Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing karbonn a92 plus
flashfire app is a very powerful tool forrooted android devices and it's the only alternative for custom recoveries at this moment , itcan be used to flash anything like custom roms , kernels , recoveries ,mods, even thestock firmwares can be flashed too , you have also the ability to backup and restore yourcustom roms safely. shark jungle is here and i'm gonna show youall the options in flashfire app and how to use it. the tutorial is 6 parts , those parts willcover almost every thing about flashfire app , you can use time line in the video descriptionto watch only the part you need. 1-requirements and compatibilityandroid 4.2+ or newer
root accessfull root access is required, using either a recent version of supersu, or cm's su , phh'ssuper user is not supported. 1 gb rama lot of ram is used by flashfire. operations may fail completely on low memorydevices unlocked bootloaderi highly recommend not to use this app on a locked bootloader. supported devicesgoogle- samsung while flashfire is primarily developed andtested on google nexus and samsung flagship devices, basic testing has been done on manyother brands and devices, and users are using
it successfully on many more. 2-getting startedinterface the interface consists of several pages, selectablein the slide-out menu on the left-hand side of the screen. the actions page is opened by default at applaunch action pagethis page will display all the action cards you gonna create using the plus buttonyou can edit any action by tapping over the action's cardit may be necessary to change the order of the actions being performed.
this can be done simply by tapping and holdingthe card, then dragging it up or down. an action can be removed by swiping its cardleft or right. safety testafter installing flashfire app it's recommended to do any safe action just to check if theapp works correctly or not ,creating an id backup for example will be a fast and safeaction to do , open the app hit the plus button, tap on backup and choose id then hit flash,the screen will go black for 30 seconds or less then your device will reboot after thatgo to flashfire app and open backups then check if the backup is there or not. if you find it then your safety test passedsuccessfully, if not then try again and you
should see it. 3-backupbefore doing any backup go to settings choose the compression methodnone means no compression and this will be the fastest method for backup but with a biggerfile size lz4 for good speed and small file size andthis is the default option. gzip for better compression and smaller filesize and if you gonna use the gzip then make sureto choose how much cores to do the compression but keep in mind that using all cores willgenerate more heat, so it's better to leave it in the middle.
i'm gonna use lz4 which is the default selection. now hit the plus button ans select backup,you will find a set of choices ,i'm gonna do the normal backupmake sure to select system, data, and boot. for most cases, this is sufficient for backingup a rom, if you want to backup all the folders in the internal storage then leave it selected,for me i don't need to backup the internal storage folders so i'm gonna deselect it .give your backup a unique name and choose the backup location, note that you can useusb storage if your device supports that. hit okin order to finish the backup your device needs a reboot, leave every thing as it is.
then hit the flash button. the backup speed will depend on your sdcardspeed ,processor speed and the compression level ,for the best results use the internalstorage for the backup if you have enough space. the screen will go black for 30 seconds orless then you will be able to see process progress on your screen. now the backup is finished and the devicerebooted, let's check the backup open flashfire app and hit backup and nowyou will be able to see your backups. 4-flash stock firmwarei've done this part separately in another
video , you will find the link in the videodescription. 4-flash zip or otayou can use flashfire to flash any zip file to your device as soon as this file is compatiblewith your device model, some of these zips require wiping specially custom roms thathas a different base from the one installed on your device, so if the zip file you gonnaflash requires wiping then you will have to do it, in this case i highly recommend tohave twrp custom recovery installed on your device if something goes wrong and make sureto do a backup by flashfire before flashing any custom rom. i'm gonna flash a custom rom on my devicehit the plus button select wipe, choose system
data, 3rd party apps and dalvik then hit okhit the plus button again and go to flash zip or ota, navigate to the zip file location, select the zip file and hit ok, if you gonna flash multiple zips then do the same for theother zips i'm gonna add gapps zip filenow tap and hold over the wipe action card and move it to the top, you can also use thisoption to adjust the flashing sequence. if the rom you gonna flash didn't have supersuby default then you can inject supersu to get it installed , for me i'm gonna leaveit cos the rom i'm gonna flash already have it. now hit flash and wait for the rom to be installed.
the rom installation is finished and the devicerebooted to prepare the rom for the first boot. if you gonna flash any rom that have aromainstaller then make sure to check emulate frame buffer before flashing the rom and ifthe rom didn't flash correctly then go back and uncheck it then try flashing the rom again. 5- restorenow i'm going to show you how to restore the backup i just made in the backup parthit the plus button,go to restore and select the backup file then ok and hit the flashbutton no need to do any wipe while restoring yourrom.
wait for the file to be extracted and copied,the restore time will depend on your device speed ,sdcard speed and the level of compression,for best results use your internal storage for backup and restore. now the backup has been restored and as yousee every thing running perfectly. 6-if things goes wrongsome times after hitting the flash button the screen will go black for more that 30seconds and the device shuts down and this means that the process has been failed, nothingharmful will happen to your device all you need just reboot your device and give it anothertry then it should work. the best part in flashfire app backups thatthey are compatible with twrp so if you experienced
any problem while using flashfire and youare not able to boot into system again in this case you can use twrp to do a restorewith the flashfire backups you made before. just boot into twrp and hit install then selectflashfire folder go to the desired backup and you will find a file named twrp , justselect it and swipe to flash and every thing will go back to normal. i hope i covered everything about flashfireapp , if the tutorial was helpful plz don't forget the like button and subscribe for morevideos , thanks you for watching , peace.
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