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their tech fans welcome to another digitunboxing and where we take a first look at the pool i'm not gonna get theeyeball and the 86 which would apparently promotes an interesting phonemainly because of one reason right here where it says six inch display thatsounds pretty big other specs seemed interesting to the fact that it's got a1.3 gigahertz quad-core processor does it 3000 mah battery which is towards youknow more than average about a good size and an eight megapixel autofocus rearcamera with dual led flash and a five megapixel front camera plus they've gota protective cover that sounds interesting so what do you say let'stake a look here i've taken the liberty
of peeling off the plastic and onloosening this some kind of start taking this ok we'll take a look at that beastthat's that's as big as my palm nice and heavy i take this are that is asix inch display pretty big display for a smartphone appeal this look at that to stick to the whole thing is quitethick as you can see sick sick sick sick sick sick check out there still thinkthat is where you put the headphone jack and the charging connector in the sameposition kind of unusual usually like to put one on the bottom but they've put inhere around the side here we go we've got the volume rocker nice home to anice thick power button i
the buttons are quite taken media whenyou push them playing on the side completely playing here and also completely plane there is onlyone side which is any connectors which means all the power will be concentratedhere there's that eight megapixel camera was telling you about what the dual ledflash interesting as got the eyeball over right there with andy 86 on thebottom and you can see the speakers right here again pretty think and i likei do like this two tone thing although it does give it kind of like a 2006 feellike going to die and screen i wanna have some fun here that's all we can dohere we've got a big big big screen to
pull this up and lock unlock ok i seemto have triggered the camera i would like to go back like pushed up but therewe go and looking at screen is slightly bigger easy-to-manage nice feel to it itseems kinda like the blues definitely look like they've been washed out thegreens don't seem very bright the image in the back seems bright enough butstock ui itself i believe that android kit kat let me just double check that yeah and droid 4 point for his kitty catand looking at the power of this thing 1.3 quad-core advanced processor with agig of ram comes with eight gigs of internal memory that's not too much butenough to get you started
and as we mentioned the 8 megapixelenhanced camera in the back with the dual flash five in front a gig of ramall the other odds and ends and we would like to point out as well that i boughtclaims that this has regional language support for more than 15 indianlanguages that should be interesting to look at and find out a bit more aboutuntil then we'll gonna put this aside for i go i'll do one more thing i seewhat else is in the box will put this here for now let's do the same thinginteresting beauties ok so there's that there's a charging cable charger and headphones headphones iwouldn't expect much here
have plastic key then look like they'llbreak pretty soon but i don't want to just that too early wires are going to tangle quite easilythats looks like a play button so you can only control one aspect i think itstart and stop ok what's this what is this all this must be theprotective glass cover wow that's quite a bit yeah looking at the size of thatwhile k yeah it's a fun thing six inch phoneprotection that'll offer it considering it's pretty cheap looking plastic but itdoes it is kind of a fun to look at let's see if any of these things toswitch over to a i think we've killed it
well there you go battery's dead willcome back to you again text users with a full review of theeyeball and the 86 once you put it through all our test until then see yousoon and thanks so much for tuning in to buy
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