Friday, March 17, 2017

How To Flashing okapia epic

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How To Flashing okapia epic

what’s up guys it’s me jeremy! we wanted to try something new and break downsome of the mechanics or features of league of legends that you might take for grantedsince they are super familiar to players in general. flash is one of these - you use it in prettymuch every single game, so although you might have a good understanding about when to useit, you could also be missing a lot of the more interesting tricks you can do when youcombine flash with other game mechanics. today we’re going to explore some of thosetricks so that you guys have even more ways to use the flash summoner spell in your gamesin the future!

and if you enjoy the video definitely hitthat like button because if this video hits, let’s say ratings, then i’m gonna. admittedly the first trick isn’t reallya trick - but it’s a piece of information you absolutely need to understand if you’regoing to use the other tricks in this video. essentially, it’s about the way flash worksfrom a mechanical perspective - flash does not interrupt, cancel or delay animationsin any way. that might sound pretty obvious, but it actualhas implications that allow all of the tricks in the rest of the video to work. the only thing flash does is move your champion- so if you use it in combination with abilities,

flash will just move your champion while theanimation for that ability is playing out. okay, so now that’s out of the way we canget into the real tricks. the first one is animation cancel that allowsyou to cast abilities around 33% faster, and it’s something that actually works on aton of different abilities. all it takes is to use an ability and thenflash immediately afterwards! there’s too many abilities to list all ofthe ones that work this way, but there’s actually a handy and super simple trick youcan use to figure out if it will work. if you cast a skillshot ability when you haveyour cursor outside the max range of the ability, there’s two things that can happen.

either your champion will cast the skillshotanyway, and it’ll move towards your cursor regardless, or your champion will move forwarduntil the max range of the ability would make it land on your cursor, then they will castit automatically. flash input buffering will work as long asthe skillshots uses the first mechanic, being cast regardless of whether your cursor isin range or not. this technique lets you really surprise peopleand get the jump on them with a super quick and sneaky play, since it doesn’t only castthe ability fast - it also shortens the animation. that’s because usually the animation wouldstart and end before you flash, but with this trick the animation starts before the flash,and during the cast animation you are flashing.

that makes it way harder to dodge the ability,since you’re essentially both hiding the start of the animation, and casting the abilityquicker than usual, leaving the enemy player way less time to react and potentially puttingyou in a better position to follow up on the damage. the next trick is kinda similar but insteadof working with certain skillshots, it actually only works with targeted abilities. like the last trick, it does let you castabilities quite a bit faster, and it also adds in an element of surprise that peoplewon’t be expecting. the way it works is you first target an enemywho is outside of range with an ability, which

will cause your champion to move towards themuntil you are in range to cast it. instead of taking the time to walk into rangethough, you can actually flash instead, and the input will still be queued and activatedonce you have flashed into range. for example, say you want to rune prison anenemy champion super quickly but you’re outside of range. usually you would flash into range then activaterune prison, but that’s actually pretty slow because you have to time it yourselfor button mash to do it faster. using this trick, you could target an enemywith a rune prison and then flash into range - the rune prison cast will still be queued,or ‘input buffered’ so it will automatically

cast as soon as you are in range. the trick works because of the first thingwe mentioned - flash doesn’t interrupt abilities. if you had targeted someone with rune prisonand then issued a move command, you would cancel the queued ability. flash doesn’t have this problem, so youcan queue targeted abilities and flash to quickly execute them and catch people offguard! just remember, this only works with targetedabilities - so anything that is point and click on a single target should work. our next tip builds on the previous ones,and it’s about changing the direction of

an ability. it applies to both skillshots that have adirection-target, and targeted abilities that have some kind of knockback on the enemy championthat is hit with the ability. first up we’ll cover the skillshot variant- you just have to animation cancel like we mentioned in the first tip, and the abilitywill cast from the direction you are facing after the flash. this applies to aoe or cone abilities, suchas cassio’s ultimate or lux’s ultimate, where you can change the direction of wherethe ability is cast from by flashing in a way that fakes out a certain direction.

unfortunately it doesn’t work for singletarget stuff like ahri’s charm or amumu’s q, the technique will still cause you to castthe ability from where you flash to, but it won’t change the direction of the skillshot. it’s another technique that can really catchpeople off guard, since they might expect you to miss a lux ultimate, or think you aretargeting someone else, only for you to change the direction and hit them directly! the second version of this trick applies totargeted abilities with knockbacks, such as vayne’s condemn or lee sin’s ultimate. essentially you have to input buffer likewe mentioned before - queue your ability cast

on your target, then flash to the oppositeside of the direction that you want the enemy champion to be knocked in. the reason it works is because the knockbackeffect doesn’t trigger until after the cast animation, and it checks where you are positionedbefore deciding which way to knock an enemy. that means you can cast the ability, thenflash to another locate in order to change the angle at which they will be thrown. it’s been famously used for sick outplayswith champions like lee sin or vayne, since at first it looks like the ability is goingto push an enemy further away, but then quick flash causes them to be fired into a wallor towards the friendly team for an easy kill.

for certain abilities, you can actually flashduring the animation to extend the range, and still land the ability at the end of theflash. this is another really famous mechanic, andis often used with stuff like gragas body slam, vi’s vault breaker and shen’s taunt. it’s actually use with a lot more abilitiesthan just the well known ones though - any ability in the game that functions as a dashrather than a blink can be used with the range extension flash trick, as long as the abilitydoesn’t lock onto a single target like amumu’s q. another good example would be jarvan’se-q combo, you can use the flash to extend the range of the knockup and catch someonethat thought they were safe!

it’s done by using flash part way throughthe dash - remember, flash doesn’t interrupt abilities, so you simply do half the dashin one location, then finish the rest of the dash from the new location after the flash,giving you extra range. this can also be used to hit targets thatwould have originally been missed with the dash though, such as two opponents that arenext to each other that aren’t lined up with your dash. take shen’s taunt for example, and let’ssay you are opposite two champions that aren’t in line with you. you can dash towards one, then the secondyou hit the first champion you could flash

in front of the second enemy, and the dashwould continue from that new position, letting you taunt both enemies. this is often used by pros when predictingenemy flashes, for example a gragas that is ganking a top laner and expects them to flash,so he flashes himself to catch them even though they would have originally flashed outsidehis dash range. it’s quite easy to do once you’re usedto it, the trick to it is just practice, and getting used to the range of flash which is425 units. our last trick is about flashing over largewalls, which is something a lot of people know how to do but don’t often understandhow it works.

once you do know the exact reason you canflash over walls that are wider than flash’s range, you’ll rarely fail those pesky wallslike the banana bush walls near mid lane, or the big wall near top lane. essentially the way it works, is that if youdo something that would hypothetically put you inside of a wall, the game will forceyou out of the wall on one side or the other based on whichever side you are closest to. so the best way to do it is to get as closeto the wall as possible and then make sure you flash at a spot where the range of flashwill cover half of the length of the wall. and using this you can flash over walls thatcover almost if not just about twice the range

of flash overall! you’ve just got to make sure that your flashwill put you on the side of the terrain nearest to where you want to end up, otherwise theflash will fail and the terrain will put you on the wrong side, so you’ll pretty muchjust flash on the spot. anyway that just about wraps up today’svideo on flash tips and tricks, we really hope you guys liked this one, and if there’sa cool trick you know that we didn’t mention make sure you share it with everyone elsein the comments, or just leave us a suggestion of what you think we should talk about next! and it looks like that’s gonna be it fromme, if you enjoyed the video drop a like,

subscribe if you want, thanks for watching,and i’ll see you guys next time.

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