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no list boasts one c_e_o_ c_e_o_'s datesback to you ceo and uh data recovery services... there's we have a lot of questions onand we thought we'd just you go ahead and an answer some of the questions thatwe get all the time tha help the people that that are visiting a decision that that make sense of them so less uh... tax cuts and questions i want to askanything could use elaborate on them
uh... i think it'll help answer a lot ofpeople's questions the questions that uh... that i see isyou know how do i know that you're a reputable company how do you respond to somebody like that well there's a kid being look at whenyou're looking for a record low country uh... company because uh... there are quietly you fly by night
data recovery services or uh... supposed to be aconservative on the internet uh... a few things you can look at our uh...how long the company's been in business where they're with the devil physicaladdress uh... what kind of services they provide uh... and specifically regarding datarecovery do they have a clean room uh... two-day they have the ability to
rework electronics um... some indications that they have somekind of a both to the company in are there any complaint uh... on the internet posted about the company uh... all pope right um... uh... i think of you know reputablecount company is going to charge
uh... something fair uh... they're not going to be to expenselive but they're also not going to be to cheap to provide that service info bit permeated where data recovery ct is something you just said that that caught my ear is you know look at what services they provide canyou elaborate on that what what do you
mean by cohen what services you provide well uh... as always training uh... uh... do have aclean room kami actually um... addresses internal issues on ahard right and do it now safe uh... do they have electronica labwhether it's an interesting electronics issues of the drive to go incur the logical
uh... issues of the drive as well uh... duration um... out their uh... any portion of their work so you know where that where did theyship it uh... those weapons they use to beconcerned about okay casino some uh... obscene some
uh... outfits that will uh... union city data recovery but you know they'll billion computerinstall a network too and typically have that doesn't sound like a you knowreally a full-scale data recovery service company that they would do somethingalong those lines again marla specialize and data recovery it would you say that's correct for themost powerful yet step in what you want somebody that opened another their nowthey may provide uh... like we deliver similar services that are relatedpitches computer forensics
or uh... data conversion diet uh... and and we also have competentsales data recovery services uh... although that would be deemed to be legitimate that if youstart straying beyond that i think you strip yourself too thin for everything within focusing on quality care
i would agree on take a minute here to explain from oneyou know that uh... that the process when when you receive the drive from somebody basically what what's happening and youknow what the individual can expect as far as justthe process america question we take wafted measuresimage sure that the media that we receive is handled in the utmost care
and received the attention that it needs too i think the forbidden recovery from the time uh... wool startedshipping with we recommend that at dr be uh... or media to be a tape over aflash drive that whatever media shift uh... thereneeds to be passed uh... by the person sending it securely
and and and i static bag preferrably andthen wrapped with bubble wrap uh... or some other cushioning toprevent it from prevented from rattling around in thepackage do you need to ninte images of that packaging around toprotect it uh... and then walked over to me and that have been shipped priority overnight and pain
we've had the most successful fedex and we think that the priority shipping uh... with fedex received the greatestfamily just here then once we receive the dr we immediately give it a uniqueidentification uh... hand uh... we uh... also plagued by management commute time identification to theinformation
uh... person uh... media and uh... that document track uh... is media throughout the gonna fit in ourlab it also deeply uh... binding storage bin wearing uh... kaplan not working on it
uh... they want we start working on it uh... dedicated to commission that is uh... what ever profitedrequired recovery and and uh... let me explain that the cleanaround the electronics lab messages travels around with with in the organization so if that wayit's travel member wine a terribly really uh... identification
unique identification sticker on it and number two at the document uh... sociated with the owner with it and yet uh... maybe rather than thequeen room they recruited mcconico lap or the various uh... type to be arecovery of quicken that we might have further processing and once we know it we do it in theactual attachment to determine uh... what is wrong with in uh...
with uh... you know what whatever it is going to berequired to gifted a dog and uh... um... free of charge and without obligation and will take a look at it and then weget it fixed equal could based on that along with a brief report describedrecoverable wants the uh...
the client uh... if the choir declined at thatpoint up line has been charged with no obligation and you get your mediareturned to you if you approve it will continued with the republicancalled him now once we out complete the initialrecovery we will defend a finalist in or review and approval because we want to make sure that thefile uh... what we would cut we try to recover all files that we possibly can
we specifically wanted thirty on and thedate updated especially important to the customer grandson of a muller somebody's they have a their email over the uh...specific database files much trying files uh... that's you know if that's what it really focused on you you wanna make sure thatthat they you can get those back uh... would and we did go to be uh...
the effort of happened at all possiblemaker annual political and then one staff are lifting anna isapproved uh... than we do wrapped up in the final ontheir and then we return be data to the customer most times on a anexternal hard drive date they can either provide ca or purchaseabout looks from i've seen them sometimes the question come up with
you know what if i only won a few files a is is that kind of theless-expensive uh... if i just when she filed verses given all of them back to ny ninety nine percent of the timing is notbloody expensive because paneling that we the care that we pay todo the recovery is really missing another effort we willcover all the data at this we recover some of it and actually it's more effortif we have to pick through the date and search for just two people
okay uh... now here's another one that iuh... uh... that uh... come across and i'm sure that you you hear everyday is you know well ifyou look at my drivers that cannot you physically open to drive up you knowis that connote void my warranty absolutely not its we open the driverpaul major harddrive manufacturers um... will honor the warranty for a a drive-through we'll pick up
let you opened it uh... unique identification trackingstickers we've played from the media normal hard drive uh... had our company name on it and if they were ever would be anyquestion we've never had one but if there's awasn't that would give them there with the contract okay so in other words when somebodycensored right and for want to change and the manufacture sees the stickerthere used to seeing that said they just
it just passes through without ninety dvd but critics okay let's talk about price right kazakh i'm sure that that's a point a lot of people have to say it's afact are you have to willing can you get thisback for me but his you what's this going to cost me
uh... is specific prices is uh... is ita rain check have you you trust well their several earth variablethey're expected the price number one is the type of media number two uh... is me capacity of the media because we typically have two combedthrough every dated
every area on the pc media in order topoured it out you know smaller smaller capacity it's quicker and alarger capacity takes longer for the capacity etc the operating system ah... or okay for the tape maybe the backupsoftware did misuse can affect the price and then finally the day just the degree of difficulty regardingcircumstances on the data recovery services co
that the effort bottom lines the effortsof that's going to get the data back threat and won't hurt the cubicle range ericand uh... typically we pay at the uh... datarecovery trains between three hundred in eighteen hundred dollars live from the whistleblower cases beinga floor and and and much more difficult complex cases being on the higher that the money say your typical a typical would be just
a harddrive out of a windows machine orsomething like that or curve would it dinos without encompass a server dr on youknow unix ur world what what would be who would you say two quizzes forrest typical here's a recap copper laptophard drive running windows or even mac uh... macintosh uh... elastic some of the uh... all through ouralternate uh... operating disconcerting
variable herbarium the varieties of unit or more obscure operating discipline uh... could be more expensive uh... in cryptic hard drives are moreexpensive revered damaged with him bar lead uh... extreme damage can be moreexpensive
um... none of that is typical today frequently occur thanks catholic you trust god that this book i guess that you know that's field the companies that perch are out therecharging you know two hundred and fifty dollarsyou know for for a recovery how are they able tube to do that socially for you justexplained as far as penis when it comes
to severity and nor are they able dusts say okay it'sjust a flat to earn fifty to recover my data you know is that i know how that's possible well uh... the bottom line is just likeanything else uh... you get what you pay for and um... first of all i haven't seenone of those type two companies everest and business for any length of timeum... most of them that i think go out
of business jewel walker just because a you can't provided necessary service for that secondly were when we're talking about somebody datathat usually in something that's very very important and the bottom line is that requires uh... certain amount of equipmentsoftware research and development
uh... expertise get uh... data off and importer to have an infrastructurein place uh... with the required elements to poolthe data off it cute survey um... just as one uh... prodi you know if they need open heartsurgery most people are not searching around for the cheapest guy and count uh... ticket
yeah they don't want that unlike the more the hard drive when you're wanting someone there pull off the data you want someone whoqualified and have the necessary infrastructure inplace imagine company and so the key is going to be he's not too expensive in my opinion promoting charging
uh... just a few hundred dollars uh...for complex data recovery service reply both companies typically will hook up ahard drive and uh... if they can copy today off on everyone sample utility and copy bergeight off within short amount of time they do it and if not getting um... will debate on recoverable when indeedit actually maybe recoverable black someone more qualified
that the other the other concern is um... lots of times of companies don't havethe expertise an infrastructure in place safely do you agree to recovery and we have to be many many instanceswhere harddrive became more damaged
with handling from uh... someone indoesn't have the necessary infrastructure in place and it may be data recovery eitherimponderable winner originally was na or much more difficult in expensive and itwould have been in the first place yeah photographs that's that well i i think that that covered a lot of ground i think thatthat you know shooting through a lot of questions that you know people i love that
that we see quite often your has a more common questions about data recovery services www we will address some and will dothis again that uh... wes i wanna thank you foruh... taken the time time out of your busy schedule to to answer some of these questions anduh... new until next time for
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