Monday, February 6, 2017

How To Flashing fly f451s

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How To Flashing fly f451s

welcome back to tie tv. this is our last episode in swedish.we will switch to english after this. a lot of people have asked usif we can show them how to do this. we will make a fly for beginners is a pike fly. the idea is that as a beginner,you can buy this kit we put together- -and tie your very first fly withoutany previous knowledge whatsoever. it is like a fly tying coursethat used to exist before. we will tie a pike fly,a baltic herring version. we will use this material is a complete kit you can buy.

we will also raffle offthe fly, the material and the kit. except what this kit includes,you will need hair clips. i like can buy them at the supermarket. you will also need a comb,it does not matter what kind. you will also need a pen.the pen will be taken apart. like this. the thing we need is this tube. the rest can be thrown away. let's go then!

this is an anvil. it has a c-clamp thatcan be attached to the table. i do not need this box. attach the clamp tothe table in front of you. like that. use a cloth or somethingif you want to be careful with the table. fold out the anviland attach it to the clamp. make sure you got it in the right height. it is good to have a lot of spacedown here when you are tying. we will also have a needle tube out here,it is good to move the anvil to the left.

tighten the anvil. this anvil can be raised and lowered. you want the joint to be really tightened. use the allen key,which is included in the kit. it should be relatively tightened. there is a small lever on this is used to loosen the anvil's rotation. it is preferable to have an anvilthat can rotate. you want to see the fly fromthis angle and from that angle. you can tighten the leverif you do need it to rotate.

this is the material. this is all you needto start tying pike flies. this is not rubbish.i am not saying that other kits are... these are things that we use ourselves:great bobbin holder and scissors. this is the twister we always use. this is a kit we can really vouch for. the packages are complete,not half full or anything like that. we got tubes,two different ones. i will explain in a minutewhy we have two different sizes.

there is also a needle tube. that is the needle we needto attach the tube to the anvil. it will be attached to the anvil here. the kit also includes superglue. it is very importantwhen tying pike flies. this glue has a brush,which is preferable. this is a bobbin holder. it is used to hold your threadto be able to tie the fly. together with the scissors,this is the most important tool.

do not skimp on the bobbin want it to be ceramic -,-which means that it has a ceramic tube. the thread does not breakthat easily on it. if you drop it on a hard surface,the tube can break. be careful with it. as i said before,a great pair of scissors is also important. this is a sharp pair of scissors. you do not want it to be too short,the blades should be pretty long. this is a dubbing needle,which we use when tying. this is it, and it has a magnetif you need to pick up a hook.

this is a dubbing twister. this tool is pretty expensive,but it helps us spin the flashabou. it is a tool that i reallyrecommend for tying pike flies. there is no other toolthat can replace this one actually. these are the eyes.let's put them over here. then we have epoxy glueto attach the eyes. we have some different flashabous. we have a flashabou calledbauer pike flash. this is a bit wider and holographic.

then there is a flashabou is just as wide, but not holographic. we will mix them togetherwith this flashabou magnum opal. they will be used tomake the tail of the fly. we often fish these flieswith this hook rig. if you have a thin flash in the back,it will get all tangled with the back hook. that is why you need thissemi-wide flashabou in the back. and then a thinner flashabouin the front. we also have flashabousin four different colours. we have a holographic one,a mirage that adjusts to the environment-

-and a holographic blue one.then there is a pearl coloured flashabou. it is a pearl that is dyedin an olive colour. we will mix these with each other.these two will be mixed first. then we will use these for the head,to make it look like a herring or a roach. a baitfish fly withcolours of blue and olive. then we have the bucktail.fluo white and fluo blue. the fluo colours makea great contrast in the water. but also if we light upon them witha uv light, you can see them shine. a lot of pike fishers believe thatthese uv things work really well.

the fish has a tendency tosee the uv lights. we will get back to that later. we have some fluo red eyes,as the baltic herring always does. maybe not, but anyways... we got a thread,a power thread. this thread is really strong. it is made of the same type of dyneemafibre that many of the braided lines are. it is really can be broken, but it is hard. and then we have dubbing wax.

we will wax the thread with it,when we spin the flashabou. it is a really important detail. let's start then. we will begin by picking offthis bar code here. we do not need it.use the dubbing needle to get the thread. then we have the bobbin holder. this one has a gripto make it steady in your hand. on a new holder, the legs are tight.i usually pull them apart a bit. you want some space between the legs.

the space decides the resistanceof the spool's rotation. if you think it is too tight,just pull out the holder's legs. if the rotation is too loose,just press the legs together. you have to feel whatis best for you. the thread here is supposedto go through the tube. i usually moisten it like this. the easiest way is toput the thread into the hole here. then suck the other end of the tube. there is the thread.

let's put the needle tube right here. i usually put it on top here,to get a good grip. make sure it is really stuck there. these are sharp, so you canprick your finger on it. you have to be careful. then we have two plastic is large and the other is extra large. we will tie on the extra large one,and i put the large one under it. i do that to make sureit is not too loose. start by heatingthe needle with a lighter.

then push the tube up a bit,just like this, to make it stuck. you can cut offthe unnecessary plastic. the only thing this doesis to make sure the other one fits better. put away the large tubes. then we take an extra large one. this is a hard plastic tube. when you tie the fly, you should notbe able to press the tube together. if that happens, you will notbe able to get the fly off the needle. push the extra large tube up like should go over this joint here.

it fits well and we havea great place to start tying on. take some superglue,and be careful with it. but it is a very important detailwhen tying flies. it has a small brush,which makes it very easy to apply. loosen the handleand rotate the needle. place the brush aboutan inch in on the tube. rotate the needlein one turn. fasten the handle again,if you want to. hold the thread like this,between the thumb and the index finger.

place the thread forward,and tie it to the glue like this. it is very easy to attach it,as we tie it to the glue. it is really important to geta good point of attachment- -because if you have done a poorgroundwork, the fly will be bad as well. cut the thread off. the remaining piece of thread. i usually put my hand like thisto get great support. tie the thread around the tubeabout 10-15 times on the same spot. make sure that all is properly stuck.

take some more glue. loosen the anvil a bit,and glue the tube one more time. take out the bucktail. this is the tail of a white-tailed deer. the hairs of a bucktail or deer tailare somewhat hollow. they contain air to keepthe animal from freezing. that is what we want.the material is a bit stiff. when we wrap the thread around it,the hairs will stand up. that is exactly what we want.

the first thing we dois to cut off some white hairs. use hairs from the lower part of the tail,the ones closest to the animal's butt. there is more air in these hairsthan in the ones on the upper part. grab a nice bunch like this,and cut the hairs as long as possible. put the rest of the bucktail aside. hold the hairs,and pull them like this. you do this to get rid ofall the short hairs that we do not want. we just want these long ones. put down the bunch on the table.just clean this surface up a bit.

then we will do the samewith this blue one. let's find a nice bunchof blue hairs on this. the hairs were a bit short down here,so i had to go further up here. put the scissors down like this,and cut the hairs off. we will do the same thing with this oneand throw the short ones in the trash. put the two bunches together. you should now have a bunchabout as thick as your little finger. you can mix them up in different ways.i like to blend the hairs. the easiest way is to put the blue onon top of the white and roll them together.

the white hairs are on the inside,and the blue ones are on the outside. we will tie these forward,and then fold it backwards. it means that the blue hairswill be at the bottom. you can choose how you want it. pat the hairs together,to make the edges as even as possible. i knock them against the tablewith a loose grip like this. take away any hairsthat might stick out. make sure that the glue has dried,do not place the hairs on wet glue. then you will have some problems.

this stage can be a bit tricky,you need to tie some flies to make it good. do an accurate job, because it effectshow well the fly swims later on. put the bunch betweenyour thumb and index finger. try to spread the materialall the way around the tube. let's see if i can show youhow the material is covering the tube. wrap the thread loosely aroundthe material three times. then pull it with a straightbobbin holder like this. make a proper pullto make sure that the material stands up. then work through it, give it some weightand pull with a straight bobbin holder.

just keep going like this. back and forthon a surface of about 1/12 of an inch. give it some weightand see how the hairs stand up. when pulling with a straight bobbin holder,you do not load the thread as much. wrap the material withthe thread about ten times. work your way back and forth. it looks really nice here,but it might be thin underneath. it is a rookie mistakethat i have done as well. then you have to cut offsome more hairs.

the problem is that you have notcovered the tube all the way around. take a few hairsand remove the short ones. the rotating anvil makes it easy tojust place the hairs where you want them. then you do the same thing again.pull with a straight bobbin holder. give the thread some weightand the hairs stand up. i am satisfied with this is spread nicely around the tube. and it is attached properly. hold all the long hairsand fold it forwards. put the hair clip on them like this.

all the material you wantto save is gathered. the short hairs here should be removed. loosen the handle to rotate the anvil. place the scissors and carefullycut off as much as possible. it is important to have sharp scissorswhen you do this. like that. it is pretty tight here,and we can remove the grip. look at that nice bucktail collarwith well-matching colours. take the penciland carefully place it over the tube.

grip the materialand remove the pencil. as you can see,we got all the material in one move. do not wrap the thread like this,but pull it straight ahead- -fold it up and putit in front like this. then tie like a collar here. this will support the bucktail collaras it should point like this. just as it pointed forward,it should now point backward. because that is what we willcover with the flashabous later on. wrap the thread around a few times.

wrap it back and forth,not just on the edge here. wrap it all the way hereto get a good angle on the collar. you do not want all of itto slide down all of a sudden. like that. let go of the collarto see how it is taking shape. if it stands straight up,you have tied too little. if it lays down like this,you have tied too much. then you have probablytied on top of the material. try to tie it so the collar hasan angle of 45 degrees. i want a bit more angle,so i hold down the material like this.

i wrap a few times moreon the edge here. i work my way downto get this "ski slope". i think it has thisnice angle that i want now. i also see that i havematerial around the whole thing. i am quite pleased. i loosen the handle again. take some more glue.i have loosened the anvil a bit. put some glue on.glue all the way around. but only on the tying thread.not on the material.

pull down all the material with your hand.put the hair clip on like this. it is time to use this wide flashabou. take it out from the that. we can take the other colour too. this is a flashabou is a bit wider. and also the bauer pike flash. they are just as wide. as you can see on this flashabou magnum,there is a cable tie in the middle. they are just as long on both sides.

pull down the cable tie carefully. all the half an inch before tightening it. my dentist will love this.if he watches. then we do the samewith this silver one. pull it all the way up. there.we now got the full length of it. these will be enoughfor plenty of flies. then we cut this package open. pull it out.

this is already right,so just tighten the cable tie. make sure they do not loosen,because then they will be tangled. as i said,these are wider than the small ones. take this wide flashabou.take about 15 straws of it. you do not have to count them.but i think that is enough. put them on the table. take the next colour.about 15 straws of that too. put it on top of the other one. take the bauer pike flashwith holographic silver.

the same amount of straws. it is about 300 straws on one of these,so you can use it for plenty of flies. it is a bit shorter,so i put it in the middle. pick it up withyour thumb and index finger. hold it like thisand get out the comb. this is what the comb is for. put it between your thumb and index finger.twirl them while you are combing. twirl them back and forth in your hand. this move will mix the strawsin a very simple and good way.

without them falling apart. just turn the bunchand keep going on the other end of it. i think that this is a good can see how nicely they blend. another important thing is...if they look like they have been cut off- -like this one will not make a good fly. a fly that is untaperedwill not swim as well. it is important at this stageto pull the ends like this. even the ones that are higher up. you want them to be tapered.from here all the way down.

when we fold them together,and make a tail of them- -we want a nicely tapered flythat will swim well in the water. take this bunch and divide it into two. they should be the same one in front of you. the other one will be tiedto the upper part of the fly. this is where you can decidehow long the fly should be. if you tie it to the middle of the tube,the fly will be this long. this end of the bunch willbe folded over to this side later. if you have longer straws in the backand shorter ones in the front-

-you will get a longer fly. this is probably the first pike fly you tieand you might not be that experienced. maybe you have just started tying flies.we will make this one relatively small. half of the flash will be in the backand the other half in the front. make sure that the glue is dry,which it is in this case. if it is still wet,your fingers will get stuck. put the material like this,grab it with your left hand. try to spread the materialon the upper side. that is 180 degrees from here to there.

it should be evenly spread. the easiest way is to hold like thisand wrap the thread lightly around it. then tighten it. it looks great on this side. we can pick it down someand spread it evenly. hold it down and then wrapsome thread around it. now we have a nice spreadall the way around. fold this end backand press it with your thumb. you will see how the material spreads.

wrap the thread around it six times. take off the hair clip and you will see howthe straws are spread from here to here. they are spread nicely overthe entire bucktail collar. the tapering of the fly is also very nice. put the hair clip back on. put some superglue on.even on a small part of the material. as you can see,my thread is in the front here. i want to get it up on the collar. if i do not put on any glue there,the thread will not stuck.

i am all the way up on the collar again,i have great support from it. loosen the handle once againand turn the anvil over. fasten the handle. we will do the exact same thingon the underside as on the upper. take the other bunchand make sure you have not lost any straws. make sure the glue has dried,otherwise the material will stuck. half of the length in the frontand the other half in the back. spread it all the way aroundand wrap the thread loosely. pinch the material.

you can even let go if you want toand then wrap the thread a few times. fold back the front end of the it with your thumb to make it spread. grab it with your left handand wrap the thread around a few times. the same procedure as before. put on some superglue.even some on the material. when i say a bit,i mean up to here or so. not up on the collar itself,because then you will have a stiff fly. take off the hair clip. now you will have a flywith an even spread of flash.

it also has a nice tailwith great tapering. you could stop here,because this is a great pike fly. but we will take it a bit further. we have folded back the material. i will put on some glue here to sealthe entire collar of thread we have made. brush the glue on carefully. do not put glue on the collar. we will now start using this material.this will be spun in a dubbing loop. it will be attached in front of this.

we will wrap the thread a few times...we can fasten this handle first. we got an edge here,which we will try to get rid of. let's make a dubbing loop.pull the bobbin holder towards you. put the finger like this,about 8 inches from the tube. pull the thread upwardsand keep wrapping it around. you can tie it towards the back. here we have a dubbing loop. but we also have a dubbing loop that is hard to see, but we can try. a loop that is open right here.we usually call it open.

we do not want it to be. it is still openwhen we put together the other end. all the material will fall out. tie up the loop.then wrap the bobbin holder over it twice. then keep wrapping the thread as before. the loop is now closedand the material will not fall out. wrap the thread all way up hereand then down again. keep going all the way down to here. we will now fasten the dubbing twister. pull down the cylinder.

we got two spikes here.attach them to the thread. the thread will automaticallyfasten in the small holes. it got this spring effectto keep it closed. pull up the cylinderand put it aside for a while. brush on some glue. just to make sure thatthe thread is properly attached. let's continue with thesedifferent kinds of flashabous. we have the holographic blue. then there is the regularholographic silver.

these two have exactly the same qualities.they are stiffer and have a nice shimmer. this is the one called mirage. this is a thinner one in an opal is a bit softer and will move better. the last one is a flashabou pearl. it has been dyed in an olive is also softer than the holographic one. we will now make the front partof the fly to make it look like a fish. we will use silver and mirage firstto keep building the silvery approach. at the very front, we will use the opaland the holopgraphic blue- -to make it more likea herring baitfish.

cut off about 30-40 straws first. cut if off all the way up.about this much. put it down on the table in front of you. do the same thing withthe holographic silver. cut off a bunch all the way up. and then put it down on the table. we can get the second bunchready while we are at it. we will do the exact same thing.start with the holographic blue. this bunch should be the same size.

put it down on the table. and then some olive coloured flash. put it on top of the other. we will use this one last,because it will be closest to the eyes. we will start with this one. pick it up with your thumband index finger. use the comb like we did before.mix them up while you twirl them. you see how they blend nicely. you can turn the bunch is not necessary.

look at this nice blend. that is now done. continue with the next the same thing with this one. mix them up. we have gota nice mix here. put it down on the table again. take the first bunch and divide it into twowith the dubbing needle. let one bunch stay on the table. same thing as before.pull the straws for a nice tapering.

that is enough.we will use the whole length of it. this bunch will be half as long. grab it and make a loop like this. cut the loop openand pinch the bunch together. it is perfectly tapered down here,but cut off in this end. pull the straws like this fora nice tapering in both ends. put it in the centre of the other bunch. as you can see, we now have a full lengthand one that is half as long. this is to get a nice taperingall the way back when we spin it.

do the exact same thingwith the blue bunch. keep the other half on the table. it is already nicely taperedand i do not have to do anything. but i will cut this bunch in half. pull the straws for a nice tapering. put it in the centre of the other bunch.the same thing as before. we will start with this silver bunch. when you are getting good at this,you can spin the bunches at the same time. we will do it in two steps as thereprobably are many beginners watching.

then we have to do two dubbing loops.but let's start with the first one. pull the spring upwards to openup the dubbing loop completely. pick up the dubbing wax. wax the thread like this. use a lot of wax,but do not leave any clumps on the thread. keep the bobbin holder hanging,but keep the loop open and not twisted. pick up the first bunch withyour thumb and index finger. this can be a bit tricky. but if you do it right it is not a problem.

hold the dubbing loop towards you,in a horizontal position. fold in the bunch like thisand press it between your fingers. the bunch is now insidethe dubbing loop. pick up the dubbing twisterand tighten the spring all the way up. hold it with a straight grip. the bunch will not fall out if you do. but it might if youfold it down or pull it to the side. place the bunch about an inch from the fly. try to spread the material like this.

i would say it shouldlook like an even carpet. it looks like i had expected. keep the bunch towards youand grip the cylinder on the twister. then rotate it a few times. you will see the materialis twisted to the thread. spin the thread a bunch of times. pull the thread and it will spin some more. use the dubbing needleto untangle the material. if you pull too hard,the material will curl.

be really careful while doing this. this should be done with caution. the more precise you are,the better the fly. spin the thread a few times more. tighten it a bit. do the same thing againwith the dubbing needle. pick up what is needed. if the straws in here are stuckto the thread, you have spun enough. we will placeall this material on one side.

wet your thumb and index fingerand press the material down like this. you can also switch hands. pull like this toreally get down the material. it is nicely tapered,which will make a good transition here. i usually wrap the thread forwardto have more to work with. but remember to unwrap it later,because you do not want thread on the tube. hold the material while you areholding the dubbing twister. hackle this forward. it is important to keep an even pressureor it will go back and forth.

try to keep the pressure evenwhile you fold the material like this. use the other hand to fold back the can be a bit tricky. it ususally is not that difficult. keep folding back the materialwhile you hackle your way forward. wrap the last thread like that. unwrap the thread on the tube. pull the thread on the bobbin holderunder the dubbing twister. wrap the thread a few times. pull it under the twister againto lock the loop properly.

cut off the dubbing loop. pull back the materialand wrap the thread around a few times. we do this to get a nice finish. as you can see,there is more volume in the front. it is also nicely taperedwith different lengths. the volume makesthe fly fish really well. if you want a fly that isonly silver coloured, you can stop now. but this will be a mix of blue and silver. brush on another layer of glue.

just to be safe. let's make another dubbing loop,just as we did before. tie up the threadand wrap the bobbin holder over twice. then attach it. wrap the thread forward a bit. fasten the dubbing twister. put some wax on the dubbing loop. put it aside for a while. wrap the thread a bit forward.

you can wrap the thread even moreforward if you want to. pick up the blue bunch. take back the dubbing twister. place the bunch inside the loopand spread it like we did before. if you hold it horizontally, you can bepretty firm without it falling out. and then we spin it.just as we did before. let's keep spinning a few times more. use the dubbing neddleto untangle the material. be careful not to break the straws.

make sure they are stuck to the thread. press down all the material. then hackle it forward.just as we did with the previous one. make it tidy as this will bein the front end of the fly. try to hackle it nice and tidy. keep going forward. wrap the thread one last time. unwrap the thread in the front. go under the dubbing twister twice.

then wrap the thread around a few times. cut this off. hold back the materialand wrap the thread a couple of times. a bit up on the materialjust to be safe. use the dubbing needle to seeif there are any loops. do not untangle them with the needle.use sharp scissors and cut them like this. it is almost done now.put the hair clip back on. brush on some superglue.loosen the anvil to be able to rotate. carefully brush glue all the wayaround the tying thread.

do not put glue on the material.just brush it on the tying thread. cut off the is as easy as that. press the remaining end to the glue. the fly is almost done. the last thing to dois to put on two epoxy eyes. i do not think a pike fly is completeunless it has eyes. put it back on the tube. take out the epoxy eyes. these are made in the usand are high-quality eyes.

do not use cheap eyesas their foil often comes off. if you use cheap eyes for this,they will fall off. buy eyes with better quality. the eyes are self-adhesive.put it on the rear edge. the eye will be halfway upon the flashabou collar. it will not look like the eyes are hangingon two sticks in front of the fly. place them a bit up. do the same thing with the second eye.put it on the rear edge. try to place them similarly.

the eyes are placed welland they are properly attached. these great fluo eyesare practically screaming: eat me! the epoxy glue is included in the kit. these old flashabou packagesare perfect for what we are about to do. put a piece of carton right here. this is the same kind of glue,except in bigger packages. when you put glue on,you want the fly to rotate. if you put glue hereand then turn it over to put glue here -,-the glue on the underside will dripand the glue on top will mess about.

remember to rotate the flywhen you have put the glue on. it can be done in the anvilor by twisting it by hand. the glue will dry in about two minutes. then it is done. as this is almost like a cooking show,we will be prepare this first. just kidding. but i do have an epoxy dryerthat i put my flies on. it is good to have when you aredrying several flies at the same time. if you want to make one on your own,just take a regular drill-

-put on a needle tube or a matchand then thread it onto the fly. it is important tomix it 50/50. put this over here.take the next one. when you mix epoxy,it will be cloudy at first. but it becomes clear after a while. that is when the glue is mixed. by then you can stop,but i usually mix it some more to be sure. it is important to keep the grip onto keep the straws from the glue. if they do or if you get glue on them,do not try to get it off while it is wet.

that will only destroy the fly.wait until the glue has dried. when the glue has dried,you can get it off easily. remember that. put some glue in the gap between the eyes. nice and tidy. make sure that there is gluebehind the eyes as well. do the same thing on the underside. remember that there is glueon the other side- -so do not keep it like this for too long,otherwise the glue will form a drip.

remember to turn it over beforeyou continue to glue on the other side. the gap between the eyes is filled. put it on the needleand keep it spinning. let it spin a couple of minutes. it has been spinningfor a couple of minutes now. i know that it is dry. it is a good thing to save this paperand see when the glue has dried. take it off the dryerand take off the hair grip. there is not much more to be done,except cutting off the tube.

save that for the next fly. in my opinion,this is a beautiful baltic herring. it is very easy to cast. i fish them with a bauer pike rig. it is a rig with two on this link to see a film about it. there is also a rattle on it,which makes a sound. it works really well. this is quite well-used.thread the fly on it. pull it all the way down.hold it by the eyes like this.

fasten it to the tube. the rattle makes sure thatthe hook rig does not go all the way in. you will have a hook in the middlefor when the fish bites across the fly. if it just nibbles the fly in the back,there is a hook there as well. hopefully you have now tied your first fly. good luck with your fishingand your future flies! we will raffle off this fly,the rig and the kit. write a comment on why you should win this. all the best!

english subtitles: daniella

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