Monday, February 6, 2017

How To Flashing fly iq235

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

do not forget there are some additional tips from me:

Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
3. When've taken after the greater part of the conditions please check the telephone has been typical what is most certainly not.
4.Characteristic components EMMC highlight of blazing not harmed in the street, still can wipe information reserve. yet, introduce the upgrade shape sd card can not or won't runing.
5.booting first after introduce rom considerable lot of time of around 15 minutes. Try not to rush to evacuate the battery. hold up until the framework completes the process of booting.
critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing fly iq235

hey guys! ronald here with coastlinerobotics and today i'm going to show you how to flash the sp racing f3 board forbrushed motors by request of some people they have sent me some emails asking howto do it okay sometimes can be a little bitconfusing but it's actually pretty simple to do... so here we go alright so here's our brand new spracing f3 board for brushed motors and there is very little preparationrequired before you jump into the flashing process. the first thing you'll have todo is locate these couple of pads that are very close to the motor number fourand the uart number three; as you can see

here says boot and is these two littlepad are here they'll need to be soldered together in order to access thebootloader of this board and since we're going to be using soldering is just gonnasolder the battery power cable on these two inputs here, so you can see battery positiveand battery negative, just make sure that you're connecting it properly. so make sure thatyou're not overheating any components around these boot pads and yeah justtry to be as quick as possible so here we go ok done! now i have my boot pads jumpered. next i'm going to do is solder the battery power cable so... here we go with the

positive a little bit of flux... give us a very shiny and rounded finish ok now we're ready to jump into theflashing process alright so we're here in cleanflightand just as a demonstration i'm going to connect another board that i havewithout the pads... the bootloader pads soldered and as soon as you connect it, youare going to see the virtual comport and the number the computer has created foryour virtual comport. so, if i connect you can see that i am in cleanflight and i canmanipulate this version of the firmware without any problem

now if i go to the cli and type "dump"command i can see what version of clean flight i have. so i have here the version1.13, which was released on june 6th of 2016 but what i want to have here in my boardis not cleanflight what i want to have is betaflight. now i'm going todisconnect this board and if you try to flash the board without the bootloader soldered or jumped then it won't flash you'r board and you will have some problems so i won'teven try that, i'll disconnect this and i'm going to connect the board with thejumped bootloader pads... as you can see nothin happened if i click connect, it won't connectit will say "fail to open serial port" and

i'll have a steady red light on on theboard and no other light. now the trick to flash this board is to download aprogram called zadig from this website i have attached a link in thedescription of the video. all you have to do is download it. i'm using windows 10 and launch it. in the options i'mgoing to click list all devices and from the drop-down menu you should havethis device called stm32 bootloader, this only will come up if you have your pins,your bootloader pins jumped; otherwise it won't work. now i'll click on this and asyou can see there's a different driver but this is going to be our targetdriver so all i have to do is click

replace driver, which i'm going to do right going to install the driver... and now says that the driver was installedsuccessfully. so minimize this and let's unplug the board. and let's plug it again and asyou can see now we have a different indicator hear, says dfu and that's what wewant that's what we need if we want to flash our betaflight firmware, i'm going to close cleanflight and i'm gonna openbetaflight and i go to the firmware flasher and choose my board and i'm gonna select the appropriatefirmware version that i want to flash on it. i'm gonna do it directly from online, so i justgonna click download and prepare the

firmware and all i have to do is flashfirmware. it's flashing, verifying and now the programming was successful if i come herenow i can connect my board and now i have betaflight 3.0 flashed on my sp racing for brushed motors and to demonstrate it let's go to the cli and type again "dump" and now happily we have betaflight sp racing f3 evo version 3.0. so after this don't forget to desolder thebootloader pads and and if you need to flash the board again all you have to dois jump these pads again. that was it i hope this little video will help yousolve this problem and also as a bonus tip this method can be used with otherboards

let's say the lux flight controller oreven the kiss flight controller i know that sometimes it doesn't allow you to flashif you don't have the dfu connection. i really hope you liked and enjoyed thisvideo. please don't forget to subscribe like or comment if you liked it and i'llsee you next time.

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