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here we go high-speed sync. how to setit up and how to make it work. beautiful girl, high-speed sync,how can you go wrong? ♪ [music] ♪ hi. this is jay p morgan. today on theslanted lens, we're downtown los angeles. we're going to do a little shotof beautiful angela whitworth here looking back into downtown. we're going to high-speed sync our baja b4s. the reason we're going to do that is that we want to crushthe background a little bit. we want to have control of our shutter speed. sowe'll be able to shoot at a thousandth of a second. that means we can open up theaperture, make it pretty wide open, gives
us a nice highlight with our strobes onher face. so we'll see the big buildings in the background and test this high-speedsync on the baja b4. why high-speed sync? to understandhigh-speed sync we need to understand how shutters work. shutters are two curtainsthat open and close. the first curtain and then the second curtain. at speeds slowerthan 125th of a second, sometimes 160th depending on your camera the firstcurtain opens and stays open until the shutter closes. then thesecond curtain closes. that's for slower speeds than 125thor 160th. at shutter speeds faster than 125th of a second,the first curtain of the shutter opens
and before it can completely open thesecond shutter starts to follow behind and close. this means that there's no timethat the sensor's open for light all at once. a small opening is traveling acrossthe sensor exposing it as it goes. if your strobe goes off during this time, itshows a black bar on the bottom of the frame. the way high-speed sync solves thisproblem is it starts firing the strobe in pulses as the first curtain opens and itcontinues to pulse until after the second curtain closes. this pulsing is happeningso fast that the sensor perceives this as continuous light.so what's the upside to high-speed sync? why do weuse it? first off this keeps your
strobe synced with your camera at fastershutter speeds. this allows you to shoot with a wide open aperture in bright lightsituations giving you a nice, shallow depth of field. because you can keepspeeding your shutter up to make the background go darker and darker. you canalso light your subject with strobe light and then use the shutter to darkenyour background. so the person stands out a little bit.remember shutter controls ambient light and we matchthe aperture to the power of the strobes. so if we choose "f5" now wecan move our shutter speed faster and faster to make the background dark enoughto either let the person stand out or to
make it dark enough so that it matches thestrobe light on the person's face. high-speed sync give you complete controlof your strobes at all shutter speeds. so what's the downside of high-speed sync?first of all it takes more power. i lost about a half a stop on the bajas when wewent to high-speed sync compared to full power without high-speed sync. so youlose a little bit of power. some strobes may lose more than that. i don't know. butknow that you're going to lose power when you go to high-speed sync. and with morepower you're going to use your battery up a little quicker. but you know what? incomparison to what you gain with high-speed sync, it's apretty nice trade off. so let's
get our baja b4 set-up for a high-speedsync. the first thing we're going to do is turn it on. that's a good place tostart, turn it on. then we're going to hit the rpt button until it goes to h1. it'sgoing to show us now we're in high-speed sync. we now have the ability to dial thisup or down. we can go up to h7 which is the most power the baja will give us inhigh-speed sync. and we can dial it down to h1 which is the lowest power that itwill give us in high speed sync. we're going to keep it on h7. that will give usthe ability to shoot at thousands of a second which will allow us to crush thebackground just a little bit and shoot it a little more wideopen with our aperture.
last of all, you need to push the plusthat's on the remote that sits on your camera so that the high-speed sync willconnect with the baja b4. let's take a look at our shoot downtown. in losangeles, you can get a permit to shoot on the streets. you can't be on privateproperty and you can't block the sidewalks but you can shoot on most all of thesidewalks. it's pretty reasonable. our camera setting's are 320 iso, 1500thof a second and f4.5. we're going to make our background blue bysimply putting our white balance on tungsten and then putting a full orange onthe strobe. so let's get this all together and kind of see what's going to happenhere. we're going to shoot a lot of
different shots. we got a couple ofmirrors we're going to put in place just to see how she looks next to the mirrors.we'll do some without the color crossover and some, most with. i like the look ofthe color crossover. it looks really nice down here. let's look at our lightingbreakdown. our key light is a medium, silver line softbox. i's going to giveus a really nice highlight on her skin. i'm going to allow the shadow exposure tobe bright enough so that it shows blue into the shadows on her face. that's it.one baja b4, dome light medium softbox and a full cto.here are some of the images unretouched. you know it'sso nice to be out and not have to worry
about power. the battery powered strobesthese days are just fabulous. i then put on a 15 to 30 millimeter tamronlens and shot some more images. i love this wide-anglelook. last of all i added a second baja b4as a rim light on the camera right side. and then we took a mirror that we hadflipped it upside down, put it up underneath her chin and reflected just alittle bit of white light back into her face. here's a quick lighting buildup. keylight, a rim light just the white backside of the mirror became a reflector cardthat bounced a little light underneath her chin. here's some more imageswith that three light setup.
i then took one of the images into niksoftware and i put a bi-color filter on it. so i put a little bit of green in thecorner. and that kind of gradates a little more blue up in the upper cornerjust thought that was interesting. i hope you learned something abouthigh-speed sync today, how we can control the background with the shutterwhether that's long or short. so check it out. usethat high-speed sync. post-note: the reason i like high-speedsync on a mono-block compared to those little tiny flashes is that you gotenough power to do something with. i hate those little flashes.
keep those cameras rolling. keep onclicking and don't forget to buy one of our t-shirts. that we don't have...yet. don't estimate a loan. don't stand out inthe cold all by yourself trying to put together an estimate? go to theslantedlens.com/estimating. i've got a digital download that will teach youeverything you need to know. you don't have to be alone any longer. hi, this is jay p morgan. i'm a short manon a box with a tall woman. stay tuned it's going to be exciting. is that good?kate? are you loving it?
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