Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing panasonic p55
this is matt with bob johnson's computer stuff.this is a panasonic cf-w8. we're going to be showing you how to downloadand install the drivers. first thing your going to want to do is open a web browser any web browser willwork. go to google and type in panasonic drivers. this first link here that says downloads computers and tablet supportpanasonic will take you directly to panasonic's page for there downloads for the toughbooks. your going to want to take this first link here that say drivers, bios, ec, and more. then once that page loads it gives youcouple different options here. you're going to want to choose individualdrivers. then you're gonna need to fill out the
information here starting for whatyou're searching for. i typically do all drivers, so i can seeall the drivers. if you want to do individual categories your more thanwelcome too. then you have to choose your model number which in this case is a cf-w8. your going to need to choose a specific model version which is indicated by the second number the second number orletter after the cf-. so in this case the cf-w8e. you choose youroperating system which in this case were running windows 7. so in this case it says windows 7 upgrade. that is not the one your going to want to use. the correct one you're gonna use. your goingto want to use in this case the windows vista service pack 1,
and then you're going to choose yourlanguage which in our case is english north america. then click search. that'llpopulate this area down here with all the drivers that panasonic has availablefor the unit. the drivers were going to be focusing on getting right now,downloading, which are the main drivers you need to function in windows 7after clean install are going to be the video drivers, the panasonic miscellaneousdrivers, and the drivers for the hot key. the first one that comes along is going to be thevideo driver here. just click on the link that says video driver. it'll take you tothe page to the next page and you you download the actual driver not thepdf for an installation instructions.
just click the download and it'll pop upand we'll ask you to run or save. in my opinion better off to save. just incase there is issues and you have to rerun. so that's what we're gonna do here. we're gonnasave it to the default location of the downloads folder, and go back tosearch results. which will take you back to the previous screen, and the next onewe're gonna we're gonna get is the panasonic miscellaneous driver. it's gonna be the same the actual driver which is down here. not the pdf. go ahead andsave it and return back to search results.the next ones were gonna get are the required
drivers for the hotkey. the main oneswere gonna get for for this are the hotkey driver andthe hot key appendix application. they are right next to each other on the list. okay we have all the drivers downloading now so you canminimize or close this page and then as the the drivers from finisheddownloading you can run them. so we have a couple of them done now.just go ahead and and you can you can run each one if you want it's better towait until they're all done downloading. ok so we've downloaded all the driversyou're going to need. the next part is gonna be in actually installing thedrivers. stay tuned for more videos from
bob johnson's computer stuff. go aheadand and leave any comments you may have and give us a thumbs up. over the computers lifespan you'll save tons. thepanasonic toughbook experts are going to put these mobile computers to theultimate tugged challenge. in situations where conventional computers would.
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