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How To Flashing colors x100
dexterity x100, new 3d quadcopter the x100 looks like the other quadcopters it looks cooler - and it sure is! you can fly it normally - but you can also go in 6g mode where you have full power up and full power down! this means you can flip it over and still go up! in the box you find the quadcopter and the cool transmitter, a manual,
extra propellers and a dual usb charger. the x100 has a very simple design everything is on one print in the corners you find a motor fitting with protection for the propeller. the motor is clicked in the fitting and plugged in the connector. in the middle you find the body and beneath it the lipo battery. the first mode is normal in this mode the x100 will fly as all the other quadcopters. you can choose between normal and fast mode.
mode 2 is called 3d mode. in 3d mode the gyro is turned off in all 4 directions. it means that if i fly left and let go of the stick it will keep going that way - until i go in another direction. this enables the x100 to go very fast!! mode 3 is called 6g - and now it gets crazy 6g is activated from 3d mode by pushing this button. the throttle stick now goes into crazy mode from center and up is 0-100% throttle up
in the dead center the motors will stop from center and down is 0-100% throttle down. it means that if you are here and flips it over then you can pull the stick down... and the x100 will go up! if you get this - then everything is possible! i don't get it 100% but one of my friends can... so check out what he can do with the x100 in this clip crazy stuff... practise, practise, practise and probably a lot of spare parts
i will try to become the master of x100 and i will make videos on how to do the tricks. together we can become true 3d/6g pilots. at least i can show you how it flies in normal mode. it handles like all the other quadcopters in this size - just quicker more sporty - sporty is the correct word. the x100 doesn't have an auto loop button real men does the looping themselves! i'll put it in normal-fast mode
was that too fast for you? look again. ha ha ha ha ha, i love it! what just happened? when the x100 is upside down it will automatically switch the rotation of the motors! you can flip it over and hit the throttle - it will then fly upside down! another cool thing with this is that when the clumsy uncle crashes (and if nothing breaks) then you just hit the throttle and it simply flies like normal!
i forgot to tell you about the radio let's call it a semi-pro transmitter - it is definately one of the better ones i have seen. all the usual stuff incl. trimming 2 buttons at the top where only the left is used to go in crazy 6g mode. i have just started to fly in 3d mode where the gyro is disabled in the 4 directions the speed is incredible - but i have to concentrate. ok, the x100 is without question one of the coolest products i have seen. looking at the video from my friend and the experience that i have
i know that i will be challenged by the x100 for many many many days perhaps even years x100 - it is crazy and i love it! i have always wanted to start with 3d flying but 3d helicopters are typically twice the price of the x100 and very difficult as there are no normal mode with the x100 you can start out in normal and then move on from there and at this price everybody can get the taste of flying 3d!
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