Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing sansui sa50
good day and thanks for visiting latestsolution today we will be looking at solving a generalproblem that always occur to generally external hard diskor removable disk sometimes your hard disk might be showingthat a certain disk space, there are document within but when you open the hard disk or removabledisk you find no document inside for example, lets go to my computeryou can see that this flash drive has about 2gb of data within
but when you open the flash driveyou find nothing within this general problem might happen due tooccurence of virus or other things but inorder to see your files, there are somesteps you must take and this includes you go to my computer, you click on my computeryou click on view, click on options, click on change folder and search options folder options will open, click on viewyou scroll down and go to the advanced settings you click on show hidden files, folders anddrives you select it
then you scroll down, click on hide protectedoperating system files, you click on this a warning will be seen, you have choosen todisplay protected operating system files (files labeled systemand hidden in file explorer) these files are required to start and runwindows. deleting or editing them can make your computer inoperable. are you sure you want to display these files? click on yes, you apply the changesand click on ok now on my computer, you can now see the removabledisk
click on it, you can see that all the filesnot seen are now seenand if these was caused by a virus, you need to scan theremovable disk and open each folder select all files, cut all the files, opennew folder you right click and click on new, and clickon folder lets name this personal 1 and you paste itinto personal 1 so you can see that the document are withinnow so this is how you recover all your filesafter you are through recovering the files you go back to view in my computer, you goto options
select change folder and search options click on viewmake sure you highlight this so has not to mistakenly deletewindows file you applyand click on dont show hidden files and folders apply it and you click on ok so this are steps taken to recoverfrom an hard disk either affected by virus thanks for watching please like, follow and subscribe to latestsolution.
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