Monday, March 6, 2017

How To Flashing lenovo a3500 fl

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How To Flashing lenovo a3500 fl

hi it's parris from epic reviews tech channel and it was about three weeks ago that i got my yoga 2 pro. i am loving this computer it is almost perfect, the one flaw is the wifi. it's wireless n and sort of a spotty n at that, but i had read that for $30, you can pick out a wireless card to put into this that will give you wireless ac, great range, strong connection, all you have to do is be willing to open this up. now, this is the wifi card that you need to get for the wireless ac upgrade. the bios in the yoga 2 pro is very picky and it won't take just any card, so make sure this is the one that you get. i'll put a link to it down below this video so you can see the exact model. once you have your wifi card, you need a 5mm torque screwdriver. there are 11 screws on the bottom of the yoga 2

pro you'll need to remove. you need to have a device to do a little prying to get that cover to pop off and then i'll show you inside the cables you need to disconnect, what you need to pull out, plug this in, put it all back together and see if it really works. and before opening the system up or even opening the package with the new network card, make sure you're not carrying a static charge. touch some large metal object to drain that static electricity out so you don't give an electric shock to anything, any of the circuitry in here or in the new network card. now you need a t5 torque screwdriver head and this is smaller than what comes in most kits, so if you don't have that, here's the cheapest way i found to pick this up. this pick quick teeny turner is $5 and you can pick it up at frys, if you're not near one, i'll put a link

to it down below. you can order it online, it comes with a number of bit heads and it seems to be well-made. but mainly, it gives you that t5 that you're going to need to take out this screws. this guys are tiny and easy to lose, it's helpful that this comes with a magnetic tip. down to the last screw, just wanted to mention here that you may be voiding your warranty doing this, so do that at your own risk. also, before opening up any electronic device, you want to remove power so of course, unplug it from the wall, shut it down. ordinarily on a laptop, you'd also pop the battery out, but in this case, it's an internal battery so i have to deal with that when we get to it. okay, all the screws are out, now it's supposed to be a matter of flexing it and popping this back cover off. and get a thumb nail under there, poking around and pulling on the edges, i found that

if you start here where the hinges are, get a fingernail underneath and pull, it feels like it will come off pretty easily. there we go. now we're inside. here we got the battery, you can see that it takes up most of the innards of this system. couple of exhaust fans, the ram that's soldered in place, so no memory upgrades. over here is the solid- state drive and i believe that's a standard connector, but again, i don't know with the bios how picky it's going to be if you put a different brand of solid-state drive in and our target for today is right here. there's the wifi card, now i'm going to unplug the battery before going on, that way that i can be sure there won't be any electricity running through here and i won't short-circuit anything. unplugging the battery is a matter of pulling the cable out from the connector right

here. it's tiny, my fingers are fat, may need another instrument for this. requires a great deal of pulling to get it out. alright, it's diffused, now the manual for the yoga 2 pro says after taking off the back cover, you need to remove the battery pack, the lcd unit and the system board before removing the wifi card, but i'm going to see if i can just jump ahead and do it. it looks like everything i need is right here, so let's see if we can just unscrew this, remove the antenna leads an pull it out. so we got 2, what they call, wireless lan cables, i assume that they're the antenna leads, black and white right here, one screw, some tape holding it down in both sides, and then here at this end, is where it actually slides into the slot and the little metal contacts takes place, and they tell

you to start by removing the black and white cables. i'm thinking it's just a matter of pulling them straight back, again everything is super tiny and miniature though. it's actually more like a snap. yeah, kind of like a on a 9-volt battery, that little caps that snaps over the top, so that's different, i did not expect that. so it's just a matter of pulling it up gently and then the cover will pop off the top of it. okay, question is how easily will it go back on with those cables pulled back out of the way at this point, you need a very small phillips heads screwdriver, not a torque. right there. then we got the tape, i guess you either have to pry it up or just slice it along each edge to let the card come out, tape is loose, i should now be able to gently lift it a little and pull it out of that slot. okay, it's got to come up over the screw hole and then pull back gently. there's the old

wireless card, now it's a matter of reversing everything. so i've got the wireless card, the first thing is to slide it most of the way to flat and then push it down as it goes past the screw hole and slides and makes contact. it is in place, next is the tiny phillips head screw. now we need to re- attach the antennas, this is the tricky part. but it does say in the manual that the black cable goes to the little connector labelled main and the white cable goes to aux and very tiny print on the label here on the wifi card right next to this little button, it says, "main" and the one here on the end it says, "aux". i'm going to try to fit this over the little old button and if i can push it on by hand or if i need a tool. finally got my snap, okay. white one is on, snap number 2, alright. i think we're reassembled. don't forget to plug the battery back in.

at this point, you cross your fingers, put the cover back on. now there were snaps along each edge, so they'll have to re-engage. you had much practice taking the cover off the back of your cell phone, it kind of feels the same. actually the torque screwdriver and so glad that it is magnetized. here's the last screw. okay, question number 1, does it still turn on? i've got lights and no smoke yet. and here you can see under network adapters, intel dual-band wireless ac 7260 and here's my current wifi status on my 5ghz ac network. what i'm seeing is it's obviously found the new card and installed the driver. it's showing me my local networks plus a new one that i didn't see before. guadalupe peak, my 5ghz network which means the new card is working. looks fine, everything else on the computer still seems to work, so i'm guessing i

didn't break anything. i'll give the new network card a workout over the next few days, you have the ranges and the top speed and if after a while, it tends to drop connection like the old card did, i'm hoping that this is going to resolve all those issues and it was a successful transplant, but if it disappoints at all, i'll post another video and let you know.

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