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for this project, i’m going to show youhow to defend yourself on the stick bomb battlefield. by making a homemade arsenal, of spring loadedstick bombs and throwing stars, that explode on impact. start this project with a handful of popsiclesticks, or craft sticks like these. i found mine in packs of 100 at a local dollar store,and one pack is usually enough to make over 20 exploding stick bombs. now let’s get down on the carpet, becausethe sponginess of the rug will make it much easier to mass produce our mini weapons. andto start, let’s kick off production with the boomerang bomb. it only uses 4 sticks,and it’s one of the easiest throwing stars to make. start by overlapping two sticks on one endso they form an arrow pointing to the left,
with the yellow stick on the top side. nowplace the red stick on top of these two, so the bottom lines up with the green stick,and the top intersects with the middle of the yellow. to bind them together, hold thesticks firmly together where the yellow and red sticks meet the green, then push the tipof the orange stick under the middle of the green one, and lock the the other end underthe yellow stick. that’s how quick and easy it is to make the boomerang bomb. and nowif you throw it at a hard surface like a wall or refrigerator, the sticks will explode onimpact. now check this out. with a fairly simple transformation,and one extra stick, we can easily convert the boomerang bomb into a 5 point throwingstar. hold the boomerang with both hands at
the bottom, and carefully push the pointstogether, in a way that makes the orange and blue sticks jut out on either side. now youshould be able to take the red stick and push one end under the orange piece, then bendit over and lock it underneath the blue. with a bit of careful tweaking you’ll have agreat looking 5 point throwing star, that’ll give a satisfying, spring-loaded burst ofenergy when it connects with your target. next up is the butterfly bomb, and for thisone we need 5 sticks. start by crossing two yellow sticks to form an “xâ€, then dropa green stick in the center so it crosses through the middle horizontally. use yourthumb to hold them down, so you can slide the end of a red stick under one of the yellowones, bending it over the green stick, and
locking it into place under the yellow stickon the other side. now use your thumb and finger to hold this side together so it doesn’tspring apart, then take the other red stick and lock it in place on the other side, thesame way you did before. the tension will hold it together, and that’s how you makethe butterfly bomb. the hand grenade, also uses 5 sticks, butin a completely different way. place the yellow stick in the center and overlap the two purplesticks so they diverge away from each other, but meet together at the top. hold all thesticks together with your thumb, so you can wedge one of the red sticks so it’s underthe yellow, but on top of the two purple sticks. then grab the other red stick and weave itthe opposite way, so it goes under the purple
sticks and over the yellow. this will lockit together, and the hand grenade is done. these are one of my favorite stick bombs tomake because they hold together really well, and are one of the most volatile when theygo off. the four square is another quick and easybuild, and uses 6 sticks. set the two blue sticks side by side so they’re parallelto each other, then set two green sticks perpendicular to the ends so the whole thing makes a square.the orange stick goes on top so it overlaps the center of the green ones, and now theyellow stick needs to slide under the middle portion of the blue one on the side. holdthe yellow stick firmly in place so you can pull the other blue stick to the side, andcarefully weave it over the tip of the yellow
stick, locking it back into place under thegreen. the four square is done, and despite it’s humble look, it’ll still blow topieces just like all the others. now a quick and cool variation of the foursquare is the flying fish. simply slide two of the edges on the square toward each other,then turn it 90⺠and do the same thing with the other two edges. to finish up, gentlypush two opposite corners together, and it’ll compress the square into a flat diamond it has the look of an exotic fish, and should make a nice addition to your collection. the hardest stick bomb to make is a six pointedthrowing star, and you’ll need 6 sticks, if you’re up for the challenge. lay theblue stick down first, then place the red
and yellow sticks in a “v†pattern overlappingit in the middle by about an inch, and with the yellow stick on top. now take the orangestick and push one end under the blue tip, then angle it toward the center. do the samething on the other side with the green stick, and place the tip so it’s overlapping theorange one at the top. now grab the purple stick and hold everything in place with onehand, while pushing the purple stick under the tip of the red one. bend it over the greenand orange tips, then lock it together underneath the yellow stick. it probably won’t lookvery pretty at first, but if you carefully tweak the sticks, so the tips line up, you’llend up with a really cool looking, 6 pointed throwing star like this. these are the hardestones to make, so if you’re able to build
these, you’ll be a master, on the stickbomb battlefield. well now you know how to use a handful ofpopsicle sticks to create an arsenal of exploding throwing stars. whether it’s just for fun,or for defending your empire in popsicle stick warfare. by the way, i used 6 sticks to build a bonusbomb, but i won’t show you how to make it. instead, let’s see if you can figure outhow to do it on your own. and if you find that regular popsicle sticksare too hard to work with, try using jumbo craft sticks, or tongue depressors instead.they’re actually a lot easier to use, and might be more intimidating to your enemies,as well.
well that’s it for now. if you like thisproject perhaps you’ll like some of my others. check them out at
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