Thursday, February 2, 2017

How To Flashing datawind ubislate 3g10

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Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:

do not forget there are some additional tips from me:

Further to the following stage :
1. Duplicate the document to Sd Card
2.boot into recuperation mode, in the document as of now exists as .pdf open a full instructional exercise and take after the guidelines. anybody utilizing blazing programming.
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5.booting first after introduce rom considerable lot of time of around 15 minutes. Try not to rush to evacuate the battery. hold up until the framework completes the process of booting.
critical: before doing anything on the telephone to do the information reinforcement already. can pass CMW, recuperation, twrp please find on the off chance that you lack.

How To Flashing datawind ubislate 3g10

today i am gonna show you how to installandroid 4.2.2 jelly bean in micromax funbook aplpha here i have a micromax funbook alphaas you can see here let's open it. in the settings go to about tablet section you can see here the android version 4.2.2 its you can see android 4.2.2 jelly bean let's see some features here i've got the menu like this and we have the google search or google now

hereyou can search anything in google now. but i have not the internet connection right now. so let's begin the installation process. so you need a usb cable hereyou have to insert one end of the usb to thecomputer and the other end into your tablet but before entering the other end you have to press the volume down button. press and hold the volume down buttonthen insert this cable into the tablet. then slowly press the power button repeatedlylike one press per one second then leave will see a unknown devicehere in the computer(device manager) just right click on the unknown device andpress the update driver software.

then browse my computer....then serach for the live suit folder yu have downloaded the download instructions are in the description so i have here the livesuitthen in the livesuit you will see a usbdriver folder herejust open it then click the next buttonit will ask you to install the driver you have to click install this driver software anyway ok after installation you will seesomething like usb device(vid_1f3a_pid_efe8) something like thatyou can see here the driver is installed. just close it and you will see the usb device driver here

after the installation you have to open the live suitdo not unplug usb from device now just open the livesuityou have to open livesuit as an administartor then you will see something like unplug the usb from your tablet. and find the romthe rom download instructions are in the description. i have the rom hereafter selecting just open it. but do not click the finish right now. now its the tablet timejust look at here when i insert then usb in the tablet now flashing time is here. press and hold the volume down buttonand insert the usb into the tablet

and press the power button slowly and repeateadlyyou will see the usb device here. press untill it dissapperars. after this you will see a livesuit dialog box have to press yes. then press yes again. you can see the process. its on-going. so the flahing completed.just press ok and exit. as you can see here my tablet is booting upit will take some time. be petient. it will take time.the first booting will take much more time. as you can see here the whole process done.but the touch screen driver is not working. you have to install the touch screen drivers.i've some touch screen drivers in the computer. you have to insert usb cable into your tabletand the usb debugging will automatically connect.

then you will see an unknown android device in the device managerwe have to install this unknown android device. you have to download a file called adb driver installer.after downloading it open it. then you will see android with incorrect have to install this click on install this driver software anyway. the driver is now installed.after installing just exit. then open the touch screen drivers and run it normallythen it will copy all files and will ask you to press a key. then after pressing a key your tablet will reboot.just wait untill it reboot. you can remove the usb. as you can see here thetouch screen is now working. but if you use the gravity will see the gravity sensor is not working quite good.

if you want to use the gravity sensoryou have to edit some root files. for that you have to download root explorer and install it.then we can edit the files. i'm gonna install it. just stay tuned. ok so i've installed root explorer here.lets open it. in the root explorer you have to go to the system folderthen go to the usr folder. then here you will see a gsensor.cfg file.just tap and hold it. then tap open with.then tap text editor. then you have to grant permission to the root explorer. you have to find out the gsensor name mxc622xlike here. then you have to edit this file. here you have to edit gsensordirect x = false direct y = true

direct z = false xy revert = false now just go back and tap yesso that your file will save. after exiting you will see gsensor.cfg.bak have to delete this. no need of this anymore. the file is deleted. lets rebootand see what happens to g-sensor the tablet is restarted.lets see how the g-sensor works. thank you for watching. please subscribeand leave some comments.

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