Friday, March 17, 2017

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How To Flashing onda v975i

hey youtubers it’s charlie and a bunch offlash related stuff has happened since i posted my arrow video including the first look atgrant gustin’s flash costume. so i’m going to be combining that with my regular arrowq&a. if you’re finding me for the first time,the flash tv show has started to blow up so much that i’m doing weekly flash videosin addition to arrow every week. be sure to subscribe to get everything. so first let’s talk about the new flashcostume and then i’ll get to your questions. number 1 - as predicted, it’s based on thenew 52 version of the suit. the image they released is only of the mask, but expect therest of the costume to look a lot like the

new 52 suit. it won’t be exact, but reallyreally close. if you look closely you can see that the materialmakes it look like a tech suit more than say lycra or leather like stephen amell’s arrowcostume. i totally love the look. i think it’s awesome that they’re sticking withthe pre-established comic book version instead of going the smallville route. i don’t expect them to reveal the entirecostume until they’re ready to air the pilot. the cw is also airing the supernatural tribespilot on april 29th. so it’s not out of the realm of possibilities that they couldair the flash pilot too. filming starts this week and grant gustinand the rest of the cast have been instagramming

the shit out of vancouver. rick cosnett who’s playing edward thawneaka professor zoom even took a picture of the vancouver skyline calling it keystonecity. the show will take place in central city, if you’re not familiar though keystonecity is the origin of the jay garrick and wally west flash’s. during wally west’s run as the main flashgorilla grodd and the rogue’s also started attacking keystone city instead of centralcity. it’s also the current location of the flashmuseum after the first one in central city was destroyed by the hunter zolomon zoom.

no idea yet as to how it will be featuredin the new flash tv show, but expect a lot of easter eggs. hopefully we’ll get to seegrant gustin in the museum. that would definitely strengthen the rumor that john wesley shippis playing jay garrick. i’ll report more from the set next week.let me know what your reactions are to grant gustin’s flash costume. now let’s get to your questions! number1 - magus 3691 asks what will happen to laurel now that she is cleaning herself up? and whenwill they have roy more involved with the arrow team? she’s probably going to start pursuing brotherblood again. i think the show is going to

give her the satisfaction of taking him down.and roy will be a big part of next week’s episode the promise. i’ll talk more abouthim in a predictions video. question 2 - ali camel asks when do you thinkthe flash tv show will start airing? the expectation is that it will air back toback with arrow so it can benefit from the built-in audience. since arrow is alreadyreally early they would probably air it after. typically when they do things like that thebigger show goes first to draw in more eyeballs, hoping that they’ll stick around for whatever’snext. that’s why they put the brand new show this year, the tomorrow people rightafter arrow. question 3 - scott smart asks if this doesn'tget an a from you, what kind of episode will?

i really like to reserve the best grade orrating or whatever for the very few things that i think are the best of all the thingsi watch. so i don’t just compare episode of arrow to other episodes of arrow. i’mcomparing it to walking dead and game of thrones and doctor who. ideally there would only be a few a’s perseason. just because it’s not an a doesn’t mean it wasn’t awesome though. question 4 - vegtabadass asks question doyou think slade will turn roy to his side or at least try? yes, i think you or someone else made theanakin skywalker - emperor comment. he’ll

definitely try, but the funny thing aboutarrow is that like most comic book stories, it’s not super hard to predict the outcome. he’ll almost turn roy and then in the hourof need he’ll rally back to the good side. in this case though, no. i think roy willgo a little nuts, but he won’t start working with slade. question 5 - joe kerr asks are blue beetle,metal men or booster gold are going to make appearance? so yeah, there have been all the kord industrieseaster eggs. they have stuff in development, but in terms of who would come on first? iwould say ted kord. and it would play out

like the grant gustin episodes. he’d revealhimself as blue beetle to oliver over the course of a two part episode. booster gold is also really high on the listof people i think geoff johns would like to see on the show. they usually reserve bignews like that for comic con though. so expect to find out which big new characters are comingin a couple months. question 6 - laxus dreyar asks do you thinklaurel finally deciding to in no uncertain terms "grow up" was because of what oliversaid to her about having loved her half his life but that he was finally done? i think she was already on the fence and hejust helped push her over. i think it was

mostly sara and her family that were helpingher. but he did kind of verbally slap some sense into her. question 7 - rick grimes asks do you thinkteam arrow will try to fight slade next episode but then get beaten badly? you’re not looking so good rick, you shouldreally put a band aid on that. i think that oliver’s face is going to look like yourface after next week. roy is also supposed to get his ass kicked too. question 8 - smoak and arrow says i thinkslade hacked the phone to lure oliver there so he was totally caught off guard by slade'spresence.

yeah, that was weird, i think it was eitherslade manipulating oliver or thea had been kidnapped and was trying to get help. we’llfind out next week. question 9 - mobbmaster asks will felicitytrain a bit or something sort of like that? yes, the writers said that felicity wouldcontinue to train with diggle, there won’t be any big training montage scenes like lastweek, but it’s implied that she’s still learning how to physically defend herself. she’ll always be wonderfully clumsy though. question 10 - leigh slaydragons asks do youthink that slades, "i will corrupt those he loves" refers to sara with the huntress ormoira? 

yes, i definitely think he’ll try to corruptor kill sara. in his speech he said “kill those who follow him.” i think when he talkedabout those he loves he was just talking about his family, so thea and moira. moira is one of the most corrupt people onthe show already. bonus question - thedeentheory asks will thereever be a time when the "island story" is finished and the present day stories keepgoing? remember when they told the island story fromsara’s perspective. i think they’ll do a little more of that. but he was on the islandfor 5 years. which is a lot of time. so i think they’ll get creative and add new dimensionsto the island.

i’m also hoping someday they’ll tell flashbackstories for sara’s training with the league of assassins. thanks so much for submitting your questionsagain. i’m sure while i was making this you all thought up a billion more about grantgustin’s flash costume. feel free to write all those in the comments and i’ll try toanswer them there. remember, next week is huge. the promise issupposed to make the season 1 finale look like a bad student film. be sure to subscribeto get my video. i’ll probably even do a predictions video in the next couple of days. right now click here for my episode reviewand click here for my latest flash spinoff

video. thanks for watching, see you guys tonight.high fives!

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