Wednesday, March 22, 2017

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How To Flashing soja s9300b

on today's safety first. all koreans love pork belly. but what can cause a fire whilst grilling pork belly? koreans are obsessed with smartphones all the time and wherever they go. find out the cause of nearsightedness. if you have loads of leftover food from seollal, use these unique recipes to create new dishes. stay safe and protect your body!

this is korea's center of safety! safety first! one person is especially hyped up today. he's a very welcome face. he's returned as a special mc, it's park sungkwang. nice to meet you. everyone, thank you for being here. what do you feel you're the best at on safety first? what are you the best at?

i'm the best for grade schoolers. grade school president. i have catchphrases with grade schoolers. what are they? - just say it for us. / - you have a catchphrase? 2, 3. okay, okay, okinawa! thank you. sorry, sorry, myanmar.

- english. / - okay, okay. - japanese. / - okinawa! that's all? okay, okay, okinawa. i'd like it to catch on overseas. say it for us. with what? don't you have one for china? you do this when you meet someone.

hi, hi, shanghai. how embarrassing. let's say it together. 1, 2, 3. that's pretty good. in the hopes that you two get girlfriends... let's have them talk about their merits. then start the show. jongkook has to get a girlfriend this year.

yeah, let's do it in 2016. wink or acting cute. rather than that... i've given it my all and made lots of money. that's incredible appeal. my heart just dropped. it's all for you. my ideal type is a rich man. rich man. i've found my ideal type.

you'll get in trouble if you say that here. ("b" pension, ganghwa, incheon) (who has visited this place?) hello, i'm inahjjang. hello, i'm comedian kim minkyoung. you can't have an eating show without her. comedian kim minkyoung. eating a lot is my expertise. a rising goddess of eating shows.

expert eating show creator, inahjjang. we've prepared 20 servings of pork belly for these two big eaters. we're eating pork belly? why did you call us? all you two have to do is just eat the pork belly. so we just have to eat? yes, just eat all of that. something's suspicious.

please pay attention to their actions. i'll turn on the gas first. there. (checking the pan temperature with her hand) don't worry, i'm not cooking my hand. i'm checking the temperature. the computer graphics have improved a lot. that's the sound you want. that's being very respectful to the meat.

this sounds amazing. the pork belly is starting to sizzle nicely. looks delicious. (there's a toilet roll there too) this is amazing. i'm going to wipe away some of the fat. she's a pro. there are no holes for the fat on those pans... she looks like a barbecue shop owner.

it's like the owner cutting up the meat. so much oil. let's eat now. i eat it straight... she loves her meat. you shouldn't wrap the first piece. i've cooked these really crispy... right? we didn't know that they'd be so thin...

- let's eat quick now. / - two at a time. (their eating show has begun) how many servings is that? you need some bean paste stew or cold noodles. you're not full at all? i don't feel full at all. (a small frame but an enormous stomach) - who is she? / - what does she do? inahjjang doesn't know how to stop eating.

they've eaten all that pork belly. that was 20 servings or 4kg of meat. i'm full. we've finished. can we go now? really? you said we could leave after we eat. can we leave? while you were eating, you did something that could've started a fire.

us? a fire? why? there was nothing for a fire. what was it that the two women did while cooking pork belly, that could start a fire? fire? how can you start a fire while cooking pork belly? what could it be? i have no idea.

i think it'd be leaving the toilet paper next to the grill where there's a lot of heat. it could stick. yes, the oil could splash and make it stick. i think the plates next to the fire... the plates with the lettuce on them. you think they're too close to the fire? you can see the burn marks on those white plates. - i've got it! / - something like that?

the frying pan is trapping the heat. oh, that? it's too big for the portable stove? couldn't that be it? we do use large frying pans a lot. this actually happened to me once. my hair got caught in the fire. the flames rose up my hair. while you were cooking?

while i was cooking on the frying pan. i smelled something burning. and it was my hair. so i put it out like this. i think i've been a fool since then. because you smacked your head? i hit my head too much. did we get the answer right? let's check. one of these actions can cause a fire while cooking.

recently there was a case where a man was cooking pork belly at home and started a fire. he was cooking pork belly alone at 2 a.m. then 1 hour later. he was watching tv in his room and saw the flames in the kitchen. the fire burned down the entire house. 10 neighbors had to evacuate their houses.

some even needed treatment for smoke inhalation. we asked the fireman that was on the scene. what was the cause of the fire? we checked the site and discovered that the tissues used to wipe the oil was placed in a plastic garbage bag and the heat lit the tissues on fire. the cause of the fire was the tissue used to wipe the pork belly fat

that was thrown away in the plastic bag. can tissue used to wipe pork belly fat really cause a fire? we'll find out through an experiment. this is how we'll conduct the experiment. we'll cook 2 servings of pork belly just like the man. and we'll use the toilet paper that he used to wipe the pork belly oil. then we'll place the toilet paper

in a garbage bag that's two-thirds filled. and we'll check if that starts a fire. will it really start a fire? the experiment begins. the safety man starts to cook the pork belly. we can start to see the oil building up. there's so much fat in pork belly. he wipes the oil and throws the tissues in the bin. (what will happen?)

there is no fire. we'll keep going. if you could replicate that through an experiment, we'd get so many more fires. that's a common scene. the 10th attempt. there is no smoke or fire. we do that a lot. they ate all that pork belly?

we all do that on vacation. we made 43 attempts. but there still is no fire. the production team are enjoying their pork belly in the meantime. after filling their stomachs with pork belly... the experiment continues. it's interesting that this can actually happen. so they didn't add anything else...

just then! smoke can be seen in the garbage bag. we'll look at that situation once again. the safety man wipes the oil and throws the toilet paper into the bin. then shortly after, smoke started rising from the bin. but there was no fire. we checked and the smoke was from the melting bag. but there were no flames.

the production team spot the possibility of a fire. they continue the experiment with enthusiasm. they cook the meat and wipe the oil without rest. finally over 100 attempts. there are so many garbage bags. they clean up the garbage bags. but they've all stuck together. on closer inspection, it was because of heat from the hot oil.

the experiment continued all night till morning. on the second day of the experiment. the experiment has reached the 200th attempt. and it became evening again. the production team ate pork belly for every meal for 2 days straight. they're starting to get exhausted. but they won't give up. smoke rises from the bin once again.

the safety man hasn't spotted the smoke yet. he wipes the oil and throws it away again. something doesn't seem right. there's a lot more smoke than yesterday. worried that a fire might start, they use a fire extinguisher. as the fire's being put out, red flames can be spotted in the bin. a fire can actually start from pork belly fat.

it took 215 attempts for fire to start from pork belly fat wiped with toilet paper. the experiment shows that the chance of fire starting from pork belly is 0.4%. just how hot is toilet paper after it's used to wipe pork belly fat? we'll check with a thermographic camera. first we cook some pork belly. oil starts to gather inside the frying pan.

what is the temperature of the oil? 220℃. pork fat starts to smoke at 180 to 200℃. if it touches flammable material at this temperature it could easily start a fire. next we wipe the oil with toilet paper and place it on a plate. the temperature is clocked at 210℃. how long does it take for this

hot toilet paper to cool down? it took 22 minutes to get below 30℃. oil used for cooking is actually very hot. so there is danger of spontaneous combustion. you need to be very careful with this oil. therefore you should make sure to cool down the toilet paper at room temperature before throwing it out. or, even better, cool it in water before throwing it out.

a fire can start while cooking pork belly. you should be aware even though it's 0.4% likely. the production team worked so hard to show that it's possible. 0.4% seems like a really low probability. but we eat so much pork belly each year. we'd eat more than 250 times a year. i thought 250 times was way too much. but it could actually happen over time

whether it's 1 or 2 or 3 years. that means every few years we just get lucky and avoid this fire. that's right. we need to be careful of fires when the weather is dry like these days. that's why we've prepared this. fires through the numbers. a keyword will come up on screen related to fires.

we have to guess what that is. sungkwang, please show us your stuff. i guessed it wrong on purpose earlier. i mean it. then how about you battle it out with one of our current mcs. yeah, go against us. if you get 3 out of 5 correct, you can be on the show again next week.

let's start with an easy opponent. should we make it you can't be here next week? i could get injured somewhere. let's go in order from that side then. the first keyword. shout out your name and guess the answer. sungkwang! the frequency of fires in seoul. it is the number of fires...

but it relates to some institution. okay. the first half of 2015. first half? the settlement of the first half of the year. 122. is that the answer? you were almost there. it is an average. average. answer!

seollal holidays? the fires in january. today. fires today. kim jimin. the number of fires in a day. i said it first. - is that correct? / - as if. that's correct. park sungkwang vs. lee jeongmin.

give us the keyword. 60. that's a little low. - 60? / - 60 is a little... what could there be? related to 60? this isn't about fires, right? are they all about fires? we're talking about fires right now. don't you know that is today's topic? answer.

you have to put out a fire within 60 seconds. within 60 seconds? that's not the answer. - 60 seconds. / - is it the answer? if it goes past 60 seconds after a fire starts, poisonous gases start to spread. it gets really difficult to put out a fire yourself. if you can't put it out in 60 seconds, you should evacuate.

the next question. park sungkwang vs. park jiyoon. i don't think it'll be easy. (the no. 1 cause of fire from carelessness) leaving food wastes on top of the gas stove and forgetting about it. housewives make that mistake very often. people, the guys have to watch out for this. cigarette butts.

- fire from cigarettes? / - cigarette butts? - it can start a dead fire. / - cigarette smoke? cigarette butt. they're getting rowdy. see? i'm not answering them on purpose. more than not getting it right, i'm upset about giving him his first win. the fire stays lit for a long time on a cigarette. i've actually put out a lit cigarette

inside a bin with my water bottle. i was walking by... sure it wasn't your cigarette? who knows? that's the viewer quiz. comedians are different. the current score is 2:1. it's going to get interesting from here. park sungkwang vs. kim jongkook.

give us the question. 2006? - isn't that too easy? / - park sungkwang. the year with the least fires. answer. the year with the most fires. answer... you can't do that. okay. 2006.

i don't know what you'll think about this... i think one of you will never get this answer. why are you looking at me? what? oh, did my eyes look your way. you stared at me. you were looking at me as you said it. one of you will never get the answer. answer. forest fires? the year with the forest fires.

i don't think you'll get the answer. we'll reveal the answer through the screen. is the 2006 for the year? i'm sorry, sungkwang. anyway... what is this? there was a big fire at my house... did your house burn down? i heard that your mom put the fire out.

my mother started the fire so.... she put it out with a fire extinguisher? - that's a relief. / - yes, that's what i heard. we really need to learn how to use an extinguisher. this experience really tells us that. your mouth is sticking out a lot, sungkwang. your 3 wins are gone already. this was too unfair. if i get the next one right, then make it that i win.

i dare say this is the battle of the century. park sungkwang vs. jung taeho. this is impossible. it's not easy. that seems like a number of frequency. it looks like a password. is it the number of fire extinguishers? the number of extinguishers that are out there? can i act out a hint for you?

act it out? she's really working hard. what? what did you say? park sungkwang. you should know the answer right away. i gave it away for you. see you next week. now we have to see him again. hello?

there's a fire. there's a fire in my heart. the number of prank calls. that really makes you angry. it was such a giveaway. this is the average number of prank calls made to emergency services each year. this is terrible. i guess we'll be seeing you again. smile, people.

smile, smile. let's see the next question. give us the next question. regardless of age or where you are... people are always looking at their smartphones. you've probably experienced getting dim eyesight while using your phone. this is called false myopia. false myopia caused by smartphones.

we'll test it out on safety first. we have 3 high schoolers who are always on their phones. they take out their phones as soon as they sit down. at most, i use around 8 hours. around 2 hours for me. usually in the school corridors or just on the floor in the classroom. around 5 to 6 hours.

usually on the bed or just at my desk. the safety man will take their phones 1 hour prior to the test for better accuracy. that's the thing that kids these days fear the most. they get serious withdrawal symptoms. they look really sad. they actually seem depressed without their phones. they let their eyes rest for an hour. we're going to do an eyesight test.

please sit down with your back touching the wall. take a look at the chart. each participant takes the test. call out what i point to. 6. - next. / - 2. the first teenager participant had 0.1 and 0.125 eyesight. read this.

5. - this? / - 3. - this? / - 4. - this? / - 5. the second participant had 1.0 in both eyes. - look at this. / - 3. - what's this? / - 2. - this? / - 6. the third participant had 0.63 in both eyes.

now they can use their smartphones for 1 hour. as soon as they get their phones, they start to smile. they have to catch up on their texts. games and social media and videos... they do what they normally do with their phones. 1 hour later. they take the eyesight test again. can you see this? - this? / - 2.

she could clearly see the numbers before. she must not be able to see them. do you see this? after using her smartphone... i can't. this? what about this? i can't see it. your right eye can't even see 0.1.

and your left eye is 0.1. your eyesight has gotten slightly worse. sight in both eyes dropped after using her phone. what about the next teenager? - do you see this? / - 3. she could easily see these numbers before using her phone. what about after using her phone? (can she see the numbers she saw earlier?)

i can't see them. your left eye has dropped to 0.5. after using her smartphone, eyesight in her left eye dropped. it seemed a little blurry. my eye felt dry and it looked blurry. let's look at this. this student had the best eyesight at 1.0. his eyesight didn't change after using his phone.

we carried out further tests to check for myopia, hyperopia and other problems. the more it goes from zero to negative, it shows myopia. what is the result of this teenager who showed no change in the eyesight test? blink. open wide. your right eye was +0.25 before using your phone. but now it's -0.25. that's slight myopia.

your left eye was +0.25 but now it's -0.25. slight myopia. he seemed to have no myopia in the eyesight test but on closer inspection he had myopia in both eyes. using their smartphones for an hour, all three showed worse eyesight. if we look at before and after their tests... compared to before they used their phones, their myopia got a little worse after their phone use.

when myopia gets worse after this test, we can suspect pseudo or false myopia. pseudomyopia is caused when you gaze at one thing for a long time and then you look in the distance, the tense muscle doesn't relax quickly enough and causes momentary myopia. i think i've experienced that. this generally happens if you

use smartphones or computers for a long time. the participants experienced a drop in their eyesight just by sitting around and using their phones. what happens when you use them while on public transport? - you get queasy. / - it'd be worse. we had participants in their 20s who normally take the train to go to work. while they wait for the experiment to begin,

they're busy with their smartphones. i'm always on my phone whether i'm sitting down or standing. it takes an hour to get to work. i think i'm on my phone the entire time. it's always in my hand so i keep checking my sns and don't even realize the time is passing. we'll take their phones for an hour again for a more accurate test.

they're starting to look very awkward. they just look blank. they watched dozens of trains pass by as they rested their eyes for an hour. we checked their eyesight with a portable test machine. the first participant had 1.2 and 1.0 eyesight. the second participant had 2.0 and 1.2. the third participant had 1.0 and 0.9.

they were all in the normal range. now they'll ride the train as usual with their phones. it's quite boring to sit on a train... the train is regularly shaking. the participants all sit down and stare at their phones. they don't care to look at what station it is or who's getting on or off. they're just busy using their phones. but it's not just our participants.

every other person on the train is busy on their phones. when there's nowhere to sit, they stand and use their phones. they use their phones sitting down and standing up. an hour passes by. (the train with the participants arrives) to the moment they get off the train, they're still on their phones.

what has happened to their eyesight? my eyes feel a little dry. my eyes do feel a little blurry. i didn't know when i was on my phone, but now that i'm off the train my eyes do feel a little fatigued. we checked their eyesight again. she had normal vision in the first test. but how has her vision changed now?

her eyesight dropped in both eyes after using her smartphone. this man had the best eyesight of the three. it was 2.0, right? the eyesight in his right eye dropped. - his good eye. / - it dropped a lot. the shaking must have an effect. what about the next participant? her eyesight dropped the most.

what about the result of her refraction test? your right eye was -0.75 before. now it's -1.5, it's gotten worse by about 3 levels. your left eye is -1.25, it's gotten worse by 1 level. as expected, her eyesight got worse. then what about looking at your phone on a bus which shakes more than a train? we checked our participants' eyesights just before they got on the bus.

these participants in their 30s take the bus for an hour to work each day. we checked their eyesights after they got some rest on the bus. the safety man wakes them up. participants, please wake up. be careful there. the results of their eye test... the first participant was 0.7 in both eyes.

the second participant was 1.0 in both eyes. the third participant was 0.9 and 1.0 all in the normal range. we gave them their smartphones and got them on the bus for 1 hour. the bus heads out. they're immersed in their phones while riding on the shaky bus. they're all doing something different

but they all have the same serious expression. it's easy to make typos on the bus. even when it goes over a speed hump... even when the bus turns a corner... none of those things matter. they don't take their eyes off their phones. they probably didn't even notice. after 1 hour. we checked their eyesight as soon as they got off.

the first participant's eyesight dropped by 0.1 in his left eye. the second participant... experienced a big drop of 0.5 in both eyes. it dropped by heaps. the third participant also experienced drop in both eyes. my eyes feel a little dry and sore. i did exercise them from time to time

by looking to the left and right. i think it's okay... my eyes feel a little tired. i don't feel too good. how long does it take for the eyes to recover from pseudomyopia after 1 hour of phone use? we checked the participants every 15 minutes. the teenagers took an average of 50 minutes to get their normal eyesight back. that's how long it takes to recover?

the participants on the train took an average of 1.5 hours to recover. the shaking causes recovery to take longer. the participants on the bus took an average of 2 hours to recover their sight. if pseudomyopia lasts a long time, it can transition into real myopia. abnormal myopia, retinal degeneration, xeroma are all possible disorders that can result from it.

you should rest your eyes for 2 to 3 minutes every 15 minutes when using your phone. and exercise your eyes every chance you get. they divided the participants by age group and the people in their 30s took way longer to recover. everyone here... yes... no need for further explanation. recovery takes longer for all of us.

even when the family is gathered in the living room, they don't talk and use their smartphones instead. they're even on their phones during meals. all the participants said that their eyes felt blurry after using their phones. when my eyes really hurt, i turn my eyes left to right just as that woman said earlier. i find that it works. that is why i've prepared eye yoga

for you to relieve the stress in your eyes. what? eye yoga? now you even do yoga? eye yoga. you have to really focus for my eyes. it'll improve your concentration. it's in 3 stages. i'll tell you stage 1 first.

you point your eyes up, down, left and right as hard as you can for 5 seconds. we'll go right, left, down, up. start with the right. like you're glaring at the person next to you. just like that? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. next side. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. now down.

that feels good. up. this will look funny. this is the funniest. you have to look as hard as you can. i think i did it too hard. i think it relieves your fatigue. something feels relieving. don't your eyes get suddenly brighter?

why does my mouth too? - yeah. / - that happens. the second one. as you breathe out, close your eyes. then breathe in and open your eyes really fast. - watch me. / - how? close your eyes as you breathe out. just as you meditate. and then...

your eyes are really big! you get it, right? it's the first time i've seen white in his eye. breathe out... then at the end. oh, i see. then you look left, right, up and down again as you do that. let's try. i think this will make us look really ugly. it's okay. you do it when you're alone anyway.

look right first. close your eyes... 1, 2, 3... now to the left. my eyes hurt too much. why does my chin twist too? now... i keep forgetting about my mouth. finally, look up now.

isn't this the ending scene in a soap opera? "what?" "can i get married?" "hello? there's a fire at home?" i think you should this exercise when you're alone. the third one. you draw a figure 8 with your hand and follow it with your eyes. i'll show you how it's done.

put your thumb up. and draw a figure 8 like this... if you like our show... just follow the figure 8 with your eyes. this is exercise for your eyes. - this is fun. / - it's pretty good. it's good. if you need a stronger exercise... do that.

my eyes feel much better. you should do this from time to time. this will be good for your eyes. and relieve you from fatigue. if you can't reduce the time you spend on your phone because it's too much of a habit, at least exercise your eyes like this. seollal is packed with delicious food. but you get lots of food left over after seollal.

what kind of food do we normally have left over? vegetable pancakes. seasoned herbs as well. pancakes and herbs. glass noodles. i refrigerate them and use them for bibimbap. i add them to stews too. i put them in the freezer and end up throwing it out.

the longest you can keep these foods in the fridge. for glass noodles and seasoned herbs it's 5 days. vegetable pancakes and bar rice cake is 1 week. they can go off if you keep them for any longer. but if you put them in the freezer you feel like you'll never eat them. and you don't want to eat the same food every day. we'll give you some amazing recipes to enjoy seollal foods in a unique way.

today's chef... she never throws away food or has leftovers. she's been developing holiday foods for 7 years. she has her baking certificate and a big appetite. it's eating goddess park jiyoon. now i get it. a person that eats a lot. hello, i'm safety first mc and today's chef, park jiyoon. after the holidays,

housewives have to worry about leftover food. you can reheat vegetable pancakes and you can make bibimbap with herbs. and you can put other leftovers in a stew. and whatever's left after that, the housewives have to eat. it's bad enough that we have to work so hard but we also gain weight. you're worrying is now over.

you don't want to throw away the food you put so much thought into, right? if you've been stressed by your family sick of holiday food, make sure you pay attention. fresh vegetables and savory cheese. with a sweet and sour sauce. the hamburger is the ideal snack for kids. plus, they're mini-sized so you can eat a lot.

is this possible? which holiday food is used in this dish? leftover mince meat fritters. we're going to use these to make mini-burgers for children. they look cute too so the kids love them. shall we begin? the ingredients are mustard sauce and ketchup. bread buns and sliced cheese.

tomatoes and onions. and lettuce. the most important ingredient is the meat fritters. those are all common ingredients found in the fridge. slice the buns in half and spread mustard on one side. the reason we use mustard is to prevent the buns from getting soggy from the fresh ingredients.

if you don't have mustard, you can use mayonnaise instead. spreading some butter on it is good too. slice the tomatoes and onions round and thin to fit the size of the buns. wash and dry the lettuce and cut them to fit inside the buns. the ingredients are all ready now. now we'll heat up the meat fritters from the fridge.

since there's a lot of oil in meat fritters, there's no need to add oil to the pan. and just lightly fry them in the pan. it's gone golden in no time. let's construct the burger now. put down a layer of lettuce. then a slice of onion. then place a golden fritter on top. then spread some ketchup on top of that.

then a slice of cheese. and then a slice of tomato. then top it with a bun and it's finished. a very delicious mini-burger is complete. you could eat 10 in no time. - eat 10? / - very good script reading. soft morning bun. fresh vegetables. and a savory meat fritter. the delicious mini-burger is complete.

deliciously melted cheese on top of this mouth-watering pizza. but what is this pizza topped with? which seollal food could it be? the leftover seasoned herbs are a problem after seollal as well. i have 3 types here that go off very quickly. this time we're going to cook a pizza with these herbs.

can you imagine it? the ingredients are quite simple. the ingredients for this pizza are tortillas, spinach, bracken, bellflower... these are basics for seollal. also tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. first, lightly cook the tortillas in a heated pan. just flip these with your hands. this is basic stuff for a housewife.

then spread the tomato sauce over the tortilla. make sure you spread it all the way to the edge for fussy children like jung taeho who don't eat the crust. they always leave the crust. now we'll add the main ingredients, the herbs. - just top it like that? / - yes, that's all. i wonder what it'll taste like? when you try to cook pizza at home,

you worry about the topping ingredients. but you can use these leftover herbs. isn't that awesome? now it's time to disguise these herbs. we'll add plenty of pizza cheese to hide them so that the children have no idea. if the kids ask what the topping is, just tell them, "it's ham." once all the topping has been placed on,

you need to cook it in the microwave for 3 minutes. the tortilla and herbs are already cooked so you just need to heat it for 3 minutes inside the microwave to complete the pizza. there goes the bell. my goodness! she shocked herself. i was really shocked. can you see the melted cheese?

the savory cheese and fragrant herbs... plus the sweet and sour tomato sauce completes the perfect combination. you could eat 10 of these pizzas in one sitting. let me taste the pizza for you. - of course it's tasty. / - look at the spinach. do you see the cheese? the song is perfect. the best way to eat it is to fold the pizza like so...

that's how good eaters eat their pizza. you can't tell it's herbs. it's so delicious. this is pretty good. transform your leftover seollal food like this and enjoy. you feel really full from that meal, right? so this time we'll make a sweet dessert. you can't leave out rice cake soup on seollal.

you get a lot of bar rice cake left over. this time we'll use this rice cake to cook traditional spanish churros. the ingredients are bar rice cake, brown sugar cooking oil and cinnamon powder. prepare the bar rice cake to be nice and soft so it's easy to slice. if the rice cake is too tough, parboil it in hot water for a little while.

slice the bar rice cake into quarters. then twist two slices together like so. then deep fry them in a pan. one thing you need to watch out for here... because of the difference in temperature between the rice cake and oil, the rice cake can explode if you use too much oil. so make sure you watch out for that. try to make the rice cake slices as thin as possible

with no moisture and just a thin layer of oil. while the rice cake is cooking, we'll make the sugar coating. all you have to do is mix brown sugar and cinnamon powder in a 4:1 ratio. the golden fried bar rice cake is coated with the sugar and cinnamon powder. we have chewy rice cake churros. a sweet looking pancake.

what seollal dish was this made with? today's final dish will be made using glass noodles. stir-fried glass noodles get tough even if you reheat them. they're one of the worst ingredients to reuse. the ingredients are leftover glass noodles, and pancake mix sold in stores. if you look at the store bought pancake mix, they have yeast.

add that to 180ml of warm water. add all of the yeast. now stir it to melt. you need warm water because yeast will only melt in warm water. i actually have a baking certificate. elders used to say you need skills if you want to survive in this world. for when she's no longer on tv.

pour the water with yeast into the pancake mix and turn it in to dough. flatten out the dough and add a suitable amount of glass noodles. let's cook these now. cook the dough in a pan with plenty of oil and flatten it as it cooks. make sure all of the dough is cooked. i was salivating so bad while cooking that.

now if you just add maple syrup, you get sweet and crispy glass noodle pancakes. if you don't have maple syrup, you can just use honey. savory glass noodles inside the chewy dough. the entire family can come together to enjoy it. how were these transformations of seollal food? can you believe these were leftover meat fritters and glass noodles?

no need to reheat and eat leftover seollal food. and no need to put them in the freezer either. this has been ambitious housewife and chef, that looks so delicious. and they're so simple to make. which one would you like to try? i'd like the glass noodle pancakes. pancakes. that looked so good.

the pizza for me. - it looked so healthy. / - it was so simple. i think people might see this and buy the ingredients to make them instead of using seollal leftovers. they're so good. you could buy fritters if you don't have any. we hope you have a delicious seollal with these sweet tips from us. we'll take a break for seollal and see you again after.

we will protect your safety. this is safety first news. this is for medium sized firms that are struggling to develop safety products due to lack of funds. the korea occupational safety and health agency is going to provide up to $50,000 for research for medium sized firms. if you're registered as a manufacturer with kosha and you're a medium sized firm that's received

a certificate for safety equipment, you can apply for the support. i'd like some support to develop my charm in order to have an even greater fan base. you have more than enough already. you're so greedy. this has been safety news. ("hate" by 4minute)

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