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hi, it's handyandy tech tips here. so imaginethat you can't connect to the internet, which is obviously a really annoying situation tofind yourself in. and so you decide to fix it. so you do what most people would do: yougo into the control panel, click network & sharing center, click on troubleshoot problems, andthen go into the internet connections troubleshooter. so you work your way through this, you gothrough all of the steps, it tries to diagnose your problem, but then it comes up with adreaded error at the end: "one or more network protocols are missing on this computer". soyou want to know more, you click on "view detailed information", the little link downthe bottom, and then you get this screen: "windows sockets registry entries requiredfor network connectivity are missing". now
i'm going to give you two ways to fix thisproblem, and the first way sounds ridiculously simple, it sounds like it could never work,but it actually does, or at least it did for me. just check that all of your network cablesare plugged in! that includes the ethernet cable going to your pc, all of the cablesin your router and anything along those lines. but if this fix didn't work for you, theni've actually got another solution, and it's a software based solution. basically whatyou're going to be doing is resetting windows' tcp/ip stack. but don't worry - it's actuallyeasier than it sounds. so first what you need to do is open an administrator command prompt.the easiest way to do this is to simply right click on the start menu, and click on "commandprompt" with "admin" in little brackets after
it. you might need to provide your administratorpassword, or the password of an administrator on the system, but then you'll get this commandprompt open. and what you need to type at it is actually quite simple. so type net-s-h,space, int, space, ip, space, reset, space, c colon backslash resetlog.txt. then justpress enter, and it should go through all of these steps, like resetting interface,neighbor, path, and then, if you're lucky, it should say resetting was successful. ifit does say this, then all you need to do is restart your computer and your internetaccess should be fine. but if it comes up with a similar screen to the one i've gothere, where it says resetting failed and access is denied, then it essentially means thatthe process didn't work. what the problem
is is that you don't have enough permissionto run the netsh utility. so we're going to fix that using the windows registry. to getthe registry up and running, you first need to press the windows key and the r key onyour keyboard, and then it'll bring up the run dialog. into this, type regedit.exe, asi've got here, and then press the ok button. with this, you'll most likely need to giveyour administrative password just like you did with the admin command prompt. and now,the registry editor will open. now, you need to be very careful when using this tool; youcould very easily mess up your entire computer. so i'm just going to say the legal stuff ofblah blah blah, you know, i don't accept any responsibility for messed up computers, andthen we can get on with the fun. so see under
the hkey_local_machine heading, the way thatit has a folder called system? what you need to do is click on the little triangle nearthat folder. then it will expand some more folders, and you need to click the trianglenear the currentcontrolset folder. then, there'll be a folder called control, and you can clickthe triangle near that as well. and then, you need to scroll right down to the bottom,until you find the nsi folder, this little one here. then, you need to click the littletriangle near that one, and don't worry, we're almost done now. so then you'll get all ofthese folders with these weird looking hex characters in their names. you need to clickon the one which is, on my system, the third down from the top. as you can see, that namethere, i'm not even going to try and pronounce
it, but that is the name. so then you needto click on the triangle near that one, and then underneath that, finally we get to thefolder that we're looking for, the folder called 26. so, good job for making it thisfar, but we've still got a few more steps. so next you need to right click on the 26folder, and click permissions. then, you'll notice that there will be a group called everyone,and there'll be all these little checkboxes for the permissions that you can assign. youneed to click the checkbox near "full control". then, you can click the apply button, clickthe ok button, close registry editor, and then, remember a little while ago we typedthat command into an administrator command prompt? well, you basically need to do thatagain, and, this time, it should come up with
a message like this: resetting is successful!then reboot your computer and you should be back on the internet in no time. so thankyou very much for watching this video, i certainly hope it helped you, i'm handyandy and pleasesubscribe for more how-to videos.
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