Monday, February 6, 2017

How To Flashing fly iq250

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How To Flashing fly iq250

so while ago i had a chat withdave k piper about his particular style of shooting how he goes about things we'vetalked about going that extra mile to be made me get up ridiculously early in themorning and i wanna know why dave come and talk to me why did you make me get up so early in the morningbeautiful sunshine mike it is gorgeous is now we've got the most stunninglybeautiful morning down here and like i so come in 4 o'clock start in themorning when i woke up haha past five six o'clock is late 50 we should have been going , tell me yourthoughts just talk me through tell me i should just point what you're thinking well thingswere up really early as you mentioned

and basic was given as a really low sunstill united people on the beach and it's all good isn't it early we got thelow light but deserted beach now lots of people gonna say yeah but you shouldn'tbe photographing people in direct sunlight that's a good point come on answer the question , im not sure if people can see but we have some beautiful harsh shadows and that's exactly what i want but i do have a little bit of a flash to fill in some light they can see tremendous tremendous amount of little details likethe shadows and this is exactly what we're gonna contrast and color andlooking for a color and black-and-white everything the different tones in thedifferent blues and woodson stuff

they all gonna look a little bit different so, those shadows will have punch. steph meet our lovely model model steph, hello steph, dave's girlfriend coming out and playingon the guys you go you carry on getting self set up i'll be with you in a sec right alright guys we dont have a camera operator here this time, so i'm gonna be your camera operator this time so operator im gonna ask him few questions the film daywhilst he's photographing steph go through his ideas why he's doing it becauseit's an insight into a world that i don't know that well you know i've neverworked in the fashion industry so let's see what they're up to this is aboutdirecting your model as well very very much so very very much i meet the wholestyle of the picture is a kind of war

created image rather than someone justcasually walking along for the kind of the direction is quite i spent more timekind of adjusting my surroundings and i do taking pictures yeah yeah ok this looks like it justkind of come forward a little off the can you take a little step on your left for me. so when doing a shoot like this day dueto the light to do some warm up shots to begin with yeah it was good to play around with animage in my head something may appear on the day iskinda balance of the two of coming up

with something wanna go for getting that safe shot andthen kind of playing flash dave its just gonna be easier than using a reflector because i've got a bright sun coming from oneside i am looking for the shadows but i'm still looking for a little bit offill detail , its just i can shoot more appropriate something in the dark light i show you seea couple of nd grads which is usually considered to be the province of alandscape in this instance since i'm usinggrabs in my maxbox to basically give me a little bit more control so i can kindof my pictures as i guess it's it's a

little bit of a habit that i find itquite good have it on the top of is a hard filter turn on the bottom soft filter so ican actually get myself kind of vignettes is like i let me bring my skydown the building and i still at the bottom all of these pictures are goingto have that kind of a vintage you all feel so these kind of heavy shadows kindof helped encouraged by the default is could you not do that in lightroom i have an image in my head that this gets me as close to that as possible the other thing as well as if youactually using nd filters properly you can actually play around with you a stopto the village well and it's just a

little bit of more of a dynamic shot ican build right in the camera which speeds of my editing time digital filter are great, but they work in a bit of a different way here im adjusting the light into the cameraand for me that's what photography is about clouds passing would look good though you were in frontwith that clout behind let's just do that so you gonna use the flash is afill yea just a fill detail kind of guessing my settings a little bit here really enjoyed doing that again thiswill help to the nd filters i can kill that sun

just tell that i just bringing my filterin which is quite good and that's something you cant do in photoshopthat well as i'm gonna stand in the shadow just that much ok so basically what you're sayingdaves you're using steph as a lens hood pretty much but these are the sorts ofthings that photographers need to be thinking about looking out for how can i keep my flare to minimum eating my lens so but getting itselfinto the shade of the model is a great way of doing it just give your whole body nice and straight

there's a subtle little click i see youmove steph i see you move steph tried to change up as much as possible but keeping within dave's restriction direct to the inch strand apparent places usually outweigh yeahabsolutely this is like your experiences a modelcoming through you can hear the noise and then do something slightly differentultra just a tiny muscle movement yeah it depends on the level of photographeri'm working with what people don't know what image they want i will give them asmany poses i possibly can until i find something they like theysay to that one again or can you just change your hand or can you just dotheir wares with their you he tells me

exactly what he wants and i'll do it andthen i'll change it ever so slightly until you find something that he likes talk to your kit what are you using todayi've been using the fuji x-pro 1 and the x-t1 these are the two cameras aregonna be kind of changing numbers on the beach but not changing between thelenses this is the 16-55mm competent people beautiful end todaymostly could be shooting very very wide open when i come into some shots perhapsand stuff 56 the apd 56 mill and said that she getyellow x pro1 yes yeah they call it does get people'sattention

great photograph in portrait as it's alittle bit different when you take this out your bag you can kind of sometimesget that " are you really gonna photograph me with a yellow camera " my little pride and joy this is thelittle work horses the xt1 the 200 just making a little bit morecrime in my hand i mean i love my xt 1 ok what else you got other lenses areyou be swapping lenses around you think what what what do you think of a littlebit of a selection of the 16,000 do any macros lips or hair coming across theface i don't say brought with me the absolutely incredible incredible somepoint during the day maybe for a full length shot right impression of comeback and zoom in compress the background

so they are the main lenses that i'll be shooting with the day. that's a fine line up, but you also got flash today and again make sure we have the details of im a big big fan of the cactus flash just really really nice/ weird because actually have lightingmount on the side which is actually quite handy that's why it was that waymore regular thing as a trigger the guys on the top which is more exciting let meshow you the round flash a bit you by biker you know this size mattershow much your your gear wieghs to talk about the flash when you're working withthe flash how'd you meter it how do you measure that flash how do youbalance it with available light

the what it looks like i basically takea landscape picture i meter for the background and then today i'm basicallyjust kind of those little highlights a little catch flights in the eyes alittle bit of fill detail kind of really really just mildly adding flash it's not amajor but how do you set out you meet you just kind of like putting the flashtheir the movie about themselves and take it pretty much i don't think i'veever used a fashion ttl i'm fully fully manual the actual trigger may be too latesomeone you really really good actually fully remote control things on top withmy thumb i just go right and it kind of

brings the flash up and i thought i'dstick it on top it's all you know six together so in my head i just kind oflike another shutter speed all gone she suspects that kind of eliminating theneed for metering and all that mess around shooting looking at the back ofthe camera going out a bit more but it's really good so i i had four cactus flashes i can set them all up change the power of them allindividually all from the actual device is prettycool you have like a bcd just click it and select the right and yeah you cantell on the bottom it has little lcd display you wrote to go brighter in thenight you can see the number change and

the left and it darken it down, i literally just pop it on , i meter for the image and have the flash additive yeah it's remarkably uncomplicated putit on top of work with pretty much any camera brand i'm not shooting ttl so i'mnot worried about anything like that right i guess yeah and then kind of thefew the whole thing this complex down absolutely tiny between the cactus that triggered and theround flash that really good portable lighting solution to solve pretty much everything really want your eyes just coming out beneath the hat you got a real lot of control going onwith this one dave yea.. its gonna get really really good the pic them again a little bit moretwist that hat ll the way

there you go lovely one more and we're good, so dave i noticed you are still shooting with your nd grads i can over exposed the skin a little bit more, and keep all the detail editing really got yea that's reallynice to just bring that you like that a little bit bring up to them workshops and training courses

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