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in 1967, s. jocelyn bell burnell was a graduatestudent at cambridge university. she and her thesis advisor, anthony hewish,were using a custom-built radio telescope to study radio signals from outer space. to their surprise, they saw a series of blipscoming from a specific point in the sky. it looked like a star -- but it was /blinking./ the blinks came like clockwork, every 1.34seconds. it was so regular that it seemed like it couldn’tbe a natural signal. at first, they thought they might have detecteda beacon of some kind … an alien beacon. what they’d found wasn’t aliens, but itwas just as strange: a star, denser than liquid
mercury, revolving completely in just overa second, and made of a material totally unlike anything you’d find on earth. radio telescopes like the one burnell andhewish were using can be very sensitive to outside interference. with all the am and fm broadcasts around,they first had to eliminate any earthly source for the mysterious blinks. but it was clear the signal was coming fromouter space. as a joke, burnell and hewish called the signal“lgm-1â€, for little green men. they knew it was unlikely that the signalwas actually coming from an alien civilization,
but they didn’t want to publish their discoveryuntil they had a better idea of what it was. the last thing they wanted was to announcethat they’d found extraterrestrial life, only to have it turn out they that were /wrong./ then they found a second set of blips, whichmade it pretty clear that this wasn’t something artificial. because what were the odds that /two/ setsof little green men happened to be pointing their beacons at planet earth? what they’d found was a pulsing star, or/pulsar/, specifically psr b1919+21. the catchy name comes from its celestial coordinates.
but it was another astronomer, thomas gold,who first proposed that pulsars are neutron stars. a neutron star is formed when a very, verymassive star — at least eight times the size of our sun — explodes in a supernovaat the end of its life. all that’s left is the star’s iron core. gravity wants to pull the core into a smallersphere. it pulls so hard, it starts to affect the/atoms/ in the core itself. the electrons in the core are actually /squeezed/into the nuclei of their atoms, where they combine with protons to form neutrons.
neutrons actually make up almost all the matterin the stellar core — that’s why it’s called a neutron star. and this strange form of matter is unbelievablydense. a neutron star might have 1-3 times our sun’smass, all smushed into a sphere just a few kilometers in diameter. astronomers walter baade [bah-day] and fritzzwicky first predicted neutron stars existed in the 1930s. but no one had ever observed /any/ kind ofneutron star until burnell and hewish found their pulsar almost 40 years later.
so where do a pulsar’s pulses come from? pulsars have extremely powerful magnetic fields. this makes them emit beams of electromagneticradiation, often in the form of radio waves, from their magnetic poles. what we see as pulses are the beams of radiationsweeping across earth as the neutron star spins, like the beams of a lighthouse. and they’re spinning faster than you mightexpect. normally, adult stars do rotate — but ata nice, leisurely pace. as a star’s core collapses after a supernova,though, it starts to spin much faster.
it’s like an ice skater. as she pulls her arms in closer to her body,she spins faster. the same thing happens with a neutron star. as it shrinks, the core spins faster. and because neutron stars are so small, theycan end up spinning /really/ quickly. the fastest pulsar we’ve ever found is spinning716 times per second! astronomers think the pulsars with the fastestspins, called millisecond pulsars because their spins can be measured in milliseconds,started their lives in binary pairs, pairs of stars orbiting each other.
after the pulsar’s core collapses, its superstrong gravitational pull sucks down material from the surface of its companion star. as the neutron star’s mass increases, thestar spins even faster. these whirling bodies are sometimes calledrecycled pulsars, since they re-use material from other stars. because a pulsar’s rotation is so fast andso regular, any changes to it are really significant. the first exoplanets ever discovered wereactually orbiting a pulsar. they were found because the planets’ gravityaffected the pulsar’s motion, causing changes in the pattern of pulses.
but what’s probably the strangest pulsaris part of the only binary pulsar system we’ve ever discovered. that’s two pulsars orbiting each other. the smaller of the two pulsars is the weirdone: it doesn’t seem to have exploded in an enormous supernova, like a regular neutronstar. it had already lost a lot of its mass to itscompanion, which became a pulsar first. astronomers think it must have exploded atsome point, but in an explosion that was smaller than a supernova. so they’re not quite sure the star was likebefore it became a pulsar or how exactly it
turned into one. it’s just one more unexplained pulsing signalteasing astronomers. thank you for watching this episode of scishowspace, and especially to all our patrons on patreon. if you’d like to make videos like this possible,just go to patreon dot com slash scishow. and don’t forget to go to youtube dot comslash scishow space and subscribe!
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