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hey youtubers, it's charlie. this is going to be my legends of tomorrowepisode eight video. just careful for spoilers if you haven't seenit yet. a lot of reverse flash making plans againstfuture flash barry. so i'll explain what's going on there is anew round of the flash ring giveaway going on right now all you have to do to enter isbe a subscriber and leave a comment on this video be sure to click that bell to enablealerts so you don't miss anything during the break is a couple really weird things thatare happening with legends of tomorrow when all the dc shows come back in january likeit's moving to a new night it will air after
the flash but i'll remind everyone at theend of this and i have a flash trailer video that i'll post this weekend and i'll remindeveryone again and that so no worries legends of tomorrow does the untouchables it's calledthe chicago way it's all about al capone big gang era chicago so what inappropriate episodeto marshall the legion of doom. malcolm merlin makes his entrance capt. coldthe parents to was having a visitation ghost of christmas past, present, future style theykind of did that with an arrow episode a couple seasons ago they did ghost of past, presentand future as the midseason finale like as their christmas episode so if you like. they did a really good job with all the chicagostuff.
it was a lot of fun. they did great costumes. they did a good job of molding the legendsof tomorrow. music, to 1920s big band style like they hada version of the theme song played by a big band in the background and it was a big mythologyepisode so sometimes you have adventures that are really one off. they don't really push the story forward. then you have the mythology episodes you havelike the legion of doom explaining what it is that they're trying to do you learn allabout the talismans in the spear of destiny.
so this is huge. obviously you know about the infinity gemsin the marvel universe just really powerful artifacts that they can use to reshape realitylike time space the soul. so in the dc universe. they do have a lot of very powerful magicalartifacts with the way the reverse flash wants to use the spear of destiny is is kind oflike the reality gem he wants to use it to reshape reality to suit his design and theproducers of already explained what that is so bringing it all the way back to the flashseason one in for a lot of you flash comic book readers.
this is nothing new there is one thing thatthe reverse flash wants to do in his lifetime and that is to kill barry allen without erasinghimself in the timeline that's like his one thing that he wants to do. he is stuck on it every action he takes isa step closer to that goal. so just because he's on legends of tomorrowforming this alliance the legion of doom, all talk about that in the second becausei feel like the reverse flash doesn't have friends. so they've soften them up just a little bitfor this, but the reverse flash really just wants to get rid of barry that's what he'sgoing to use the spear of destiny for to rewrite
a new reality without barry allen and it sothat is what's going to be the season finale their 17 episodes this season. they actually added a couple episodes duringthe middle of the run because the network like what they were doing so much like okaypeople are watching this now it's a good show. please give us some more episodes on the backand so they ordered like four extra episode so is basically like an extra month of legendsof tomorrow in the spring when everything comes back but some of my other favorite thingsfrom this episode were heat wave and vixen teaming up as bonnie and clyde like he wastrying to teacher that sometimes it's more fun to be the bad guy and she's trying toshow him that he is not all that bad like
he wants to be a team player, but it's notin his nature. so that's where you get the capt. cold entrancewas a lot of fun seeing him back. but he's headspace capt. cold. so is not back physically vicki still deadin this continuity because it's the comic books you can bring people back in all kindsof ways just look at the people over on arrow i want to spoil that if you haven't seen thearrow midseason finale delicious a surprise comic book twist in the final moments thatepisode, but if you haven't watched the flash season one in the while they had a coupleeaster eggs for that where he stole martin stein's dna to become him like he said i'vechange this a little it used to just kill
people now which is going to be excruciatinglypainful. so if you remember season one eobard thawnetook the dna from original earth one harrison wells became him and that's how you get toreverse flash in disguise for the entirety of season one. so when he did that to harrison wells it turnthem into this desiccated corpse. so that's what he was doing to martin steinif that wasn't clear. but they finally make use of rip hunter'ssecret room a weapon, so they have a speedster gun. they can finally fight the reverse flash inthis is the first episode where they actually
refer to him as the speedsters they learnwho he is, but they don't know a whole lot about you bar thawne yet next big thing. malcolm merlin. so it was fun to see jon barrowman back buti didn't really like the way they used him in this episode he seems fairly low on thetotem pole within the legion of doom. like there the rod he's the character likehe's like look i'm in a make a deal with you, we can get everybody back i can get tommyback you can get laurel back most of the planning in the episode was thanks to him that he playedelliot ness against the legends, so that they can get back on board their ship and justdestroy it get the amulet and get off the
entire reason for this was just to get theother piece of the amulet, so they could use the compass to find the spear of destiny. so obviously sara does not take merlin's dealand she has like a big row with martin stein over his daughter, but eventually he saysyou know, maybe it doesn't matter so much that we protect the timeline. maybe our family is more important, so thatjust leaves you a little back door for her to maybe save laurel. maybe there's some big explanation with what'sgoing on on arrow so i'll talk more about that when i do arrow videos just because someyou might not be watching that right now but
a lot of this all flows together with what'shappening on the flash and arrow. so it helps if you watch all three shows butthus far like for this first half of the second season. i feel like the shows much better than havinga lot more fun just jumping around two different genres different periods and dc history. and they're making use of a really big mythologicalthings like the spear of destiny if you can have a big team up show like this then obviouslyyour finale has to be huge that whatever the villains are trying to do has to be big. so spear of destiny is about as big as youcan go like the next biggest thing would be
for the reverse flash to steal the helmetof fate and become a speedster dr. fate that was actually a pretty bad ass costume, butthat actually reminds me. so the reverse flash, especially in that introscene with a kind of teased him talking to al capone for his like what is this halloweenand it is kind of chocolate each other will it's really christmas so my one problem withwhat they're doing with the reverse flash right now is that he is way too nice he doesn'thave friends like he refers to the legion of doom as his friends like it seems almostlike he in damien darhk or old drinking buddies now but you bar thawne is one of those peoplethat so smart and feels he is so much smarter than everyone else he just can't talk to anyonehe just a complete ass hole he just spends
most of his time putting others down or tryingto kill people or telling them to shut up. that's why you don't see him working witha lot of people in the flash comics usually is him by himself acting alone like some grandplan during those brief periods where he is forced to work with other people. he absolutely hates that he cannot stand anyoneelse so with anything what i'm hoping to see from the reverse flash on legends of tomorrowis that eventually the legion of doom will just eat itself alive like you bar thawneis the most powerful person on their team everyone else is a good fighter but he isthe only one that has legit superpowers. so what i'm hoping is is if somebody endsup killing damien darhk or killing merlin
again are seemingly kill them. it'll be the reverse flash to do, it won'tbe the heroes evil will turn on itself let me know in the comments what you guys thinkof the episode and what you think about them using the spear of destiny to a race barryallen from the timeline now i say that, but that's only the reverse flash is planned. malcolm merlin does not care about barry allendamien darhk also does not care about barry allen at all. so future war the savitar stuff the reverseflash's plan that'll all play out in the back half of the season will learn more about itbut that gets into some flash storyline stuff
that's happening on that tv show it all kindof blends together so that's why it helps a lot if you watch the other tv shows, whichis like a normally would if they do a storyline from another tv show i'll try to explain it. just in case you guys haven't watched it. so no worries and just a reminder legendsof tomorrow is going to come back january 24. that's the same not to the flash is comingback. it's an air right after the flash so the newschedule will be flash on tuesdays then legends of tomorrow then arrow no dc tv on thursdays.
i think the reason they did that is, to tryand boost ratings, just because the flash is really strong lead-in and they want tohave like all their dc tv shows group together so if you think it's weird is really justa ratings thing no worries. so was can happen next is i'll post that flashtrailer videos that i'll post my spider-man q&a that will have some game of thrones walkingdead finale on sunday but congratulations to this week's flash ring giveaway winnercarson allen please private message me on the back and my channel so i can get yourcontact details. there is a new round that started in thisvideo. i'll just remind everyone when i post thatflash trailer video while you guys wait for
that to post you can click here for my spider-mantrailer videos and you can click here to learn all about savitar on the flash thank you somuch watching everybody let's high five i'll see you guys tonight!
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