Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
do not forget there are some additional tips from me:
How To Flashing ambrane tv stick
this video is designed to be a guide. please note that other complications may existthat aren't addressed in this guide. while we always strive to provide accurateand detailed information, we can't guarantee that it will fix your tvs issues. shopjimmy is not responsible for any harmthat you may cause to yourself or damage to your tv, during the repair process. try all repairs and troubleshooting at yourown risk. be sure to take all of the proper safety precautions. in this video we will show how to downloada firmware update for your main board in a
sony tv, from the sony support website. the firmware update should be done immediatelyafter installing the board. in order to install the firmware update, goonline and download the software from the sony website. then put the software onto a usb flash driveand then stick that usb flash drive into the tv. we will start by showing the process for obtainingthe software, extracting it and copying it to the usb flash drive. connect the flash drive to a computer, sothat it can be formatted.
formatting the flash drive will erase everythingthat is currently on it. format the drive as fat32. click the link in the description for directionson formatting in fat32. once the usb drive is ready, download thefile. go to esupport.sony.com. click on the drivers and software button. enter your tv model number and click go. scroll down and click on the firmware tab. click on the download button.
on the next page, click download now. read and accept the user agreement. after click on accept, for the agreement,the download should automatically begin. after it begins, click the back button togo to the previous page. on this page, you can scroll down and readvarious information about updating the firmware. it is crucial that you read the importantnotes section on this page. also, if you need further instructions, youcan click on the links that are shown on this page. once the file has completed downloading, goand find the zip file, extract the contents
of the zip file per the instructions on thesony page, based on your operating system. take the extracted folder and drag it ontothe usb flash drive. in this video we are using one of our testtvs. this test tv has a cracked screen, but weneed to use it for the video. please excuse the fact that the cracks mighthide some letters or words from the words that are showing up on the tv screen. completing the firmware update will not fixthe cracked screen. after you have replaced the main board, youcan insert the usb flash drive into the tv. then, go ahead and plug in the tv.
power on the tv using the remote or key controller. be sure the tv has powered on, so the updatewill automatically take place. after you have installed the replacement mainboard, if you have the symptom of a blinking amber / green light on the front of your tv,this means the firmware needs to be updated. if you do not have an amber green light blinkingon your tv set, after you replace the main board, you can still try and update the firmwareto be sure it has the current update installed. insert the usb flash drive into the tv. plug in the tv. power on with the remote or key controller.
be sure the tv has powered on so the updatewill automatically take place. allow up to ten minutes for the update toinstall. the tv should restart after the update iscomplete and there should be a message on the screen saying it has been completed. if there is no message on the screen, thetv should at least show an image on the screen, meaning that the update has been completedand your tv is working normally. if you insert the usb drive and you receivea message on the screen saying there is no new software available, then you cannot updatethe firmware as your firmware is already up to date.
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