Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing lenovo a328
everyone this is shark jungle you tube channel i'm going to do aquick tutorial on the best ways to update twrp to the 3.0 version i will dothe procedures on the international galaxy s4 these procedures is likelythe same for all twrp supported devices you can check what's new in version 3.0by going to twrp.me and select 3.0 to know more about the change log updating custom recovery is very important to avoid incompatibility incompatiblity issues make sureto get it updated file from your device by going to talkwebsite and search for your device and then go to the download page and selectthe image file 3.0 image file and put it into your sdcard
reboot into recovery mode and uninstallthe image file navigate to the folder and then select images to be able to seethe file and then select the file and select recovery then swiped flash i'mgoing to reboot into recovery again to show you the version 3.0 me the version3.0 all the different theme all your options is available within advancedwipe options and encryption everything running very nice to settingsgeneral settings and language and display settings manager and a fundmanager and terminal here by the function make sure to visit our websiteto learn more about the change log in this version from play store and thisrequires root access the job in the air
device me and search for your device andi'm going to search for samsung galaxy s phone international version and to letthe file i want to install 3.0 and then install recover the fileimage file and we'll ask you to install the recovery select yes and it willclash this process will take around a minuteinstallation into a show you the success message is here now i'm going to rebootinto recovery commission that can be installed successfully there is another method the aden methodi will leave you want to use other methods and the terminal method also youcan use it if you want
thank you for watching
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