Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How To Flashing micromax p360

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do not forget there are some additional tips from me:

Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
3. When've taken after the greater part of the conditions please check the telephone has been typical what is most certainly not.
4.Characteristic components EMMC highlight of blazing not harmed in the street, still can wipe information reserve. yet, introduce the upgrade shape sd card can not or won't runing.
5.booting first after introduce rom considerable lot of time of around 15 minutes. Try not to rush to evacuate the battery. hold up until the framework completes the process of booting.
critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing micromax p360

how to find your lost or stolen android phone? hindi video by 'kya kaise' our phone is an integral part of our lives these days all our messages, photos, documents, contacts, music, videos, data and passwords are all stored on the phone what if it gets stolen? is it possible to find a lost phone? in this video, we will find how to locate a stolen or lost mobile. hello, my name is aekta there are many apps you can use such as - contact owner, wheres my droid, plan b, android device manager and prey i am going to tell you about 3 apps here - contact owner, wheres my droid and android device manager first - contact owner. let's assume you lost your phone and someone found it but your phone is locked. in such a situation, how can the finder return your phone? with the help of this app, you can put your details on the screen of the phone to enable the finder to know your details. let's see how to use contact owner

let's go to the playstore and search for contact owner. here's the app. let's click on it and install it let's click on accept and this app has been installed. let's click on open click on yes. the app is now open it's a very basic app. you need to input 3 things here first we need to add our contact information so lets click here now you can input the contact from the address book. i have put 'kya kaise' and let me search this is kya kaise, let me click on it and click on yes and here you can see my email address now let me go back now the 2 fields have been enabled

let me click on text before ... it says if found, please contact. let me click on ok now let me click on text after let me type ...or call 999999999 and let's click ok this is just a fake number i have put we have filled in the 3 fields, now lets go back and lock the phone now the phone is locked so you can see here - this is the information you just filled. if someone finds your phone, they may not be able to enter the phone but they will know who to contact the second app is wheres my droid. you can use this to locate an android phone you can ring your lost phone, find its location, you can even take a picture with its camera and you can even lock your phone remotely. let's see how

let's open the play store and search for wheres my droid, click on it and install it let's click on accept... now the app is being installed let's click on open now this is the welcome screen. i am going to skip the intro let's accept the terms... now we are inside wheres my droid this app has a free and a pro version. all the features are avialable in the pro version but it costs about $4. i am going to show you how to use the free version first, click on commander... and if you are a first time user, you will need to create a new account ... click on create account choose a username and a password.. retype the password now you can add your email address.. i entered my email

now you need to choose a security question and put your answer. then click submit now your account is being created. here you can see the email just came into your inbox but now you need to give your device a name. let me call it samsung s3 and click on add device now the commander is linked and ready for use let's click on done you'll see a few ads in the free version if your phone is lost, you have 2 options you either can send an sms to your phone from a friend's mobile and get to know the location of your phone or you can go to the wheres my droid website and locate your phone

let's see how you can find your phone by sending an sms from a friend's phone send a message to your phone from the friend's phone - the text of the message should say wmd gps and send it to your phone as soon as you send this message, you get an sms from wheres my droid telling you that your message has been received and you will get a response within 5 minutes and in a short while, i received an sms telling me the exact location of the phone ... the exact latitude and longitude and it even gives you a link to google maps - if you click on the link, you can see the exact location of the phone it also gives you the approximate address of the phone right now. let's click on this link and open the url then open maps let's see where the phone is ... you see here ... let's zoom in absolutely right! this phone is at the caribbean residences in singapore, which is my current location

so we were able to find the location of this phone via sms if you want this phone to ring , send an sms with the message wmd ring to your phone so you see here ... the phone has started to ring. if you are nearby, you can hear your own phone ringing and locate it once you find the phone, click on found phone to stop it from ringing but how to locate the mobile from a pc? let's see it's worth mentioning here that you will have received an email from wheres my droid. you may want to complete this verification step click on the verification link in the email to verify your account let's open wheres my droid and then click on commander let's enter our email and password - the same one we used to create an account just now

let's click on the login button and now here you see.... now i am logged in ... you can see my device here samsung s3 let's click on find here you have 2 options. you can either click quick location and find the approximate location of the phone or you can find the accurate location let's click on quick location and here you see the command has been sent your phone this says will get a response within 5 minutes here, you can see the response has come is quickly here you can see the location of my phone - its telok blangah road in singapore and my phone is lying close to the pool you can see a radius here - my phone should be within that radius

anyways, most of these loacations are approximations now you can ring your phone by clicking make device ring now you can hear the phone ringing now you can click on thr found phone button on your phone to make it stop ringing so we found the phone now there are a few features in the pro version such as camera. you can take pictures from the front or rear camera it can even lock your phone you may want to lock your phone from here... but this is also a pro feature (not free) that's how you find your lost or stolen phone using a friend's laptop or your own computer

this is applicable if you already installed a few apps on your mobile as a precaution but is there a way out if your phone is lost and you did not install all these apps on your mobile? in such a situation, you can login to android device manager and see where your phone is... let's see how let's go to google and type android device manager here you see android device managaer. this is a google product that let's you track your android phone if you have logged in into your phone using your gmail address then you can track your android phone let's log in to android device manager using our google account let me enter my password and click on sign in now you can see ...we are in the android device manager

it's saying that the location data from your devices will be shared with google but this location is usually approximate if you believe that your phone has been stolen, please contact the police. let's click on accept now it's looking for our location its telling us that this phone was last seen at 3:47 pm in singapore on the 5th of june... about a minute ago you can zoom in and see the location of the phone. this is the approximate location of the phone and you can see that its accurate to 23 meters you can ring your phone now by clicking the ring button ... lets click here your device will now ring for 5 minutes and you can shut it by pressing the power button let's click on the ring button

here you can see that the phone has started ringing... let me turn it off i just turned it off with the power button you can set up lock and erase here it says to get started and use the lock and erase options, a set up notification needs to be sent. let's click on send the notification has been sent to your phone even though we had not installed android device manager on our phone, we were able to locate the phone and were able to ring it now you can find your lost or stolen phone easily if you like the video, press the like button and share it you can subscribe to our channel and keep yourself informed about the latest videos

keep watching 'kya kaise' and keep learning. thank you kya kaise

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