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welcome to how to cook that i am ann reardontoday we are making all your favorite apps on a much requested ipad cake.i will show you two different ways to make the ipad so let me know in the comments whichone you prefer which one looks better. firstly though we are going to make our applebox and to make that you'll need one and a half quantities of the rich chocolate cakerecipe and bake that in two trays. the recipe videos and everything that you'll need tomake the ipad cake are all on this weeks blog post and i'll link to that in the descriptionbelow the video. once your cakes have cooled level them outand then cut them in half. then place a small amount of frosting onto the cake board, followedby the first layer of cake. cover that in
frosting then add two more layers of cake.so you'll have one layer spare. now trim the edges to make that as straightand box like as you can get it. then cover the whole thing in a thin layerof frosting. this coat catches all the crumbs. i am using mixture of the american buttercreamand white chocolate ganache here and again those recipes are all on the website. place that in the fridge and once the frostinghas firmed up then we want to cover it in another layer of frosting, take your timewhen you're putting this one on. get the edges as straight as you can, get the corners ascrisp as you can. when you put the fondant over the top it willreflect what you've done underneath.
then place it back in the fridge to firm up.now take some water on a pastry brush and brush the cake, this just makes it a littlebit damp so the fondant will stick to it. roll out your white fondant and then liftit up and drape it over the cake. pinch it in at the corners together and usescissors to trim off the excess and then rub it with your finger.now to get those tight edges you will need to use a fondant smoother to smooth it outand also massage it towards the edges. you can make the front of the ipad screenout of a printed icing sheet or out of fondant. the printed icing sheets can be purchasedonline, they don't taste great even though they say they are made out of icing they arenot sweet. but they are good for apps that
have detailed logos.to make the fondant ones firstly we need to make an app cutter. to do that decide howbig your apps are going to be it is going to be then take some aluminum flashing andfold it around something round like a pen to make that rounded corner shape that allapps have. repeat that with the next corner each time lining it up with the distance youwant the sides to be so they are all about the same. once you get back to the beginningtrim the first side to about half the distance and fold up the last side to overlap it. trimit off and use some tape to hold it into place. now for your favorite apps you guys had somany requests we couldn't do all of them but here is some of them starting at the bottomwe have
dumb ways to die.to make this one roll out some background colour. for all of your backgrounds use twoskewers either side of your fondant and then when your rolling it so that the rolling pinrests on them and you get a uniform thickness for all of our buttons. then cut it out usingthe cutter that we made. then roll out a oval of blue and squash it and using a little bitof water add it to the square. trim off that excess then take balls of orange really littleones and then roll them into tear drop shapes and add them for fire hair.dumb ways to die was a viral youtube video made by metro trains in australia promotingtrain safety. it was so popular that it has its own game and various other things nowas well and you can play the game and try
and survive all the different scenarios thatare in the song. roll out a snake of white for the smile andthen add two dots for the eyes using a food safe marker. cut the rope is a good fun little game thati like as well i printed this one on the edible icing sheet and you can get the image thati printed it all from on the the how to cook that website as well. i will put it up therefor you. pandorato make the logo print it out and cut out the p shape making sure you keep that whitepart in the centre of the p. pandora is a music app where you can listento music using wifi and create your own stations.
and it's free if you don't mind lots of adverts.if you want no ads then you'll need to pay every month.place it on some white fondant and with the middle of the p in place as well. and thenbrush it with some powdered blue food colour and a dry paint brush. and then brush of any excess blue. peel itoff. and then place your cutter over the top and cut it out. next on the printed on we've got we heartit this one is similar to pinterest but in myopinion to as good. what do you think? spotify is next it is similar to pandora whereyou can listen to songs in playlists for free
on wifi & make your own playlists. it seemsto have less ads than pandora does and i think it's got a bit of an easier to use interface.once you've rolled and cut out the black cut out a green circle using a piping tip andplace it on top. roll out a snake of black, curve it and place it on. and then repeatthat using two smaller and thinner snakes. the next printed one we've got is geometrydash i'd never played this game before, you jump over shapes, it is really hard, but kindof addictive. then we've got skyperoll out two ovals out of blue, flatten them and place them across each other. then usea snake of white to add the s. and then put the whole thing onto a whitesquare.
hay day is a game where you run a farm itis one of the top grossing apps of course because it has inapp purchases. next we've got retrica.retrica lets you take photos with different filters and different layouts so it's a bitof a fun photo app. cut out a square of white then add a strip of orange and put that onthe top. roll a ball of white and add it to the top of that and then repeat that witha ball of black. then add the four little dots in the corner using your food grad marker. then we've got temple run this game has beenaround for quite a while now but you run and you swipe to tun and swipe to jump and slideunder things. it's quite a complicated logo
so it suits best the printed one. next we have pouin this game you have a little character who you feed and you can play games with. if youfeed him too much he'll get fat. if you have push notifications on this one can get reallyannoying but if you turn them off it is a pretty cut little game.cut out your white square then roll a circle of brown, squash it and pinch it to make itnarrower at the top. roll a tiny square of white then cut it in half to get two eveneyes and roll them into balls and add them on top. then using a food safe marker draw on theblack dots on his eyes and his little mouth.
next we've got subway surfers we've playedthis one for a while now you just dodge trains and collect coins pretty much the oppositeof the message of the dumb ways to die one. next we've got whatsappwith whats app you use your smart phone to send text messages, photos, videos and youdo it all over the internet instead of using sms.cut out a green square and roll out a snake of white.then make a mini oval and trim it at the join to leave a slight tail.to make the phone cut a short piece of white and bend over each end then add that to themiddle. clash of clans is next its a multiplayer gameby the makers of hayday, you build defenses
and train troops and attack other playerscommunities, it does have wizards and witches in the game play so if you that bothers youchoose another game. next we've got 2048 this is a game where youkeep adding things together so you add two twos to make 4, two fours to make 8, then16, 32 and so on trying to get all the way up to 2048cut the square out of the yellow and then paint on 2048 using white food colouring. next we have surprise cakes this is my appso thanks for requesting that one. this allows you to use gaming technology to bring yourcake to life. we are currently working on the next update for it which will have a wholenew animation which a secret i can't tell
you what it is yet but be on the look outfor that. next we have pinterest which allows you ofcourse to pin things you find online to different boards so you can easily find them again.on the ipad or iphone though it can get a bit tricky because you don't have the 'pinit' button. but if you browse within the pinterest app you can easily pin stuff from there. cutout a square of white and then a circle of red. roll out a long snake of white and startout making a semicircle on the top half then bring it in and up to the top then back downand trim it off at the edge of that circle. then use a skewer to help make any littleadjustments to the shape to make it look right. lots of requests for a bible app, you versionone is one of the most popular ones and it
is one of the most functional it's got alldifferent things that you can do in there. then candy crush this is an old one now, ifyou like candy crush then you can check out the candy crush cake that is on the channel. wattpadthis one lets you write a story. i'd never heard of this one before but now i've checkedit out it is quite interesting you write you story and then other people can comment aftereach chapter and vote or share. so you are getting feedback on what you are writing. next we've got piano tiles this is a simplebut addictive free game where you have to tap on the all black or colored tiles andavoid all the white ones as fast as you can.
to make the logo cut a square out of whiteand out of black and the cut each of those into quarters. use two from each to join themtogether to make the checkerboard look and then just use a little water to join themtogether to make them stick. now the top 10 most requested apps. at numberten we have kik which is a messaging app for smart phones so that you can message insteadof smsing and we have at number 9 youtube*you should know how to use the youtube app, because you're watching youtube so i am notgoing to explain this one. cut a square out of red and then cut a rounded rectangle ofwhite and add it on top. and then cut a tiny triangle out of red and add that on top.
at number 8 we have kim kardashian hollywood.i didn't like this game, i am really sorry girls. but if you read the ratings on gamesthey are there to help you make wise decisions for yourself or your kids if you are the onecontrolling what they get it is rated 12+ for mature/suggestive themes, horror themes,violence, alcohol tobacco and drug references, crude humour and mild sexual content and nudity.lets go on to the next one. coming in at number 7 was vine which is anapp where you can post and watch 7 second videos to share and just like youtube thereare some are good and some rubbish ones. roll and cut out your background colour thenroll a snake of white fondant. starting at the top corner there drape it down to makea v shape and then use a knife to make it
more pointed down at the bottom there. andthen loop the end bit around to make a curve and then trim it off. at number 6 we have twitter and i assume youknow this one, you can tweet short 140 character text messages publicly or privately to a personwho is following you. cut out a blue square and then a circle outof white. make a cut like your making a pacman and then round one corner of that. on the opposite side make a cut followingthe line of where the body of the bird is. and then trim off the wing section to makeit smaller because it is way too big there. then slice it into three sections. use yourskewer to pull a little point for the beak
and then place it onto the blue lets pause our top ten count there to makethe symbols that go down the bottom really quickly.for sms cut out a circle of green and then make a ball of white squash it and use yourknife to shape the triangle part. then add it on top.for emails cut out a square of blue then a small rectangle of white then indent the envelopeshape into the white using your knife and add it on top.for the safari symbol add a circle of blue on top of a square of white. the roll somered really thinly and put that on top of some white and cut out that compass needle part.add that to the middle then make indents all
the way around the circle.for itunes cut out a red square and then use a snake of white fondant to make the musicshape note. back to our count, at number 5 most requestedby you was the facebook app and i'll show you tumblr at the same time because theirlogos are so similar. tumblr actually came in at number 11.roll out some white, rub a little oil onto it. cut out the letters and place them ontothe fondant, then dust with blue powdered food coloring. dust off any excess then removethe paper and cut them out using your square cutter. minecraft there are so many youtube channelsdevoted to this game that i think it needs
no introduction, was at number 4. now at number 3 we have flappy bird.mix some green and blue and roll it out then cut using a square cutter. roll a small ballof yellow and flatten it. then add and oval of orange for the beak, and a white circlefor the eye and a yellow wing. then use a marker to dot or draw on all those pixelatedlooking edges. flappy birds was a very popular app and ithad more that 50m downloads. and then the creator removed it from the app store sayingthat it was too addictive and he was getting too much bad feedback. there were rumoursthat he had it taken off because of copyright violations but apparently that is not true.it is now available again on amazon fire tv
but not in the app store. trim off any excess of that yellow and thenadd it to the square. at number 2 most requested was snapchat.i can't believe that this number 2. i don't use this one but basically you senda picture or video to someone and it deletes within a few seconds of them opening it. ina uk survey 67% of snapchat users said they'd received inappropriate pictures on snapchat.roll out a square of yellow. make an oval of white, then flatten it out.then use a straw to push it up on each side of the base and in at the sides. make twoslices in the base and then place it on top of the yellow.and then use your skewer to pull some fondant
from underneath to make the little arms. number one most popular which i like as well,yay. was instagram. you share your photos or your little short videos and then you canfollow other people whose feed you like as well. you can follow howtocookthat on instagrami'll put a link below to all the different social medias that i'm on if you haven't yetfound those. use your cutter to cut a strip of brown andadd it to the top of a white square then. roll a ball of white and squash that in themiddle. then add a ball of black. roll a snake of yellow green red and blue. these need tobe really tiny and add them to the top corner and then trim them off.
to make the background of the ipad roll outsome white fondant and then add paper towel where the clouds are.then sprinkle it with raw sugar and spray it with some food colour spray. making itdarker at the top. i'm then adding some more black food colour at the top too and blendingit in with my finger, if you have black spray that would be even better.once it is dry brush off the sugar and you can see all your stars left there.roll a strip of blue and place it across the bottom.then roll out some white and place it around the ipad, using some baking paper just tosmooth out those joins. place the template over the top and trim itto the right size and then add circle indents.
now add in all of your apps that we've madeusing a little bit of water to make them stick and then use a ruler to line them up neatly. to make your apple logo on the side of thebox cut out a circle and push it up at the base with something round like a straw andthen down at the top with something straight. flatten out the lower sides on each side andthen cut out the leaf shape. brush that with silver luster dust and then add it to thecake using a little bit of water. to make the print out ipad roll out some whitefondant to the right size. rub the back of the printout the backing side of the benchto loosen it and then carefully peel off that backing.place your icing onto the fondant and then
use the backing to rub the top of it to makeit smooth. then trim it along the edges. for both of these you can make the fondantreally thick if you want to make it the right thickness for your ipad. or if you wan tomake it taste really good you can make a backing out of chocolate. just temper some chocolate and spread it out.then add your ipad on top and once it is firm trim up the edges using a knife. place some grey fondant into a fondant extruderand make a long strip, alternatively you could roll out the grey and then use a ruler tocut the strip. dampen the sides of your ipad
and add it all the way around the edge. add now your ipad is ready to add to the topof your cake and you can serve it up. if you are not already subscribed to how tocook that why aren't you? click on that button and join us for more crazy sweet creations.there is a new video every friday. you can add all your requests in the comments below,we read them all and tally them up. like the thousands of requests for this one, have anawesome week and i'll see you on friday [music: the boat song by youtube.com/setsailtv usedwith permission]
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