Friday, January 27, 2017

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How To Flashing byond mi8

hey youtubers, what's up? so this is going to be my flash episode 10 video. there were a whole bunch of new characters so i'll try and explain who all of them are from the comics in addition to my top 5 moments and easter eggs. so, here we go. i'll start with a spoiler warning right now because i'm going to explain who all of the comic book characters are that we saw for the first time. so, first up, obviously, is mick roary, a.k.a. heatwave, played by dominic purcell. prison break reunion all the way, so much fun.

i'll talk about him in top 5 moments, there's a whole bunch i could say about him. then we also got the rathaways. the rathaways are the really wealthy parents of pied piper, one of the rouges that we're going to see next week in next week's episode. we met jason rush, who's part of the firestorm mythos in the comics. the show is going to do something a little bit different with him, but i'll explain in a sec. and then finally we met end credits teaser new rouge, who, you know, if you haven't seen the episode yet, i'm going to wait until i get to the end of the video before i talk about her. but, very cool person showing up. so, here we go, getting into top 5 moments, number 5: flash training montage.

very strong way to come into the back half of the season. like, come in running. literally. barry has totally drank harisson wells' cool aid in his training so he could beat the reverse flash eventually. funny, because harisson said that they're partners now. "i hope that you don't think of me as an enemy." probably one of the best lines in the episode. tom cavina actually said recently in a bunch of interviews that every time he has a line, he tries to build in double meanings, in the way that he says things. so if you feel like something he said sounds ominous, it's on purpose. like, he's doing that as an actor on purpose. as cool as barry turning around and throwing the missile was, really it was harrison, putting his foot on the ground.

for just, like, for just a brief second they were teasing that he, you know, he might super speed run and save barry so that he wouldn't die. all this harrison wells partnership reverse flash training is to make barry better. we still don't know what harrison wells wants to use him for. presumably it's a causality loop. that somehow helps harrison's reverse flash, whatever version of the reverse flash he is. i still feel like he's the eobard thawne version, just beacause he's a little bit smarter. a lot of people have pointed to the fact that eddie thawne could also become really super smart because if he gets flash powers his brain will work just as fast as grant gustin's does. but when you think about it, grant gustin reading those 800 pages, so he had training as a scientist.

gaining super speed doesn't give you super comprehension. so if eddie thawne were to read those 800 pages at superspeed he'd read the words, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he understands what it means. that's why i think that harrison wells reverse flash is going to be the smarter of the reverse flashes. even though during episode 9 i think that's the same reverse flash. i think it's harrison wells from two different times. i know it gets a little complicated, but i think at some point eddie thawne will get reverse flash powers he'll just be closer to the hunter zolomon version. less scientific, but every bit as dangerous. number 4: meet mick roary, a.k.a. heatwave. so i've already done a background video on heatwave, like an explainer video about him in the comics, so i'll add a link to that, just in general, let's talk about dominic purcell's performance

how much fun was it, seeing him go all creepo on caitlin. i wonder what the producers told dominic whenever they were asking him to take the role, like whenever they were auditioning him. mick roary as a character is a pyromaniac, he is in love with the idea of fire, obsessed with fire. and i feel like dominic purcell did an amazing job at making us feel that. clearly he's been touched by flames. actually in a literal sense. the really interesting thing about his relationship with captain cold is that it kind of mirrors barry and harrison well's relationship. they're kind of like frenemies, although barry doesn't quite know it yet. one of the characters is just a little more aware of the other. in the case of the rouges, captain cold is

tolerating heatwave. and in the case of the reverse flash, harrison wells is tolerating barry allen, because he has to. one needs the other for a very important plan. in the case of the rogues, they're trying to get that super valuable painting, in the case of the flash, that involves time travel. it doesn't allways happen on every show, but a lot of comic book characters are set up that way, where they have a diametric opposite, that they have some sort of symbiotic relationship with. very awesome to see the official rogues, obviously based on the end of the episode that's only going to continue, they're only going to grow in ranks. i keep saying it, the back half of the season is going to be very rogue heavy. the reverse flash is always going to be the biggest villain, he'll always be the biggest flash villain, but the rogues will fill the void in the man time.

so were going to meet a whole bunch of rogues. number 3: catelin chases down project firestorm and jason rush. this is another really huge comic book moment. jason rush is officially on the show now, apparently not is part of the firestormmatrix. that's kinda the way they started out in the comics. normally firestorm is made up of two people, ronny raymond and professor martin stein, but at a certain point the comics, jason rush became firestorm, ronny raymond died, went away, so the show is making a little bit simpler, they are just going with the originalconfiguration. but at some point in the future, jasonrush could become part of the firestorm matrix. but that, i mean, it's a long ways offthey're just getting started with the firestorm character.

they were at the tca's. here's a picture of what the costume is supposed to look like. part of the fun of meeting jason rush was getting this secondary story line that's gonna run across the back half of this season. you know what's going on with projectfirestorm, something really shady. robbie amell and victor garber - victorgarber the actor playing martin stein - they talked about the possibility of afirestorm spinoff show. right now the only new spin-off thatthey're officially working on the cw is the atom show for brandon routhcharacter, but it is possible that the next spinoff may be in like another year or two. ifthings go well, there could be a separate firestorm show just for robbie amellcharacter,

that is like something floating in theperiphery, so keep that in the back of your mind. of all the characters to get aspinoff he would probably be on the top of the list. number 2: eddie thawne helps the flash, and apparently now they're best buds. initially, it kind of seemed like eddie really hated the flash based on theirpast run in. by the end of the episode, it seemed like he really respected and loved what the flash did, so they might start working together like you might see a partnershipdeveloped between the flash, obviously using his crazy voice, and eddie thawne.

of all the reasons that an eddie thawn reverse flash would hate the crap out of barry allen it could be that he develops a workingrelationship with the flash, not knowing that he's barry allen, then barry allen steals his girlfriend in real life, then he finds out the flash is barry allen and hates his guts. that's why i think that iris is going to be much more important to the back half of theseason. as a character she's not really centralto the plot right now, but she's like the wheel around whichbarry in eddie are turning right now.

i feel like she's gonna become a focal point. it just feels like a very simple way toput eddie thawne and barry allen in opposition. if you haven't read the comics, hunter zolomon was the person that became the reverse flash, the zoom reverse flash. he used to be really good friends with wally west but then the big tragedy happened: he became thereverse flash and then started doing terrible, terriblethings to wally. it just feels like they're pushing eddie thawne in a hunterzolomon direction. and my number 1 moment: theflash vesus the rogues

and captain cold's sister shows up atthe end. so big action set piece. really fun, cross the streams,ghostbusters style, i totally love all the shoutouts. cisco gets so meta, and i like thathe's kinda got harrison wells caught caught up in it, too. he is the reverse flash but that doesn'tmean that he also doesn't like to have fun every once in a while as great is the resolution was it justit was so much more fun finding out that it was part of captain cold's planall along, that they got caught. say anything you want about all therouges, captain cold, though,

is a master planner. he's really good.usually when things fall apart, it's when people like heatwave go off book.that's usually the downfall of the rogues, when they all start fighting each other. i know i didn't explain her at thebeginning the video, either, but captain cold's sister, that we saw the tease of at the end, inthe comic she's known as golden glider. she's a full-on rogue, she does have powers, she commits crimes with them. but she has the ability to phase throughwalls. the person playing her is peyton list from the tomorrow people.i don't know if she's ever going to get

any scenes with robbie amell doing firestorm stuff, but that would beso much fun. i'm not expecting it. so now you can add the tomorrow people to the list of shows that the flash and arrow pull from. you have prison break, spartacus and now the tomorrow people. i have no idea which episode lisa snartis going to show up in for the first time, they made it seem like she's going toshow up next week even though next week is supposedly a pied piper heavy episode. as soon as she does show up we can talka lot more about her. here's my big question for you guys:

do you think that eddie thawne is going tostart developing kind of a side partnership with theflash, you know, teaming up to take down criminals, without knowing he's barry allen. do youthink that that's going to develop between the two of them? so, time for easter eggs, so there are actually a whole bunch in the episode. i think i already mentioned a lot of themso i'll brush through these really quick. barry allen says he's not the fastestman alive, that distinction goes to the reverse flash. in the comics, zoom, the hunter zolomon zoom, actually becomes faster than the flash because his powers are based on a different principle. when harrison wells says, "after this past christmas i think he poses a threat to both of us,"

talking about captain cold, the cold gun is the only known weaponthat's effective against the flash and the reverse flash'spowers. inside barry allen's childhood backpack there's a space ghost comic. space ghost coast to coast that's all i could think about. the first time i saw it i actually thought it was a batman comic but then i looked at it the second time i saw that the spaceghost. jason rush also name-dropped mercury labs. now we visited there in episode 9 but max mercury was partof the flash family,

and andrew kreisburg at the tca's recently said that this back half of the season is going tofully explore the lore of the reverse flash. when hesaid it he made it sound like they're going to incorporate all aspects to the reverse flash, not just one or two reverse flashes, but several from the comics. i've already done a video for allthe different reverse flashes so i'll add a link to that in the description if you guys wanna learn more about the different versions. if you saw any other easter eggs that i didn't mention just write them below in the comments, or actually ghostbusters, although i did mention that, although i love the idea that cisco said that it's scientifically accurate.

actually i don't know that it is, but itmight be. so there are a couple thumbs down i had on the episode just a couple thingsthat i feel didn't work quite as well as they could have. so, just the idea of people living attheir parent's houses beyond a certain, age that just kinda bugsme a little bit. they're kinda fuzzy on how old barry and iris are, i would saymid-twenties maybe. so i guess you could believe themliving at joes house. if you really think about, it'd be much more practical forbarry to just go live at star labs and then caitlin talking to jason rush about this big mystery big plot they're trying to tease i feel like theyyou know quote-unquote rushed that

a little bit not to make too many punsbut i feel like they're trying to set this huge mystery plot that's going to involve the military and a bunch of other characters and it just felt like they dived into that too fast like it was a little unbelievable howquickly he got crazy in that meeting and he actually did comeoff a little bit crazy, "they're after me." i kept wondering if i missed a scene, i was like, maybe i missed the line or something. overall i thought was a really strongepisode, great way to bring us back into the season and tease the idea ofall these new rogues showing up, as well as all this firestorm stuff. i'm sureyou guys have a ton to questions about

the comic book characters as well as harrison wells, reverse flash stuff, eddie thawne, so leave everything in the comments. i will be doing a q&a for arrow and the flash on thursday, but i'll try to answer as many comments on this video in the comments as possible. in related news, tomorrow, i'm actuallygonna be going on cw fan talk i'm supposed to be on with emily bett rickards so i don't know how it's gonna go i could embarrass myself quite a bitit's gonna be a lot of fun either way. i won't be uploading that video, it's notmy show, but if you follow me on twitter i'll tweet the link out before i go on. it'sgonna start at 4 p.m. pacific time,

so it'll go on an hour before arrow airs.that video for arrow will post just after the episode airs, just like normal. so be sure to subscribe to geteverything, if you have any special requests for the q&a or anything you want me to include, just let me know . while you guys wait for that to happen you can click here to learn more about heatwave from the comics for his character history and you can click here for my new weekly facepalm video it is gonna be a catch-all for stuff that doesn't necessarily fit into likestar wars or avengers or arrow or flash videos. so thank you so much for watching, let's all high five, i will see you guys tomorrow!

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