. now the developer options are enabled, and check this usb debugging.and tap ok. now the usb debugging mode is on. now connect this phone to pc. here youcan see the rsa fingerprint, tap always allow, and then tap ok. now you can see that theusb debugging connected and connected media device. take this phone aside.now i have to copy some files to the phone, go to pc, the files are like that the "updatesuper su" and the "file manager" file. copy this and then paste either into internal storageor external storage, i will prefer internal. right click and paste. now two files are pasted,now go back to our main file locations. now
files are copied, now i will show you howto root moto e. this is xda developer page, and i am using this method to root moto e.and according to him i had to flash the twrp recovery first from here, here is the twrpfor moto e. this is again from the same xda member. here are pre requirements, bugs andhere is the instructions, first of all unlock the boot-loader. as i had already done this,then reboot the phone into boot-loader mode. either you can use the commands, for thatyou have enable the usb debugging mode. or you can use the key combinations. once thedeveloper option is enable, use command "adb reboot bootloader". copy that on command prompt,and press enter. now you can see that the phone automatically reboots into boot-loader.here is the fast-boot menu. now you have to
run this command "fastboot flash recoveryrecovery.img". the twrp recovery for moto e can be downloaded from here. once it isdownloaded, put the file here and rename the file to recovery dot img. else the commandwill not work. once you have done that, paste the command that is "fastboot flash recoveryrecovery.img". and then press enter. and here on the phone you can see that mismatch partitionsize recovery. and you can see that done. now you have to reboot phone into recovery,here it say that, fastboot reboot, and when moto e is rebooted, use adb reboot recovery.better is to go directly from here, by pressing the volume down button, and then navigateto the recovery, and when it is on recovery, then press the volume up key. the phone reboots.again the same warning boot-loader unlock
logo. and here is the team win recovery. nowhere is the recovery menu, now here don't touch the display of the phone. there is bugin the recovery. the twrp is built on third party kernel, as motorola has not releasethe kernel for moto e, so the touch has some issues. now put the phone aside, until yousee the blank display. wait, this will take maximum up to one minute. wait for the displayto be off. now the display is turn off. now press the power button, and here you can seethat, and the touch is working. now from here you have to tap this install, and hen press,oh! i have to go back, press install, and go down, and here is the update super su file,tap this to select, and then tap add more to the zip, and here, the filemanager. heretwo of the maximum, and now swipe this to
install zips. you can see that the zips areinstalling, and once completed, you can reboot this device directly from here. the moto estarts rebooting, again this will take time to reboot. now the phone is rebooting, hereyou can see that 2 applications are installed, and moto e is optimizing that applications,as i have flash the recovery image. now the phone is booted. now unlock the phone, againusb debugging is connected. go to application draw, and here in the last you can see thesuper user app. tap to open, no thanks. so you can see that it is installed, and themoto e is successfully rooted, now i will show the root status on the phone. go to fileexplorer, here is the root checker app, this ask for setting, unknown source, tap ok, andgo back to explorer and install the root checker,
now i had installed a root checker application,tap open, encryption go, check now, app ask for root permission, grant it and here youcan see that the phone is now rooted. so by couples of steps you can root the moto e,and there is no problem in doing that. so it is very easy, now only one problem remainson the phone that is warning boot logo. when you turn on the phone you will see this imageevery time. now in this part of video i will show you how to get rid of that, without losingthe root status or without locking the boot-loader. for that again you have to boot moto e intothe boot-loader mode. here i am waiting for boot up, and then go by command mode i willgo to boot-loader mode. now the moto e boots up. take out the usb cable, unlock the deviceand put it usb cable again. now connected
media device, connected usb debugging. nowgo to the computer, and type "adb reboot bootloader". and press enter key, the moto e is now rebooted,and here is the boot-loader mode. yah! it is the fast-boot flash mode. now to changethe image, you have to, download this logo file, i will put this file in the descriptionof this video. now extract this file here. here is logo dot bin. now on the command window,type fastboot flash l o g o logo logo dot bin. and then enter, here it finished. nowon the phone, it is flash logo, and now tap this power, no no this volume up key, nowhere on the boot you can see that the warning logo disappears, and the phone doesn't showany warning message on boot up screen, so by the help of this couples of steps, unlockingboot-loader, flashing twrp recovery, installing
zips, and finally flashing logo, i successfullyroots my moto e. so it is very easy to root moto e, and there is no problem in rootingthe phone. again i will check the root status of the phone, tap check now, and here youcan see that the status rooted. so it is very easy to root moto e. links of commands, xdapages and the files used in this process are in the description of this video.this completed the rooting of moto e, if you like this video, don't forget to subscribeto my channel; the subscription link is shown on your screen. for more videos on moto elike tear down, performance and more, keep watching bcd tech. don't forget to watch ourthis video, that is on locking boot-loader and retaining warranty of moto e after rooting.thanks you and have a nice day. bye.
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