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[car engine roaring] [car engines revving] chris harris: so i boughtan audi s4. and i've done so forseveral reasons. first up, it used to belongto a family member. so it is in a disgustingstate of repair. remember the zero [bleep] given rx7? this is the zero [bleep]
given audi s4. i challenge anyone to present tome an s4 in worse condition than this car. its bodywork is ruined. pretty much every panel's gota dent or a scratch in it. inside, it's been livedin by two big, hairy, smelly, mostly wet dogs. and it stinks. you know what?
we need a better camera carthis year because the old passat was just too slow,too much of the time. the car wasn't too expensive. that's two reasons. third reason, the s4, as you nowknow, is a car i've always really admired. and i quite fancy one becauseit's low-key, and yet it's very fast and compact. fourth reason, people keeptelling me that you can
extract more power from thesethings quite easily. i haven't tuned a car sincei was quite a bit younger. and i quite like the ideaof having something that's a bit stealthy. so i went to a place calledrevo technik. and they said to me, that they'dhad better results with changing the software on theaudi s4 v8 model than virtually any other car they'dever played with. so i thought, let's go alongthere, have them play with the
software, maybe stick somebrakes on it, and see what we end up with. now, what car do you matchagainst an s4 to find out if it really is performingto a higher level? what's a higher level of s4? it's an rs4. so i thought, we'd go and findout how a revo software-mapped s4 performed againstan audi rs4. what i have here is the quitebeautiful-looking new b8 rs4,
450 horsepower from anormally-aspirated v8 engine four-wheel drive withlaunch control. and i'm looking at two milesof bruntingthorpe straight ahead of me. to my right is my raggedyold series 1 b8 audi s4, supercharged 3-liter v6. and it's got a standard enginein it at the moment. i say, "at the moment." thathas 333 horsepower. so we've got a bigadvantage here.
and that doesn't haveany launch control. neil, now, hopefully, willset us on our way. [car revving] chris harris: and it's anannihilation at the moment. we've crucified himoff the line. and now, we're just[car engine roaring] edging ahead. what's the gap? i don't know.
looking in my mirror, 15? what, 10 car lengths? 15 car lengths? i mean, it's just a long,long way behind. we're now pulling 147, 149,150, 154, 156, 160. still going, where'sthe limiter? 163, 164, 165. there's no limiter, 167. i think we can safely say thatthat was an annihilation.
it's a different leagueof speed. but when we go back to the pitarea, there's a man called kevin, who's going to plug hiswidget or his dongle, whatever he calls it, into the ecu of thes4 and make it perform a little bit differently. and then we'll haveanother race. quite looking forward to this. look what it takes to make a b8s4 go from 333 horsepower to, let's say, somethingbeginning with a four.
watch this. it'll blow your mind. kev, show me. kevin: ignition on. switch into performancemode with your sps. [sustained beeping] chris harris: make a beep. kevin: find the diagnosticport. [electronic blips]
kevin: the bleep indicatesthat we're switched to performance mode. chris harris: and that's it? engine on. kevin: off we go. chris harris: so 30, 40 yearsago, you did cams. you did pistons. you did intake. you did exhaust.
now, you-- you giveme that, please. look at that. isn't that extraordinary? right. so will the old dog snotternow match an rs4? we shall go and find out. seconds out, round two. i have 450 horsepowerin my rs4. it hasn't changed.
however, the s4 now hasa bit more horsepower. i don't know what the dynofigures are, but i'm led to believe it might have somethingin the region of 400 horsepower and alot of torque. so let's see what happens. chris harris: there he goes. i mean, off the line, it'salmost identical. i gave him as much asi could because i've got launch control.
but look at this now. we're just level bagging. i've got a little bit ofa margin in there. but it's tiny. we're just poking each other. can you see him? maybe, i'm taking a yardout of him there. a yard? you see the bonnet poppingup on the old girl a bit.
maybe, two yards. not really, is it? 166 miles an hour. and there was, i reckon,there were, what? two, three yards init by the end. isn't that extraordinary. i'm a little bit speechless. so to recap, the 3-litersupercharged audi engine is something else.
it really does offer a hugescope with tunability. so we've taken a very ordinaryaudi s4, put a bit of software to it, and we've ended up witha car that is absolutely as quick as the brand-new rs4. does that take anythingaway from the rs4? suppose in some ways it doesbecause a halo product, an absolute alpha male like the rs4shouldn't really have any competition from withinits own model range. but it's the beauty of forcedinduction is that you'll never
get round it, this razor-sharp8,400 rpm v8 that makes those lovely noises. [engine roars] chris harris: it's an amazingengine, but it restricts anyone messing aroundwith it afterwards. there's not so much youcan do with it. however, when you start playingwith supercharged engines-- there's a suspicionthat audi would've held that thing back anyway to giveit a gap between
the s4 and the rs4. once these clever blokes startmessing around with laptops and working out how they canmake them boost better and do other things, i don't know. it's all black magic to me. they can make them perform,can't they? so this car now owes me lessthan 20,000 pounds and will do naught to 100 miles an hourin 9.4 seconds and will match an rs4.
i think that's quite animpressive little estate car. we had a new toy to play withfor the timed runs as clever bods at racelogic have createdthe vbox sport, which is a water and bash-proof sensor thatclips to your windscreen. and it's bluetooth connectedto an app on your iphone. very cool and very convenient. the rs4's launch controlis subtle. it slightly rides the clutch,then you feel a little slip from the rear wheels, andthen it just bolts away.
gear shifts from the jewelclutch box are imperceptible. and the numbers areimpressive. zero to 30 takes just1.67 seconds. 60 takes 4.12 seconds. and the zero to 100 time isa sharp 9.42 seconds. the nfg s4 has nolaunch control. it's an early car. you just mash the right pedaland hope the smell of wet dog will disappear.
the gearbox is far lesscrisp as well. first to second is noticeablyslower than in the rs4. but from then on, it rips downthe runway in a way that must make it the small estate carbargain of the year. get this, naught to 30 in 1.73seconds; 60 in 4.17 seconds; and 100 in 9.48 seconds, just6/100 of a second slower than the rs4 to 100 miles an hour. with the standard software-- just to show you-- the s4 ran 60in 4.7 seconds, and 100 in
11.3 seconds. still impressive, but miles offthe revo-adjusted version. how much power does it have? i don't really care, actually,so long as it does the numbers on the flat. but it must have well over400 horsepower now. with so much extra poke, we'retrying some stasis 370 mil front brakes with 6-pistoncalipers. they fit behind the standardrims, and are miles better
than the stock at full brakes. the only other mods are thickerrear anti-roll bar and an optional exhaust, whichsounds a little fruitier and ditches the slightly pathetics4 tailpipes. it's a bit shiny right now. but the strict "no washing"regime will soon fix that. here's a breakdownof the costs. now, i need to be absolutelyclear. this exercise is about showingjust what you can squeeze from
an s4 with very little work. it's not about belittlingthe rs4. of course, in comparing itto the rs4, i'm naturally slightly exposing some of itsperformance, let's say, "deficit" comparedto the car that's lower down in the range. but i'm not trying to take themickey out of the rs4, for the simple reason that thers4 is a lovely car. but by heck, is ita confusing car!
neil and i have spent severaldays in this thing now. and it really is like thesort of beautiful, boyfriend-girlfriend situationthat isn't actually all the personality you mightwant it to be. on the road, the steeringcan be really odd, the dynamic steering. the chassis, when it's incomfort mode, it's a bit loose and doesn't ride that well. when you put it in dynamic mode,i don't know what they
were thinking. i mean, you just simplycan't drive it. it's so firm. the engine's so exciting andwants to rev, and yet it doesn't have anything likeas much torque as the s4. and you have to really beup it the whole time. but this is the big problem withthe rs4, every time you see it, you completely fall inlove with it because it's so good looking.
and as an object, it'sjust gorgeous. the interior is beautiful. it's a car that i'd love to haveoutside my door all year long, but probably for allthe wrong reasons. and of course, anyone lookingto spend between 60,000 and 70,000 pounds on a new smallestate car isn't looking to go and buy a used s4 and chipit up and do the things that i've done. so there isn't really acomparison there at all.
the rs4 really is aflawed diamond. but it proves that theseaudi rs products are very hit and miss. we're going to drivean r8 b10 soon, and that's a bit of kick. the rs4, i think, is in manyways quite the compromised driving machine, buta beautiful object. [music playing]
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