Wednesday, March 8, 2017

How To Flashing maximus icube

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How To Flashing maximus icube

the cursed treasure of the withering treebeckons the weary to the sightless dream one step one grasp and it begins to seetheof blissful malice, where none can breathe greetings old traveller to my humble establishment.i am your shopkeeper and your best trader in the town of tristram. you are about tobegin your new journey and will eventually come across a cube that will give you immesurablepower. so its about time you must know about the top 10 legendaries for monks that deservea place in that cube. remember, that your resources at the start of the journey willbe scarce and you mustprioritise cubing these items should you wish to regain your truestatus in the next patch. these items listed are a part of this listnot only becasue they are powerful, but also

because they are scarce to find. so once youget your hands on one, its time to immortalise them in your cube. lets beginnumber 10: obsidian ring of the zodiac, should you aim to play with builds that rely heavilyon skills such as epiphany and mystic ally, this ring will be your best friend and improvethe uptime of your favoured skiils. but try to contain the rage when the only ancientring you find turns out to be this one. we all have been there you know!number 9: leoric's crown whether you want to be efficient by reductingyour cooldown, be tanky by gaining health or be like me and sap other people's xp ingreater rifts, cubing this crown will improve the performance of your gem. dont leave tristramwithout it

number 8: envious bladecome on, be truthful, you didnt see this one coming did you? when aim is to flash farmwith your dashing strike monk byusing a build shown by that idiot hermit, you can actually1 shot elites on t10 by cubing this dagger. imagine a 2 handed anicnet weapon with a cubedblade and the crits that follow it. jusssst imagine it!!!number 7: furnace wow this got boring right as we all were thinkingabout this one. but in all fairness, if you wish to play with bell spam build or the unkowntempest rush build, furnace can acutally be good, i know its hard to believe but trustme, it is! number 6: band of rue chambers:turst me, i am not making this legenadry up

this extremely rare ring increases the spiritgenerated by your generators for upto 50 %, so if wish to play with any generator and alreadyhave a ring and cant decide on cube bonus, add this to mix, even if you do it for braggingpurpose! number 5 fist of azturrasq:if you happen to have an ancient fist with main stat, please give me your autograph asmost fists before the upciming patch dont have mainstat as guranteed roll. it notoriouslylow drop rate might make it hard to find in the next patch so if you have one right now,dont forget to cube it and uliana your way to greater rift 60.number 4 flying dragon the dragon soared after the launch of rosand it still flies high when used with shenlong's

set to reach an attack speed territory thatexceeds the combined effectiveness of the rest of your party. simple philosophy withthis is, cube it, or lose it! number 3: broken promisesremember guys, remember the last video about top 10 legendaries, this one came first andno one agreed with me huh. ok enough of bragging and more cubing as this ring allows you tomake a 0 crit sss build and clear grift 65. i think this build deserves another video,right? number 2: madstonewhat an appropriate name for a 2number item. this spirit stone is an integral part of sssbuild but the reason why this sits at number 2 is becasue of its extremely low drop rate,so when you find one, thankthe rng gods and

cube this before you begin to brag about aboutit in chat. before we go to number 1, here are some imprortantlegendaries that almost made it to the top 10 list, so if your legendary is here or hasmissed the list, feel free toshare your honest and extremly graphic emotions in the commentsection below. but here are the items. all elemental damage block amulets, unity parthandefenders, spirit guards, gungdo gear and reaper's wraps. so with all this said anddone, time to move on to number 1 the cloud and the moon, or should i say, theflow of eternity if you think finding a good fist or madstoneis rare, try finding or gambling for this 2 handed weapon that makes your sss a neverending onmi sided strike. this legendary is

in integral part of sss build and allows monkto clear the highest possible grift. on a side note,a speical shoutout to those whocan figure out why i said, cloud and the moon. so this is it, the top 10 cubed legendariesfor monk in patch 2.30. these legendaries are all rare to find and therefore deserveto be in this list. wondering where your favourite usable legendary when, well that a list foranother day. untill then, take care and remember to shop for rares items too, otherwise i willgo out of business!

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