Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How To Flashing symphony zi

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How To Flashing symphony zi

susan: hi, i am susan, and i am in marketing,and today, i am reviewing the tredstep symphony no 3 rosa side zip knee patch breeches. i decided i wanted to get a new pair of breeches,and i noticed that smartpak started carrying the tredstep line of breeches, and i thought,'huh, tredstep knows about half chaps and they know about gloves. i wonder if they knowanything about breeches?' and i have to say i have been pleasantly surprised. so i amreally particular about my fabric. these, when i picked them up i thought they feelreally soft. they are nice and lightweight and they have four-way stretch, which is keyfor me. i like things to be kind of kept together. i like the four-way, because i want to makesure there is plenty of flexibility while

i am riding, but also, like i said, keepseverything packed in a little bit. tredstep named their fabric the ts evolution fabric- i am not sure why, but kind of a catchy name. the other thing that i liked instantly wasthe waist design. i really like wearing belts with my breeches. again kind of traditional,i know, but with these, the waist design is such that there is a really nice fit, thereis no gapping, but you actually don’t need a belt either - of course, if you get theright size, so make sure you get the right size. but as long as you do, the belt is justaesthetic. so i really liked that. originally, i wasn’t planning on gettinga mid-rise breech, but when i tried these

on, these actually don’t really feel mid-rise.they feel a little shorter than mid-rise, on me anyway. i am 5’5” on a good day,so keep that in mind when you are thinking about your own size. so i really like themid-rise. i really like the waistband. euro seat is kind of a must have for me. i reallywon’t buy any more breeches that don’t have that. the other thing that really impressedme was the pockets. so i liked this whole angle design in the pockets. and sometimesif your breeches are a little on the tight side, you can see the outline of the pockets,but again with the right size, i was really impressed - they are not super deep pockets,they are certainly adequate, but they don’t show through either. so i really like that.

so the other thing i really want to pointout is i want to point out this integrated calf sock design. and when i saw it, i waspsyched, because i really like my field boots and my half chaps to be really tight. againquirky, i know you are watching this video going, another quirky rider. but that’sjust me. so i knew this integrated sock design was going to make it a really super tightfit, but then i am like, oh, best of luck, susan, trying to get these off. well, sureenough, i wore them, i was ready to throw them in the wash. i just pulled the bottomof them, and it slipped right off, no problem. again after the wash, they didn’t warp,they didn’t change. the fit was super good. the last thing that i want to point out isthis butterfly seam right around the knee.

it looks kind of like a cool amoeba-like design,but it prevents gapping at the knee. they did a couple of other nice little things onhere. a little pretty fabric on the inside, a colored button, and a little embroideryon the back. and i have to say i like the wider belt loop, too. i just want to add aboutsizing. of course, we always want to go a size down, because that just makes us feelbetter, but i am literally in between sizes and i did actually go with a smaller size,and again, i was pleasantly surprised. not too tight, certainly not loose, but fits rightjust every time. so don’t worry - if you do happen to get the wrong size, rememberwith smartpak all you have to do is slap that return label on there, and you can returnit to us for free shipping. so it’s free

shipping both ways. i am a hunter/jumper rider, and i absolutelylove these for schooling. i haven’t worn them for a show yet, but i absolutely could.i am more of a jumper so i can be a little bit more versatile, but i would feel verycomfortable going in the hunter or equitation ring with these, too. i am susan, and the tredstep symphony no 3rosa side zip knee patch breeches are my pick of the month.


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