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it has been a long time since my latest romreview for galaxy s4 but believe me i don't want to make reviews for unstable roms, sharkjungle is here to share with you my top roms for galaxy s4 in 2016 , i'm pretty sure thatmost of you are running one of these roms right now , so let's figure out what's insidemy top 10 list 1-wizcyan romthis rom has been improved over time , every update come with a new feature or fix to fulfillyour needs and it has proven itself lately it wasn't one of my top 10 roms before butnow it is the best rom for galaxy s4 ,and for the record it is the only tw rom thatstill has support at this moment , so i would like to thank the rom developer for his greatwork, and if you guys want to support him
make sure to send him a donation to encouragehim to continue updating his rom , the donation address is in the video description. 2-imperium romif you want rom based on stock tw with some modification and customization then you haveto think about flashing imperium rom, it has a rock stability , great performanceand it is still the best rom for gaming in my opinion 3-thor romthis is the most popular rom for galaxy s4 and it worth it ,cos it was the first portedrom without bugs for galaxy s4 , i've spent a very good time using it .
4-albe lolliromthis rom is completely stock and it was the best rom for galaxy s4 in 2015 and there wasa reason for that cos most of the ported roms at this time like wizyan and astra wasn'tstable yet , i would recommend this rom as a start for users who don't have much experiencein custom roms and kernels. 5-gpeif you don't like stock tw roms and want to have a stable and powerful rom based on googlestock android then gpe will be the best choice for youthere are three roms you can try (untouched gpe,gpe for jflte and echoe gpe) the threeof them are pretty stable and customizable , make sure to take a look at their reviewsbefore installing any of them, all the links
are in th video description . 6-aosplast but not least , there are many many roms for galaxy s4 based on aosp and i've donea lot of reviews on those roms but none of them are as good as stock tw based roms orgpe roms for daily usage except ram management , aosp based roms are very good in ram managementcompared to samsung tw based roms ,i've done a speed test between opt cm13 and thor romand opt cm13 was a clear winner in this test cos of ram management ,if you didn't havethe chance to watch the speed test video , you can do it right now , the video link is inthe video description. i know that many s4 users are in love withaosp based roms and that's why i'm giving
you 3 roms to choose fromr.r rom , cm13 opt , cm13 official this is my new top 10 roms for galaxy s44 roms based of samsung tw 3 roms based on gpeand 3 roms based on aosp you can try them one by one every week andi'm pretty sure that one of them will fit your daily usage. all those roms are available in one playlistin the video description. if you like the video plz don't forget thelike button and subscribe to get more videos, thank you for watching peace.
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