Monday, March 20, 2017

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How To Flashing opal as57

hey youtubers it's charlie so this is gonna be my flash episode 11 video the sound and the furyso we got meet pied piper hartley rathaway, so i'm going to do anexplainer for his character like a character history from thecomics and then i'll talk about some of the reverse flash stuff that we learned lots of new details so we still have likea ton of episodes left this season so i think it's a little too soon to guessexactly what's going on but we did get some cool clues and some really awesome easter eggs thati'll explain okay so just careful for

spoilers from the episode just cuz i'll be referencing this weeks episode aswell as some moments from last week's episode hartley rathaway is the son of thetwo characters that we saw last week the ones that had the painting that therogues were trying to steal as harrison wells explained theyostracized him for being gay which totally sucks so instead ofjoining the family business he joined star labs and became a physicist becausehe's a genius on the level of harrison wells wellharrison wells is kind of hiding

a lot of things so maybe he's not quite as smart as harrison wells. that was one of the really big things about them bring the character onthe show, they wanted a character that they would have to defeat onintellectual level they didn't want someone that the flash could just outrun or outspend. that's one of the problems with superheroes having friends with unlimited funds it's like if you need a really cool piece oftechnology you can just fabricate it no problems money is an issue so theywanted to bring a rogue on

that would challenge them on a differentlevel the funny thing is that the show runners describe the characteras thinking of himself as something of an evil harry potter which gives new meaning to the chessgame it reminded me of the harry potter chess game that the bigreal life chess game at the end that first movie he kinda does look like he's cosplaying harry potter little bit with those robes on so in the comics it's actually his firstappearance was the same

first appearance as gorilla grodd so heand gorilla grodd debuted at the same time it was that flash number 106 menace of the super gorilla slash the pied piper of peril and theinteresting thing about that story is piped piper helped the flash, helped barry allen defeatgorilla grodd so he has worked with the flash in thepast he's not like a completely evil character like some the flash villains he is one of the first dc characters tocome out as gay, he's actually captain sing's boyfriend

in the in the flash comics they haven't fullyexplained it other although captain sing has mentioned his boyfriend it is interesting to know that one ofthe rogues is dating the captain of the police department it is just a funnythought like oh here's my boyfriend super criminal as the show explained he has a really strained relationship with his parents in the comics actually they weremurdered and he was framed for it he was even hypnotized to believe that he had done it eventually he got cleared and they found out that it was the evanmccollough mirrormaster that had done it

on blacksmiths orders so he and mirrormaster have this really big feud so if mirrormaster ever comes on the showi'll be interested to see if they play it that way ok so here we go getting into top fivemoments now so number five harrison wells running around withoutthe reverse flash suit on so i had to explain i saw a lot of peoplecommenting on twitter they were a little confused by the red lightning a lot of people were thinking that hemight be a future version a barrly allen because of the red streak

just explain what's going the speed forcewhenever the flash is running he gives off yellow lightning the reverse flash is the one that gives off red lightning so regardless of who harrison wells really is which version of the reverse he is he's not the same person as barry allenbut it's just a lot of fun as we get deeper into the season we start learningmore and more about him as we start seeing him act more as thereverse flash number four the prodigal son returns meethartley rathaway i really like the crazy relationshipthat we saw on the flashbacks between

harrison wells and hartley both them are veryabrasive people like they're both kind of assholes but they have this camaraderie thisbrotherhood of minds of all the things in the episode that i feel like they could'vedone a little bit better it would've been explaining whathartley's purpose was at star labs harrison wells had that explainer islike oh you know his parents hate him because he's gay he was mynumber one guy it doesn't really do justice to to the pathos that his character has in thepast

obviously we know why he so pissed offin present-day because of what harrison wells did to him the really interesting thing is that heis the second flash villain or the next in the line rouges that hasgoaded the flash into a fight on false pretenseso, remember in the last episode the rogues already had the painting thisstarted the fight with the flash with the sole purpose of taking him downpiped piper did the exact same thing so he committeda crime got the flash to take him in so that he could get the stuff that he needed

to kill the flash in a later encounterhe is just the next in a long line of people to pull a fast one on the flash you make as many jokesabout that as you want it does a really good job of playing into thistheme of your heroes letting you down you letting your heroes down broken trust is going to be a lot ofthat going around later this season moving on to number three: joe and eddyare investigating harrison wells behing barry's back they just got done with that momentwhere barry was telling

joe that is he still his number one guy no one's gonna come between like the same conversation that harrison wells had with hartley rathaway which is kinda funny it's all about trust and hero worship andthen right away eddy walks in and says you really want todo this you really want investigate harrison and joe is like hell yeah i do, clearly barryis going to be very disappointed in joe at some pointjust like he is going to be disappointed in when he finds out what's really going onlike his real reverse flash plan

when you think about it, it seems likeeveryone's going to end up hating each other at the end of the season everybody has something about themselvesthat they're not telling someone else moving on to number two cisco versus piped piperit's so fun to see cisco finally get a rivalry like he has a nemesis now he seems like such a positive personit's hard to believe that there's someone that he does not like they teased a upcoming firestorm episodeat the end when hartley rathaway's like i know all about firestorm you're gonnalet me out because i'm gonna help you

find him that's another situation like you havewith the flash and the reverse flash of harrison and barry allen as well asthe rogues captain cold and heatwave there's always like a pair of charactersone of them creates an elaborate plan they need the other person to help themand then they may not like them quite as much they might have to put up with them so like captain cold not a huge fan ofheatwave but really need his help in taking down theflash then you have the reverse flash or harrison wells who wants to siphon thespeed force for some

elaborate plan can't really tell if he likesthe flash at least he is tolerating the flash because he needs him and now you have cisco and hartley rathaway so cisco is going to be forced to work with someone he doesn't like because he wants to find his friend ireally like the way they're structuring the narrative that way where you have these elaborate plansthat each of the characters are involved in and they always need someone else tocomplete it and the story of their

relationship with that other person becomes really interesting and my numberone moment harrison wells explains his plan so that wasn't totallyclear obviously he's using the tachiondevice to siphon speed force it seems like he's going to take barryallen's milkshake and drink it up like that's what his ultimate planis the temporary fix being the tachion device the real question is what does hewant to do with speed force once he gets it

i think is going to try and alter thetimeline his relationship with the speed force also raises a lot of questions what i think is going on is they're mixingand matching details from different versions of the reverseflashed so harrison well's character draws from aspects from eobard thawne as well as hunter zolomon so he is not one or the other the show's isjust like mixing and matching aspect so its faithful to the comics butnot in the literal sense like it's not copy and paste

if you're not familiar with the story of eobard thawne so he's from the 25th century in that era the speed force does notexist there are no flashes they do have a flash museum where theystudy the speed force eobard becomes an expert in flashstudies he really idolizes barry allen there was a lot of talk about peopleidolizing people in this episode so the students at the school there at theflash museum name him professor zoom because he's so smartbecause he knows so much about the flash eventually he comes into possession ofthe flashes suit

uses that to replicate the experimentthe created the barry allen flash and then becomes the reverse flash buthe can't become the reverse flash if barry allen never became the flashright now he seems more like a battery operating at half charged like he keepshaving to recharge himself every once in a while, that also seemslike a narrative device because if his powers worked the same way barry allen's did then why wouldn't he just super speed all over the place all the time if you've never read it, thestory that immediately precedes flashpoint deals with the idea themultiverse

and how barry allen is the generator ofthe speed force so like all the other flashes all overthe multiverse all originate from barry allen he's theperson that creates the speed force or so to speak that all them all live off so if he diesthe speed force dies with him which is why it's so important he staysalive tom cavanagh also at the tca's described himself as a time-traveling thief so i think ifyou gonna call him one flash or the other i'm gonna call him eobard thawne but idon't think that's exactly the way his

character's gonna play out feel free to leave all your theories inthe comments though we all have great reverse flash theories we're going to get a whole lot moreharrison wells running around doing crazy stuff so here is my big question for you guys doyou think that hairston wells is a combination of multiple reverse flashes his characteris from the comics in what do you think he's gonna do once hegets barry allen's powers once he takes

his speed force so while you guys think about that here are justsome of the easter eggs i saw on the episode so we had royal flush gang at thebeginning they were also featured on arrow to so they're they're kind of likebeing passed around the dc tv universe believing in heroes, heroes believing us was acommon theme across the entire episode so if you never read eobard thawne idolizedthe barry allen flash before he became the reverse flash so you have barry worshiping the personwho worshipped him as a child, it's really funny harrisonwells talked about the road from the

earth to the stars i'd like to believe that's a subtle easteregg for the new gods geoff johns is getting ready to write like a ryancomic like a new gods comic real soon maybe season 2 we might see some moreeaster eggs for new gods but they're a little more fantastical so i'm notexpecting them on the show anytime soon then piped piper starts talking aboutvibrational frequency everything has a vibrational frequency so the flash is able to actually vibrate his molecules

through solid objects so we'll see him facethrough walls hopefully before the end of the season also the universe has a vibrationalfrequency so he can vibrate into other dimensionsunder the right circumstances that would be like the back door toflash in two world so you hopefully we'll get to that in like you know maybe the next two orthree seasons no idea when they will get into multiverse if you saw any other easter eggs that i did notmention somewhere in the video just

write them below on the comments but i think the only big thumbs down ihad were one you know hartley's character didn't feel like you know it was quiteshown why he was such a dick in the past harrison wells explained it but tv is very much like a show me not tell me medium so i feel like theexplanation didn't really do him justice and i mentioned it before but this is likethe second big rogue to go the flash into a fight so at some point they're gonnahave to acknowledge it like okay barry fight

smarter not fight faster this is all a processthough i mean this is the story of the flash becoming the flash getting better youknow you expect him to fall in his face every once in a while so next week really awesome stuff we'regoing to get to see some really flash karaoke be sure to subscribe to thatvideo we'll get to see barry allen have a realdeal sex life for those asking my agents of shield video is gonna posttomorrow morning and if you haven't seen

already i just did a trailer breakdownfor fantastic four so a whole lot of superhero stuff happening tonight it's been a really interesting day so ifyou guys haven't seen it yet i did a big explainer video for gorilla grodd and his characteristics in the comics they basicallyteased he is gonna be coming back in season one you can click here to learn all aboutits gonna be really cool and you can click here if you haven't seen the fantastic fourtrailer thank you so much for watching

so let's all high five i'll see youguys tomorrow


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