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How To Flashing spice mi 600
welcome to cuba,the wonderful tropical island! i'm little shao,a photographer based in paris. follow me on set with myprofoto b1 off-camera flash in the streets of la havana and trinidad. because of the extreme sunshine conditions, cuba was the perfect place to testthe new high-speed synch system. i had the chance to meet different performerswho helped me to push the limits. i started with a talented andbeautiful dancer, soleila. the difficulty here was to have asharp picture without any motion blur
while she was playing with herribbon against daylight. with this new system, you are now able toincrease the shutter speed and be more creative. in this other shot, i'm able to create adark environment at a f1.4 aperture, which was impossible beforein the daylight conditions. in trinidad, i met one of the bestdancers of the island, bboy 90. he was performing dynamic moveswhen the sun was at its highest point which brings a lot of shadows. the difficulty i had before was tofreeze perfectly fast movements under a strong daylight.
here is an example. in this picture you can see thathis hand has a motion blur. now with the upgrade of the profotob1 off-camera flash at high speed, you can freeze the subject clear and sharp. as an action photographer, using theprofoto b1 with the high speed synchronisation allows me to shape fast movementson another level and increase my creativity. for me... this is a revolution.
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