Thursday, January 26, 2017

How To Flashing bedove x11c

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How To Flashing bedove x11c

welcome to cookin' gone wild field to we'll be dove hunting in central indiana. i'm here with kent hanauer, one of our districtwildlife biologists and we're going to talk a little bit about what dove hunting is. whatdo people normally think when they think dove hunting? well, in most of the eastern united states,dove hunting is for the mourning dove or the common gray dove, turtle dove is another namefor it. most dove hunting is done over prepared fields and it's done with shotguns, its basicallyall done with shotguns. when you say prepared fields, what do youmean? normally there's a lure crop planted and thenpartially harvested and leave some of it standing

for cover for the hunters. basically whatyou are working towards is to have some of the waste grain and some open bare dirt - doveslike both of those - on site. okay, so what do you typically plant thenfor doves? most of the dove hunting fields that i'vebeen in are sunflowers. some other folks have used early maturing corn varieties and occasionallysome small grains like millet or wheat or things like that. okay, so it looks like we don't have a wholelot of equipment that we really need to go dove hunting. so lets kind of run throughwhat we need. basically for dove hunting you need to havea shotgun and the appropriate shells. i've

got two different shotguns here, a 12 gaugeand a 20 gauge. the 12 gauge is more of a field-grade gun and the 20 gauge is a littlebit more of a nicer gun, but i thought i'll let michelle have a nice gun to shoot. inboth cases they are relatively small shot. i've got number 6's for the 12 gauge and usually7's or 7-and-a-halves, some people would even shoot 8's. then on the 20 gauge i've got 7's,again it's anywhere from 6's to 8's is what most people use on a shotgun. so what kind of shot pattern are we lookingat here? the birds are moving fast and are relativelyclose, so you want your pattern to open up pretty quickly so you can get your pelletson the birds.

great! so is there anything else we reallyneed to get out there and get us some doves? i think probably the other most importantthing is a set of camouflage clothing. as with most birds, doves have pretty good eyesight,so once they see what's going on they start avoiding things that don't fit into the a relatively decent set of camouflage clothing is helpful so you can blend into your un-mowedstrips or un-picked strips and basically hide in there and have a little bit of cover. otherwisebirds will just start avoiding you. now there's one more thing that will makedove hunting a lot more enjoyable and a lot easier. okay, great, so what is it?

dogs. my name is ron bonham, these are field-bredenglish springer spaniels. they're three years old, the one on my right, the black and white,is named lakota, and the liver and white is biz. they love to retrieve, they love to please,good temperament around other dogs. you'll see how they retrieve, we knock the bird downand they're right on it and bringing it back to you. what is that lakoty? biz. look. woah. yeah there's one going down right out there.they're using that other end big time down there.

yeah, look at that. when you're going through the fields and we'redoing a little bit of a walk-up type hunting activity, you're going to want to have yourgun up. when i see or hear one, i pull the gun up, bring it to shoulder, get my headdown on the stock and as soon as i know where it's at i get my finger on the trigger andstart tracking the bird and try to pass over in front of the bird, get in front and pullthe trigger and keep following through as i go on across. now i guess my question is; how far out doi want to lead? for me it's hard to put a number of feet onit or things like that, i just know that it's

farther out than i guess you typically thinkyou want to lead something. they're moving pretty fast and they're relatively small soit feels like you're shooting way out in front of them. it's a little bit of a learning curve,just kind of getting used to it and throwing a few shots close to them and seeing whathappens. practice. yup, practice. oh we'll get some practice. yes, i'm sure i'll get lots of practice. there it goes, right there! that's the oneyou want. i see that now!

there's another one in the air. it was right in there, they're close. woah, woah, good girl. good girl. that's ayoung bird too. you can see by the markings that it's a hatch-yearbird. it's got those real light, buffy tips on all of the feathers. it hasn't even reallystarted replacing with it's adult molt yet. it's a young bird from this year. good girl, bizzy, good girl. she ain't goingto take it from you. that's an adult bird too, isn't it? yeah, that one's an adult male bird. lookat all the nice real distinct, bright colors,

around the neck and the blue on the nape.and that's got a band on it ron! wooo! i wonder where that came from? here's your shot, that one's yours! ugghh. no bird, no bird. so far so good, i got one shot off. and, youknow, practice makes perfect right? so you know... i've got a bird coming this way. thatwas quick! take that, take that!

oh! dang it! good try. ugghh... oh. take it, take it! that was a lucky bird. so, i was standing there, he said to takea shot. i thought about it, i thought about it, i thought okay i'm ready. i pulled thetrigger. i got the one, oh you got one, you got yourbird! it went down!

hahaha, yes! congratulations! look at that! hey good girl, bizzy. bizzy got your bird!come here biz. there you go, i had no expectations of beingable to do this today. i'm glad that i was successful, i think i've got it figured outa little bit. so hey, one bird, i'm happy. this is a successful hunt for me. so we just got done in the field. we had asuccessful dove hunt. we have 20 doves all together. i harvested two, which is not badfor my first time out, right?

not bad. now we are going to learn how to process thesedoves so we can take them from the field to the table. normally what i do is i have a pair of kitchenshears, some foil that i put the cleaned, or partially cleaned dove breasts on, andthen a bucket with a bag for the left overs. first thing i do: grab the bird like that,kind of hold the wings back out of the way and i tend to pull most of the feathers offthe breast area just so they're not in my way later as i'm working through them. getthat breast meat kind of exposed and cleared so there's still skin on it. i reach in underthe sternum with my thumb and just force it

in and through and then kind of pry up. andthis is where the shears come in. i cut the shoulders loose. looks like it's definitely eaten some sunflowers. yeah, sunflowers and foxtail seed. then i kind of peel the skin off by fingerthe best i can. get as many of the feathers off as i can. and there i go. i put it onthere and i go to the next. i'll do, typically i'll do whatever i have in the bag - 10, 15or 20 if it's a group of us - and then i'll take them in and finish cleaning them up,run a little water over them and clean them up in the house.

well this has been great. now i know how tohunt doves, how to clean doves and next we're going to cook the doves. i want to thank youfor taking us out today and showing us how to clean the doves. and now we're going totake these into the kitchen. today we're going to be making a dove benedictand the first thing you are going to do is make an herb topping. so i have fresh minthere and i'm just going to cut a little bit up. we're going to add to this some freshgarlic, which i've already pressed. it's about four cloves. and then we're also going toput in some lemon zest. that's going to go on top at the end. add my garlic in thereand then i'm just going to zest my lemon and that's all you need for the herb topping.

the next thing you are going to do is takeyour dove breasts and i just put a little bit of season salt on these and let them sitout, just so that they're not really cold from the fridge. just go ahead and cut thebreast meat off. then we're going to take these over to the stove and sautee them. we have our pan heated at medium heat. we'regoing to throw in three tablespoons of butter and let that melt down. while that's meltingi'm going to start putting in the dove breasts. it's not going to take very long to sear it.while that's happening i have some chicken stock, two cups of chicken stock on the backburner we're just going to bring to a simmer. we're going to use that for our gravy. i cookedthe dove breasts for approximately two minutes

on each side. now we're going to take themout of the butter and set them off to the side. now we're going to make our gravy, sothe next thing we're going to add in is the shallots. we're just going to cook these untilthey're translucent. now i'm just going to add in a little bit more butter and let thatmelt down. i'm kind of scraping the pan to really make sure all of the flavors come out.and then we're going to add in one to two tablespoons of flour. you're going to continuallymix as you do this. so what i'm making right now is actually called a roux and your'regetting all of the flavor from the butter out of the pan and the flour is going to thickenup. then what you are going to do is add in the chicken stock and it's going to make thegravy. you kind of want this to be a nice

brown color when it's done and you want toconstantly keep stirring so it doesn't burn. that looks pretty good, so i'm going to addin the chicken stock. you want this to be warm when you put it in so that you're notadding in a cold stock to your already warm pan. i'm just going to stir and make surei get all of the little tasty dove bits off the bottom. we're going to let this reducedown. it will take about five minutes for it to cook and then we're going to add inthe maple syrup and the apple juice. this has reduced down so we're going to add inthe maple syrup - a quarter of a cup - and two tablespoons of apple juice and mix thataround. we're going to let that cook down and reduce just a little bit longer untilit's all incorporated.

here is our finished dove and egg benedictand it looks super awesome. and of course my favorite part is eating, so i am just goingto dive in here and make sure i get a little bit of everything with the sauce. perfectfor breakfast, something a little bit different. the gravy is a little bit sweet, you havethat maple flavor in there. so if you want the full recipe, you can visit our website.if you want to keep up with new recipes you can follow us on facebook or subscribe toour youtube channel. i can't wait to see you next time on cookin' gone wild. yup. yeah i'm pretty sure i stepped in thedog poo. it's fine. that's why they're hunting boots. it'll mask my scent for deer season.

because deer love dogs, right? sure, yeah. yeah that's what they do, they come lookingfor dogs. yeah, don't you know that?

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