Download File Firmware and Flashtool plus Video Tutorial compressed:
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How To Flashing 5star p10
so you want to know how to get those fancystars for your file on the main menu, huh? well, there's 5 of them in total and eachhas a different condition. for star #1, you simply have to defeat bowserin world 8. for a second star, find all green stars inworlds 1 through the flower world. if you have trouble finding any, make sure to checkout our full guide linked in the description below/ similarly, to earn a third star, find allof the stamps in worlds 1 through the flower world. and again, our full guide linked inthe description will show you where to find them
to get star #4, you'll have to earn a goldflag on every level by grabbing the top of every flagpole. although this can be tricky,use the cat suit to easily climb to the top of each one. for the 5th and final star, you'll have tocomplete every level as all 5 characters. this can obviously take a while, but there'sa trick that can it much faster. yo'll also find a link to it in the description below oh, and if you want to have your stars sparklelikes ours here, you have to complete every level without taking advantage of the assistblock's white tanooki suit to complete a level. however, if you have, you can simply replaythose levels without it to earn your sparkles.
thanks for watching and make sure to staytuned to gamexplain.com for more super mario 3d world video guides and other things gamingtoo
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