Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How To Flashing amoi a900w

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How To Flashing amoi a900w

scp tale: the warrior and the dragon able paced towards the towering monstrositycasually, nonchalant in his motions, swaggering and grinning as he did so. a massive two-handed claymore was held inplace over one of his shoulders, the whirring gears and saws that covered its surfaced trundlingaway noisily, while the many small blades that made up its jagged edge slowly slid acrossthe rim contentedly, purring like a cat. the beast in front of him was a monolith inthe sparse landscape, a monument of destruction, the waves of hatred and anger radiating offof its frame palpable, rivaling even able’s lust for bloodshed.

it simply stood there, a mass of heavily platedcarapace and flesh, small black eyes in its mammoth skull like holes into the void, restingmalevolently above thick serrated fangs, slick with drool. even as he approached it, it was steadilychanging, its tissue warping, the plates and armour growing thicker, mounds of muscle andsinew and bone sliding over each other incessantly, all in a bid to reform into something thatwould better stand this coming assailant. truly, this was a godhead of annihilation,a being that embodied the primal destruction of existence. he could hardly contain his glee.

after all this time, after the wait of centuries,he would actually meet a being that could surpass his capacity for violence. maybe. he walked until he was mere feet from itscolossal form, and, after a moment to savour this wondrous anticipation that he was feeling,he spoke up. “i have heard tales of creatures like you. glorious beasts of scale and flesh, talonand fang, a prowess in battle even greater than the immense intellect hiding behind thosebestial eyes. they said your kind once ruled the earth fromenormous stockpiles of treasure, killing and

eating all who displeased you. but you were knocked from your throne, oneby one, by the great warriors who walk this world no longer, until there were no more,and you became but mere myth,” he whispered breathlessly. “even i had thought you to be nothing butfairy tales, but yet, here you stand before me, a living dragon…” there was a rumble from the beast, and itsmouth began to move, cracking open slowly, as a statue come suddenly to life. “pathetic…”

it grumbled, its voice thick and heavy, likea mountain collapsing into itself a thousand times over. “a dragon? you simple little pile of rot. you understand nothing, as i would expectof a well-trained lapdog” at this, able’s expression darkened, andthe sound of the sword on his shoulder began to pick up as the blades twirled ever so faster. “….what?” he said slowly, in a low voicethat spoke of rage barely contained. “that is what you are, is it not?

a trained and broke mutt, bound with a collarand all,” it murmured, gesturing slightly towards the thick metal choker around hisshoulders and neck. “i chose this,” he replied stiffly, hisface contorted into scowl. “whether you chose it or not, you are stilla dog of those things. the only difference being that you eat fromtheir hands, rather than a bowl,” it sneered, the expression almost visible on its inhumanface. able’s face twitched, and he tightened hisgrip on the handle of his weapon, the revolving blades now turning at a considerable speed,protesting with a dull screech. “at least i can choose my fate,” he roaredangrily, launching his sword with a downwards

swing at the beast’s head like the almightywrath of some obscene god. but…. the creature responded in a way able had neverbefore seen in all his millennia of fighting. it head butted the weapon. the top of its skull and shell shattered intobulky fragments, its eyes bulging as the inside of its cranium was pulverised. one of its eyes burst with a wet pop, andtorrents of thick, viscous fluid gushed from its mouth, chunks of meat and tissue pouringforth like a fountain of blood and gore. but in head butting the blade, able was thrownoff balance by the force of it, recoiling

from the attack automatically, leaving hisstomach wide open. in that split second of defencelessness, hissight was filled with the gargantuan fist of the monster, a boulder sized bulk of bonyplate, ploughing into his entire torso, smashing into him with the force of a hurricane andknocking his sword from his hands. he was flung over ten metres away like a ragdoll, demolishing innumerable obstacles in his way. his body skidded heavily against the ground,shredding the cloth and skin from his back, until he finally came to an abrupt stop, halfembedded in a large boulder. he hung there limply, streams of blood pouringfrom his eyes, nose, mouth and ears, his face

slack in a stunned expression of amazement. and then he laughed. he laughed long and hard, smiling and baringhis pointed teeth in a bloody smirk that made it appear that he had just finished a gruesomemeal. he spoke up in a language long dead, but themeaning of the words he said were unmistakable. he was issuing a challenge. but to his surprise, the lizard looked likeit was having some kind of seizure. it was repeatedly sucking air in heavily throughits nostrils, puffing itself up even bigger than it was normally, and consuming the viscerasoaked dirt quickly, its huge claws scrabbling

away at the ground, and stuffing clumps ofit into its toothy maw. and then something amazing happened. the wound, which had warped the creature’sskull into a shape reminiscent of an overripe tomato, began to undo itself, the beast’shead shifting back into its regular shape, the broken plates buckling and falling offto be consumed once more, and revealing a shiny wet carapace formed under the old, eventhicker than the last. “fate? what would you understand of fate? fate is life, and you…

you and all of this is death,” the creaturebellowed, beginning to charge towards him. at this, able chuckled. “well, i can’t argue with that,” hereplied gleefully, pulling an enormous mace out of the shadows of his ragged cloak, itshandle well over six feet in length, its head nothing more than a mass of whirling spikes,screaming obscenely as they spun in an intricate pattern of death. the beast lumbered towards him quickly, itsmighty footsteps causing the earth to shake, clods of dirt torn up in its wake, bearingdown on him with the force and inevitability of an avalanche.

able pulled back, standing sideways, movinghis arms back behind him and grinding his feet into the ground. he turned towards the impending disaster,swinging his weapon idly with a seasoned flair. and then, the beast was upon him, and he swung,time seeming to stop as his weapon once more collided with the creature's head. there was a deafening crunch as its head wascrushed again, splattered into pieces, its spine impacting, the monster becoming visiblyshorter as the unstoppable force propelling it met with the immovable force collidingwith it. the sheer amount of chaos generated by thosetwo immense forces meeting launched the reptile

several dozen meters away, spinning like anerrant missile, lumps of it flying off as it sailed through the air. it hit the earth with a boom, bits and piecesof its frame dotting the landscape around the impact crater like raindrops during springshowers. able cracked his neck, ignoring the bloodstreaming down the thick gash in his leg, or the three along his chest, gained whenhis opponent slashed at him as he swung. instead, he discarded the now bent and stillmace behind him with an uncaring toss, popped his shoulders back into place with a jerky,awkward shrug, and started to reset his shattered elbow.

the creature pushed itself up, eating everythingaround it, growing heavier, thicker and more rocklike in appearance. it shook off the excess blood from its formlike a dog, droplets of the thick dark liquid spattering the earth around it, and beganto clump out of the crater. it lumbered over the lip of the fissure ithad created, only to be greeted with a large chakram shredding into its flesh, the ringdigging in as the exterior saw blades spun and forced it ever deeper into the wound. several more followed suit, flying from able’shands as he drew them out of the shadows, running towards his opponent.

he threw himself into the air, unleashinga monstrous axe from the folds of his cloak, and hammering down onto his opponent likea bomb. it shrugged off the attack as a horse doesa gnat, trying to swat able with its huge clawed hands. he dodged and weaved around its sailing fists,planting drill like daggers into its thick hide, leaving them to rip and tear into itsflesh. whenever an attack would come close to landingon him, he would pull himself aside using an embedded knife close at hand. still, the creature showed no sign of slowingits attacks, or even that it felt any pain

at all. it was single-minded in its assault, withonly one objective in its sight. kill. suddenly, a stray claw caught able acrossthe shoulder, causing him to stumble. he was rewarded for this action with anothercrushing fist to the gut, pinning him solidly to the ground. the beast lifted its other claw to deal thefinishing blow, an executioner's axe raised for its unsightly purpose, then descendingin a flash of light and shadow. it raised its hand again to crush whateverremained of able, but was mildly surprised

to find that its arm suddenly ended at theelbow, a river of molten blood flowing freely from the wound. the other arm quickly followed suit, snippedoff at the joint by a gigantic mechanical pair of scissors held by able, the inner bladesspinning feverishly, fresh gore spraying from their moving teeth. the monster attempted to consume the fallenlimbs and replace what it had lost, only to meet the bladed boot of able, kicking it directlyin the bottom of the jaw and knocking it onto its back. able fell onto the prone creature like a jackalonto its prey, laying into the creature with

an animalistic ferocity, screaming incoherentlyin his berserker blood rage. he kept pounding on the beast with his weapons,pulling out a fresh one each time another got too deeply lodged to pull out, or brokenfrom the sheer strain. eventually, he pulled back, his breathingheavy, drenched completely in vile smelling crimson liquid, a bloody, hellish apparition. he watched it still struggle to breath, itsbody still trying to reform itself. and that was when he saw it. a pulse emitted from the creature, a shockwavethat forced aside the very fabric of reality, the world warping around the beast as a shockof electricity quickly ran across its mutilated

body. but whatever it was, he did not care. it expected no quarter, and he would giveit none. it looked at him weakly, blatant disgust andhatred still as strong, still as clear as it had always been. he pulled a last long sword out of his shreddedcloak, and intended to deliver the final blow. the beast bared its fangs, and shot up ashis sword descended. his blade buried itself in the roof of thecreatures mouth, travelling straight through its brain and out the top of its head, theblades still spinning as they ripped through

the pulsing grey matter. still the monster lived, its toothy maw wrappedaround able’s arm. it eyed him smugly, and gently, almost reverently,bit directly through his arm, ivory teeth effortlessly slicing through muscle and boneto meet together with a light click. able staggered back in surprise, and the creaturereared back, head butting him in the skull with a piercing crack, knocking him onto hisass. it gave him a final cold look, and openedits mouth to consume him. before its jaws closed around him, able grabbedthe sword still embedded in its head, grasping the hilt from inside its mouth.

as the beasts mouth closed around him, heforced it down with all of his strength, slicing the beast clean in two. but its motions, once set in action, couldnot be stopped. its teeth cleaved his upper torso in two,freeing his remaining arm and head to flop lifelessly on the ground. with his final moments of consciousness, ablethought he could hear a strange whistling sound, like something falling from a greatheight. then… only darkness. time passed as a dreamless sleep, and ableawoke to find himself whole and anew, back

in his tomb. he moved jerkily, forcing open the coffinthat held him, pushing aside the chains hurriedly in a bid to get out of that bitter cold. it took him several minutes to unlock thestone door that blocked his escape, all the time pawing at the frosty ground with hisboots, his breath crystallizing in front of him. when he finally did emerge, he breathed asigh of relief. he had never liked the cold, being more aman for heat and warmth. still, he reasoned to himself, that was mostlikely the best fight he had had in ages.

there should be a feast to celebrate, withall of his team. now where had they put that strange "pizza"box?

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