Thursday, March 16, 2017

How To Flashing mtech a3

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How To Flashing mtech a3

hi i'm mat from espares. in this video i'll be showing how toidentify and error code or fault code in an indesit or hotpoint washing machine or washer/dryer. an error code will be displayed on your washing machine or washer/dryer if the machine has a problem. now error codes are a guide and can mislead but should certainly be used to identifythe area of the problem within the machine. error codes will be displayed on your machinein one of two ways. either on a digital display which will be a letterfollowed by two numbers

or in the case if this machineby a series of flashing lights. now the lights when flashing should beread in a binary fashion, so on the case if this machinewe have three flashing lights. one two and eight one plus two plus eight equals eleven error code eleven. and remember when you identifythe error code in your machine always make sure you unplug the appliancebefore carrying out any work. now these are the typical hotpoint and indesiterror codes or fault codes for washing machines and dryers.

now there may be some variancesfor older models, but please do check our advice centre for up-to-dateinformation and any variances that may take place. fault code 1 or f 001 is related to the motor triacwhich is based in the module here. this may result in you motor not spinning and no drive and it may result in you having to getnew module. now fault code f 02 relates to the motor being jammedor not being able to move at all . with the motor tacho itself. this may result in the motor spinningat very high speed and then stopping now fault code 03 or error code 03 relates to the ntc the water temperature sensor

check the connections and replace if required. now f 04 or fault code number fourrelates to the pressure switch. this error code relates to the pressureswitch on empty. so check the switch itself its connectionsand also the hose that feeds it. f 05 or fault code 05relates to the pressure switch on full. check the drain circuit as this is usually causedby debris in the pump f 06 or fault code 06 is not generally usedbut maybe a program selector issue on older machines. the f o7 error is related to the heater relaywhich is inside the module here. if the heater itself is okyou may need to purchase a new module.

now the f 08 fault code 0 8 also relates tothe heater relays inside the module check the heater and its connections, the pressure switch and its connections, and also the connections to the module itself. f 09 or fault code 09 relates toa faulty or corrupted memory or the programme chip. now this may require reprogramming the moduleusing a card reader and new card or it may result in needing a new module itself. f10 or fault f 10 relatesto the pressure switch not sensing. check its connectionsand check the connections on the module itself.

and you can also check the hose to make surethere's no detergent stuck in the hose. f 11 indicates a problem with the draincircuit. check the pump and its connections and wiring. f12 indicates that the upper control boardis not communicating with the main control board check its wiring and its connections. f13 f-14 and f-15 are related towasher dryer problems specifically. f13 is high temperature rise in drying. check for blocked airflowor a jammed or faulty fan motor. f 14 code is no heat when drying.

check the element and the cut-outs onthe dryer heater itself. f 15 indicates you may havea dryer heater relay problem. f 16 is not generally usedon hotpoint or indesit machines. f 17 or fault code 17 relates to the door lock. so check the door lock itself and its connectionsand the pcb that it connects to. and our last error code f 18 relates to the main module and the front control panelmodule not communicating with each other so check the wiring and connections and if they're both okay it may meanthat you have to purchase

a new main module. now it's definitely worth mentioning thathotpoint and indesit do not supply programs modules. so if you had a problem in the module in you washing machine or washer/dryeryou would also have to purchase a programming smart card and a card reader. now these items will cost youin excess of two hundred pounds. so it is probably a good idea to go toa reputable repair company such as repair care who have a fixed price for this sort of job. remember to check our advice centrefor up-to-date information and any variances.

all spares and accessories for washing machinesand washer dryers can be found on the espares website. thanks for watching.

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