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one of the most useful items in pokã©mon arethe tms which allow you to potentially teach your team different moves. and like most past games, sun & moon contains100 of them to find. this guide will show you exactly where tofind them all in numerical order. let’s begin. tm01, work-up, is awarded for defeating therising star trainer on the trainers’ school grounds. you can locate tm02, dragon claw, in a crevicein the vast poni canyon where the 7th trial takes place.
tm03, psyshock, is found in the lake of themoone. cross the bridge and enter. on the right side is the tm ball. buy tm04, calm mind, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 10,000 pokã© dollars. once you can use either lapras or sharpedoas ride pokã©mon, travel through melemele meadow and seaward cave to reach kala’ebay. go to the next beach and reach the southerncorner to find tm05, roar. when you’re able to fully explore aetherparadise, go to the docks and make your way to the very left.
there you’ll find tm06, toxic. buy tm07, hail, at the royal avenue pokã©moncenter for 50,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm08, bulk up, at the tm shop in konikonicity for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm09, venoshock, at the tm shop in konikonicity for 10,000 pokã© dollars. go to the pokã©mon nursery and talk to thebreeder on the left. she will give you tm10, hidden power. buy tm11, sunny day, at the royal avenue pokã©moncenter for 50,000 pokã© dollars. go to the oasis outside of haina desert andenter the western trailer next to an oranguru. talk to the punk and call his bluff in orderto receive tm12, taunt.
once you reach the mount lanakila caves, followthe first branching path left to find tm13, ice beam. buy tm14, blizzard, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 30,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm15, hyper beam, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 50,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm16, light screen, at the heahea citypokã©mon center for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm17, protect, at the heahea city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm18, rain dance, at the royal avenuepokã©mon center for 50,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm19, roost, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm20, safeguard, at the heahea city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars.
go to the malie city malasada shop at nightand talk to the oranguru. it will give you tm21, frustration. buy tm22, solar beam, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm23, smack down, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. go to the top left corner of the poni plainsand use tauros to break through the rocks. take the far left path and jump down the ledgeto reach tm24, thunderbolt. buy tm25, thunder, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 30,000 pokã© dollars. traveling through poni meadow will bring youto resolution cave. use mudsdale to cross the rocky impasse andtake the southern path until you reach the
backpacker. use tauros to break the rocks behind her andreach tm26, earthquake. go to the malie city malasada shop at nightand speak to the oranguru. after it gives you the frustration tm, it’strainer will appear to also give you tm27, return. go past memorial hill to the akala outskirts. there you’ll find a fisherman on the coast. walk past him and you’ll find tm28, leechlife. after you finish the tour of aether paradise,wicke will give you tm29, psychic, as a parting
gift. use either lapras or sharpedo to surf thewater near the abandoned thrifty megamart. make your way to the ruined building in themiddle of the water. there you’ll find tm30, shadow ball. in the verdant cavern, cross the wooden bridgeto left side and jump down the ledge. there you’ll find tm31, brick break. buy tm32, double team, at the tm shop in konikonicity for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm33, reflect, at the heahea city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm34, sludge wave, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 10,000 pokã© dollars.
after you make your way through the vast ponicanyon, there will be a series of trainers. crawl under the brush next to the ace traineron the left and use sharpedo to surf through the cave. at the very end, you’ll find tm35, flamethrower. in the po town mansion, go up the stairs tothe 2nd floor and enter the first room on your right. inside you’ll find tm36, sludge bomb. buy tm37, sandstorm, at the royal avenue pokã©moncenter for 50,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm38, fire blast, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 30,000 pokã© dollars.
in the wela volcano park, take the path tothe left of kiawe’s trial area and continue until you reach the next section. when you come across a ramp leading down,follow it to find tm39, rock tomb. buy tm40, aerial ace, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. on route 5, make your way to the offshootnear the volcano and go through the tall grass to reach the rock outcropping. follow it around to find tm41, torment. buy tm42, facade, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. when you first travel through route 8, you’lleventually come across colress.
he will then give you tm43, flame charge. talk to the hypno at the thrifty megamartand give it some money. in return, you’ll receive tm44, rest. in the hano grand hotel, you’ll find twogolfers bothering a machamp. interrupt and battle them to receive tm45,attract, from the machamp afterwards. once you have tauros as a ride pokã©mon, returnto the area where you battled the totem pokã©mon in verdant cavern. break through the rocks to reach tm46, thief. buy tm47, low sweep, at the tm shop in konikonicity for 10,000 pokã© dollars.
go to the shopping mall in hau’oli cityat night to find a grimer in front of the stage. as you approach it, you’ll be accosted bya janitor. help him with his chores, and he’ll rewardyou with tm48, round. enter the gated tall grass area near the hau’olicity docks and at the far corner you’ll find tm49, echoed voice. in the poni meadow, follow the path acrossthe trees. when you reach the option to go north, gosouth instead to find tm50, overheat. and that’s the first 50 tms.
we’ll soon have a guide detailing the latter50 so be sure to subscribe to gamexplain for more on pokã©mon and other things gaming. buy tm51, steel wing, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm52, focus blast, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 30,000 pokã© dollars. once you’ve unlocked the machamp pokã© ride,return to the lush jungle and head to the east side. there you’ll find a block to push whichleads to a cave. push those blocks in order to access a ledgecontaining tm53, energy ball. after you defeat hala’s grand trial, kukuiwill reward you with tm54, false swipe.
in the water where you fight the 2nd wishiwashiduring lana’s trial, go to the right side to find another piece of land. go to it and follow the path to the end tofind tm55, scald. go to the hau’oli cemetery at night. there you’ll find a trainer with a machamp. talk to her to receive tm56, fling. follow the path south of the pokã©mon centeron route 5 until you reach a patch of tall grass. at the end is tm57, charge beam.
defeat all the trainers on route 8 then returnto the ace trainer next to the route sign. battle her and win to receive tm58, sky drop. go south past the lush jungle to reach theupper portion of route 5. go west and work your way to the top of thehill to find tm59, brutal swing. defeat all the trainers in the poni plainsthen return to the ace trainer on the southern edge. battle him and win to receive tm60, quash. go to the western edge of the diglett tunnelto find a giant stone. use machamp to push it aside and continuethrough to reach konikoni city’s lighthouse.
next to it is tm61, will-o-wisp. travel to the clearing in ten carat hill. find the path on the right that takes youup the hill where you’ll find tm62, acrobatics. go to the geothermal power plant and talkto the scientist near the displays. he will talk about his magnemite before handingyou tm63, embargo. once you have the sharpedo pok㩠ride, goto the hau’oli city beachfront and head to the back of ten carat hill. break through the rocks and enter the cave. at the end of the path is tm64, explosion.
buy tm65, shadow claw, at the tm shop in konikonicity for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm66, payback, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. once you complete mallow’s trial, you’llbe approached by kukui. he’ll congratulate you before giving youtm67, smart strike. buy tm68, giga impact,, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 50,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm69, rock polish, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm70, aurora veil, at the heahea citypokã©mon center for 30,000 pokã© dollars. buy tm71, stone edge, at the seafolk villagepokã©mon center for 30,000 pokã© dollars. travel to hokulani observatory and walk backdown the long road.
on the right side, you’ll find an outcroppingwith tall grass. within it you’ll find tm72, volt switch. on route 7, there’s a beach that you cansurf from. go to the nearby island where you’ll eventuallyfind tm73, thunder wave. on route 11, travel along until you see abamboo clearing. in the center is tm74, gyro ball. 2:00 buy tm75, swords dance, at the maliecity pokã©mon center for 10,000 pokã© dollars. 4:30 - go to the malie library and find thesightseer sitting at a nearby table. talk to her and she will give you tm76, fly.
19:00 - defeat all the trainers on route 12then return to the collector near the beginning of the route. battle him and win to receive tm77, psychup. buy tm78, bulldoze, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars. travel to the ancient poni path and go downthe slope to the black sand. follow the path to the left to loop aroundand reach tm79, frost breath. 22:30 - surf from the beach near kukui’slab to the melemele sea with sharpedo. break through the rocks to reach the smallsouthern island. there you’ll find tm80, rock slide.
go to the pokã©mon center outside of ula’ulameadow and head to the nearby trailer. there’s a space that you can crawl underand on the other side is tm81, x-scissor. buy tm82, dragon tail, at the tm shop in konikonicity for 10,000 pokã© dollars. travel along route 3 until you reach the bridgeand go back to a nearby patch of tall grass. use tauros to break the rocks and reach tm83,infestation. on route 17, just past the shady house takethe path up and around to the far left side. after a patch of tall grass, you’ll findtm84, poison jab. make your way through the haina desert whichshifts on a daily basis. somewhere within the desert is tm85, dreameater.
in the lush jungle, take the northern pathto the next area and make your way west through the tall grass. there’s a hidden hole to an alcove containingtm86, grass knot. go to the house to the right of the motelon route 2 after you complete the main quest and head to the room in the back. there you’ll find an old woman who willeventually give you tm87, swagger. on route 6, there’s a patch of grass nearpaniola town. go through it to reach the backside of thetown and find tm88, sleep talk. buy tm89, u-turn, at the malie city pokã©moncenter for 10,000 pokã© dollars.
after completing the main quest, go to kukui’slab and speak with him. he’ll give you tm90, substitute. go inside the steelix boat in the seafolkvillage and take the southern exit. there you’ll find a fisherman and tm91,flash cannon. after completing the main quest, go to thehano grand resort where you’ll find kahili. talk to her to receive tm92, trick room. go to route 15 and disembark on the centerisland. make your way to the nearby platform whereyou’ll find tm93, wild charge. head to the poni breaker coast outside theentrance to the ruins of hope.
there you’ll find two swimmers who ask tobattle you. once you defeat them, they’ll hand overtm94, surf. defeat all the trainers on mount hokulanithen return to the veteran near the observatory. battle him and win to receive tm95, snarl. defeat all the trainers on route 5 then returnto the trial guide near the beginning of the route. battle him and win to receive tm96, naturepower. make your way to the poni coast and break through the rocks to reach the incline on the left.
go up the incline then travel south to jumpdown the ledge and find tm97, dark pulse. once you defeat them, they’ll hand overtm98, waterfall. when travelling through the vast poni canyon,you’ll leave one cave and see a bridge to the left. go right to find a small hole and make yourway through using mudsdale to find another hole. on the other side is tm99, dazzling gleam. go to the hau’oli cemetery and make yourway to the far right side. there you’ll discover tm100, confide.
and that’s all the tms in the game. we hope this guide helps you find the onesthat you’re having trouble with. thanks for watching and be sure to subscribeto gamexplain for more on pokã©mon and other things gaming.
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