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today on brstv we have episode twelve of ourneptune apex series and we are going to go over the control light option in apex fusion. hi i'm ryan host of brstv where each weekwe cover a new topic related to reefing. this week we are going to go over the light optionfound in the control type drop when programing an outlet on the apex fusion cloud interface. selecting light option will preload a bunchof fields most people would commonly use for controlling any type of light. for this videowe will focus on your primary lights for the aquarium. the first option is fallback andis asking if the energy bar were to ever get disconnected from the apex base unit wouldyou want the outlet to default to on or off?
in this case we would want the light to defaultto off so we don't cook the corals if we were away for a few days and this was to happen. next option is the on time, select the timeyou want the light to come on. depending on the type of tank and lighting it is commonfor most people to maintain a lighting period between eight and twelve hours. most peoplewho are closer to twelve have lights that are capable of gradually increasing throughoutthe day and dimming over the evening. they might also have multiple sets of lights wherethe halides are on for eight hours and some less intense lights like t5's are on for dawnand dusk. the day light cycle also doesn't have to matchactual day time at your house either. i suggest
figuring out a schedule that matches yourlifestyle so the lights are on when you are home. for the sake of the video i am justgoing to select nine o'clock. the time is displayed on a twenty four hour clock so ifi want to turn the lights off at eight pm i would enter twenty here. the next option is shutdown probe. this isa feature that is capable of turning off your lights based on the temperature of your tank.lights can be one of the biggest sources of heat in the tank so if the tank were to overheatbecause it was a hot day, your chiller failed or someone turned off your homes ac this couldsave the tank by turning off the lights, you could of coarse also set up an email alarmto notify you as well.
most of you will only have one option andit will say temp. i have a second option showing here because i have two temp probes on thesystem, the one labeled x5 is attached to my pm2 salinity module and not the one wewant to use in this case. select the one that says just temp. shut down value is the temp where i want itto turn off the lights. this is up to you but most people will likely set it one totwo degrees above where they want their take to be. in this case i am going to set it to80 degrees. if this is your first time programing a controllerhysteresis might be a somewhat foreign word to you and certainly how it applies here.basically this is just how long you want to
keep the light off once the controller triggersa shutdown based on high temp. if there wasn't a hysteresis option the light would just keepturning off and on as the tank goes from 79.9 to 80 and then falls again. this would bepretty bad for your lights as well as be pretty annoying visually. by default it says 30 minuteswhich means the lights will stay off for a minimum of thirty minutes which makes muchmore sense. hit send to apex and your light outlet willbe programmed moments later. one thing you should note is this control interface is reallyjust writing command lines for you. if you go back to the outlet you can see the linesof code it wrote for you by hitting the advanced tab. if you would like to do something a bitmore advanced like use the i/o switch box
to turn the on or off based on a hard buttonyou could add some additional command lines here, something we will come back to in thefuture. if you have questions or advice for your fellowreefers checkout the comments area down below, if this is your first time with us hit thatsubscribe button because we do this every week, see ya next week with another episodeof brstv
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